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Nursing Home vs. Home Which is Better for Dementia Patients in the Last Stage

As dementia worsens stage by stage, it can make a person more dependable on his/her family or caregiver. Nursing homes are reliable in this scenario. Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Abbey Healthcare, Former Director is of the view that these are centers where special care can be provided to them.

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Nursing Home vs. Home Which is Better for Dementia Patients in the Last Stage

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  1. Nursing Home vs. Home: Which is Better for Dementia Patients in the Last Stage?

  2. As dementia worsens stage by stage, it can make a person more dependable on his/her family or caregiver. Nursing homes are reliable in this scenario. Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Abbey Healthcare, Former Director is of the view that these are centers where special care can be provided to them. But in some cases, even at-home care can be given to patients. Particularly during the last stage, both choices can help. But when a better option has to be selected, families should go through factors like costs, risks, facilities, etc. This can help decide which type of care is better for the patient. • How does a Nursing Home Help Dementia Patients? • Nursing homes are known for providing the best care to dementia patients. This holds true particularly when they are going through the last stage of this disorder. It is similar to a facility that looks after the needs of patients. • This facility can help them during the last stage in the following ways: • Usually, nursing homes offer 24-hour assistance and care. • They can provide help even when the condition is worsening rapidly. • Here, the safety of patients is of utmost care. • Individuals can remain in the company of other dementia patients to get more support.

  3. Which Facilities does a Nursing Home Offer for Dementia? • A nursing home has the required facilities that can positively contribute to the well-being of dementia patients. One of these comprises the availability of rooms with items best for the safety of patients, adds Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Abbey Healthcare, Former Director. • Mr. Sodhi further says that patient-friendly infrastructure is featured in these centers. • Patients can access staff members for most of their requirements. • Most importantly, the best health services are provided here. • Is a Nursing Home or Home Better for Dementia Patients? • Selecting a home or nursing home for a patient during the final stage of dementia requires attention. But both options can be beneficial in varying ways. However, when a specific type has to be selected, certain factors should be closely looked at.

  4. Nursing Home vs. Home: Are there Any Disadvantages? While a home or nursing home can help in ensuring care for dementia patients in varying ways, they can be associated with certain disadvantages too. Prior to finalizing a selection, caregivers should be aware of the same, advisesPrabhdyal Singh Sodhi Abbey Healthcare, Former Director. The costs required to opt for a nursing home can pose some limitations for the families of dementia patients. Since they are equipped with the required facilities, families may require spending enough. This can be a limitation for those with limited financial sources. Another limitation can arise when at-home care is preferred. Usually, in the final stage of the brain disorder, it is common for patients to behave unusually. Their behavior can be hard to control without expert care or guidance. Mr. Sodhi opines that in such a scenario, it is best to opt for a nursing home for the betterment of the patient.

  5. In Closing When dementia reaches the end stage, more care is required by patients. With both nursing homes and at-home care, they can be managed. But the ways of managing them can differ. Depending on crucial factors involving both patients and their families, Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Abbey Healthcare, Former Director says that the ideal option can be selected.

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