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Get 2018 Updated Oracle 1z0-479 Exam Practice Questions (PDF Online Practice Test)<br>https://www.pass4leads.com/exams/Oracle-1Z0-479-Practice-Tests<br>Pass4Leads Features<br>100% Updated Oracle 1z0-479 Practice Test<br>90 Days Free Updates<br>98% Success Rate<br>100% Money Back Guarantee<br>20,000 Professionals Used<br>Settled by Oracle Certified Professionals<br>Oracle 1z0-479 Practice Questions - PDF Format<br>Oracle OPN 1z0-479 Practice Test - Online Practice Test<br>30% Instant Discount on Purchasing Oracle 1z0-479 Exam Bundle<br>The Oracle Partner Network Certifications certification is a popular certification in the Database Access Management field. The professionals who working in Database Access Management field and decided to upgrade their employment career so they need to pass the Oracle 1z0-479 exam which is the course requirement of the Oracle Partner Network Certifications certification. Some of the top employers around the world are willing to pay more to those candidates who have Oracle Partner Network Certifications certified their Database Access Management skills. In this regard the Oracle Partner Network Certifications certification is a milestone to achieve and they would pass Oracle
1z0-479 Exam Questions (Oracle Access Management Suite Plus 11g Essentials Exam) Offered By Pass4leads.com Settled by Oracle Certified Professionals Why Choose Pass4Leads => 100% Updated Practice Material => Settled By Oracle Certified Professionals => 90 Days Free Updates => PDF Practice Questions => Online Practice Test Software => No Need Any Installation => 90 Days Free Updates => 100% Money Back Guarantee
Version: 9.0 Question 1 Identif iour data stores or repositories used bf Oracle Identtf Federaton (OIF) 11g. (Choose iour.) A. Federaton data store B. User data store C. Audit data store D. Session and Message data store E. Reportsdata store F. Confguraton data store G. Role data store Aoswern A,B,D,F Explanatonn htpsn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:EE11764_1:install.1111:e1E__E:iederaton.htotI#OIM111E Question 2 Which authentcaton scheoe is the preierred opton ior integratng OAM with OAAM in 11gRE? A. OAAMBasic authentcaton scheoe B. TAPScheoe authentcaton scheoe C. OAAMAdvanced authentcaton scheoe D. LDAPScheoe authentcaton scheoe Aoswern C Explanatonn htpsn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:EE23624_1:doc.1111:e1116_:aao.htotAII#GE72 Question 3 Which protocol does WebGate use to cooounicate with the Access Manager server? (choose the best answer.) A. TCP B. HTTP C. SSL D. Oracle AccessProtocol (OAP) E. Policf Adoinistraton Protocol (PAP) Aoswern C
Explanatonn htpn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:EE11174_1:doc.1111:e11617:/eftool.hto Question 4 In Securitf To/en Service, what is the prerequisite when oanaging a To/en Issuance Teoplate? (Choose the best answer.) A. Confro whether the desired LDAP Identtf Store is registered with and confgured as the Deiault Store. B. A WebGateoust be registered with Oracle Identtf Federaton. C. The WSS Validaton Teoplate oust be confgured to accept onlf X.1_3 certfcates. D. SAML to/ens oust be present in the SOAP header. Aoswern D Explanatonn htpn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:EE11174_1:doc.1111:e11617:osts4coopnt.htotCDDDDADE(about and oracle securitf to/en service) servers Question 5 In an enterprise deplofoent, where are the binarf and librarf fles that are required ior Oracle Access Manageoent located? (Choose the best answer.) A. IDM4ORACLE4HOME B. IAM4ORACLE4HOME C. ORACLE4COMMO#4HOME D. IAM4MW4HOME:iao Aoswern D Explanatonn htpsn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:E6_2E34_1:doc.111E:e67721:preprov.hto Question 6 How would fou add support ior additonal Internet Identtf Providers ior Oracle Access Manageoent Mobile and Social, other than the preconfgured ones such as Faceboo/ and Lin/edIn? (Choose the best answer.) A. You do this bf iopleoentng theoracle.securitf.idaas.rp.spi.ServiceproviderJava interiace. B. Support ior Internet Identtf Providers is lioited to the ones that are available out oi the box iroo Oracle Access Manageoent. C. Support ior Internet Identtf Providers is enabled through the connectors built on the Identtf Connector Fraoewor/ (ICF).
D. You do this bf iopleoentng theoracle.securitf.idaas.rp.spi.IdenttfProviderJava interiace. Aoswern D Explanatonn htpsn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:E211114_1:adoin.111E:eE1E23:oicconfginetdenttfsrvcs.htotAIAAG7E7_ Question 7 Identif two protocols that the Oracle Access Manageoent Social oodule supports ior Authentcaton and Authorizaton using Internet Identtf services. (Choose two.) A. OpenID B. WebID C. BrowserID D. Windows Live ID E. OAuth Aoswern A,E Explanatonn htpsn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:E211114_1:adoin.111E:eE1E23:oicconfginetdenttfsrvcs.htotAIAAG7E7_ Question 8 Which two earlier technologies does Oracle Access Manager 11g replace and provide a converged platoro ior? (Choose two.) A. Oracle Access Manager 1_g B. Oracle Identtf Manager 1_g C. Oracle Applicaton Server SSO (OSSO) 1_g D. Oracle WebCenter 1_g E. Oracle Enterprise Single Sing-On Aoswern A,C Explanatonn htpsn::docs.oracle.coo:cd:E6_2E34_1:adoin.111E:eE1E23:oogtntro.htotAIAAG11__