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VOCAB ONLY Arthropods

Explore the fascinating world of arthropods, organisms with jointed legs and an exoskeleton. Learn about their circulatory system, specialized appendages, regenerative abilities, and more.

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VOCAB ONLY Arthropods

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  1. VOCAB ONLYArthropods

  2. exoskeleton open Skeleton on the outside of the body ____________________ Circulatory system in which _____________________ Circulatory fluid is NOT contained in vessels Big pincher claw on a crayfish __________________ Ability to drop off a body part to escape a predator _______________________ cheliped autotomy

  3. regeneration Ability to regrow a lost body part ____________________ Smaller feelers that sense touch, taste, and equilibrium ____________________ Part of the exoskeleton in a crayfish that covers the cephalothorax __________________ Type of larva with 3 pairs of appendages and one eye_________________________ antennules carapace nauplius

  4. Compound eye An eye composed of many ____________________light detectors each with it own lens One of 10 bilaterally paired appendages on the abdomen of a crayfish that create watercurrents, transfer sperm (males) & carry young (females) ____________________ A heart shaped movable mouth part that functions in chewing in a crayfish ________________________ Blood in an animal with open circulation ______________________________ swimmerets mandible hemolymph

  5. maxilliped Thoracic appendage in arthropods used to touch, taste, and manipulate food __________________ Larger segment made byfusing smaller sections together _____________ Structure through whichspiders release silk ________________________ Center section of acrayfish’s tail __________ tagma spinnerets telson

  6. uropods Side sections of acrayfish’s tail ____________________ Carbohydrate found in theexoskeleton of arthropodsthat makes it flexible ____________________ Process of periodically shedding the exoskeleton toallow growth ________________________ chitin molting

  7. Malpighian tubules Main excretory organ inmost insects and somemyriapods and arachnids _______________ An organ for gas exchange inthe abdomen of arachnidswith parallel folds that resemblea book ________________________ Free swimming larva seen in Crustaceans with 3 pairs ofappendages and one eye ___________________ Book lungs Nauplius

  8. External fertilization Joining of egg and spermoutside the body ____________________ Organ for osmoregulationand excretion of nitrogenwaste in crayfish ____________________ Body system that useshormones to control other body systems ___________________ Green glands Endocrine

  9. osmoregulation Maintaining the balanceof water and ions in the body ________________ Concentration of nervousand sensory tissue in theanterior end of an animal__________________ Ability to self-amputate body parts ________________________ Ability to regrow lost body parts _______________ cephalization autotomy regeneration

  10. gills Respiratory organ thatexchanges gases with water__________________ Reproductive organ thatmakes sperm ____________________ General term forreproductive organs ___________________ Nerve center found in thehead ______________________________ testes gonads Cerebral ganglia

  11. Vas deferens Small tubules that carrysperm to the exit __________________ Reproductive organ thatmakes eggs ____________________ Part of the exoskeletonthat covers the cephalothorax________ A pincer-like mouthpart insome arthropods like arachnids ____________ ovary carapace chelicera

  12. tracheae System of tubes in spiders that ___________________carry air directly to the tissues throughopenings in the exoskeleton Appendages that manipulatefood and draw water ___________________currents over the gills in a crayfish Openings in the exoskeleton _____________________ that let air into the trachea maxilla spiracles

  13. arteries Blood vessels that carry blood ________________________ away from the heart Stomach closest to the mouth ______________________ Teeth in the stomach of a __________________ crayfish that help grind food Organism with “jointed legs” and an exoskeleton ________________________ cardiac Gastric mill Arthropod

  14. vertebrate Organism with a backbone ____________________ Organism whose blastopore becomes its mouth ____________________ Body cavity formed within the mesoderm that surroundsthe internal organs ______________________ Outside body covering in an animal ________________ protostome coelom integument

  15. Internal fertilization Joining of an egg & sperm insidethe female’s body ____________________ Kind of development in whichoffspring hatch as larva and must ____________________ undergo metamorphosis to become adults Term used to describe a female crayfish carrying ____________________eggs or larvae Holes in the crayfish’s heart __________________ that allow the return of blood Indirect development “in berry” ostia

  16. invertebrate PRACTICE VOCAB: Organism without a backbone ____________________ Organism whose blastopore becomes its anus ____________________ Parts that extend from the surface of the body like arms, legs, __________________antenna, maxillipeds Large “feelers” on the head of acrayfish that sense touch and taste __________________ deuterostome appendages antenna

  17. veins Blood vessels that carry blood back ________________________ to the heart In animals the body plan where the left and right sides are mirror images of each other ____________________ Body section made by fusion of the head and thorax __________________ Organisms with 10 legs __________________ Bilateral symmetry cephalothorax decapods

  18. uropods Side sections of a crayfish’s tail ____________________ that help in “tailflips” Term used to describe a female crayfish carrying ____________________eggs or larvae Section of exoskeleton that __________________ covers the cephalothoraxin a crayfish Type of circulation in which __________________hemolymph is NOT contained inblood vessels and flows loose inside the body spaces “In berry” carapace Open circulation

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