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Automated Face Tracking and Recognition

Automated Face Tracking and Recognition. Curt Hesher Anuj Srivastava Gordon Erlebacher. Overview. Review of Past Research in Face Tracking and Recognition Data Acquisition and Representation Face Tracking Using Images Generated from Geometry Face Recognition Using Range Images

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Automated Face Tracking and Recognition

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  1. Automated Face Tracking and Recognition Curt Hesher Anuj Srivastava Gordon Erlebacher

  2. Overview • Review of Past Research in Face Tracking and Recognition • Data Acquisition and Representation • Face Tracking Using Images Generated from Geometry • Face Recognition Using Range Images • Conclusions and future work.

  3. A Review of Face Tracking and Recognition • Survey papers • Past research • Commercial implementations • Persistent challenges

  4. Survey Papers • Nonconnectionist (Samal and Iyengar) – Approaches dealing with the relative position of feature points (distance between eyes, corners of the mouth, etc.) derived from certain pixel values • Connectionist (Valentin et al.) – Approaches that derive characteristics from the whole face image (i.e., PCA) • General (Chellappa et al., Barrett, Zhao et al.) – Approaches categorized as neural, statistical, and feature based

  5. Past Research • Start with 2D images • LDA, KDA, PCA, SVM, EBGM • Neural, statistical, feature analysis

  6. Commercial Implementations • Numerous implementations • Statistical, neural, and feature based • Government sponsored tests (FRVT 2000 and 2002) show accuracy between 20% and 90% depending on the environment • Robust face recognition is still unsolved

  7. Persistent Challenges • Variation from pose • Variation from lighting • Occlusions • Poor image quality • Techniques beginning with 2D data have been heavily researched. A new imaging modality should be researched: 3D Imaging

  8. A Novel Approach • Start with 3D data • Use the additional information present in 3D data for tracking and recognition

  9. Data Acquisition and Representation • Minolta Vivid 700 3D scanner • Meshes captured using 3D camera • ½ second capture time • Subject motion avoided • Light independent data capture of geometry

  10. Data Acquisition and Representation • Sample points on the surface of an object and connect them via lines to form a mesh • 200x200 geometry res. • 400x400 texture res. • About 10K points sampled from a face • About 40K pixels sampled from a face

  11. Tracking • Algorithm • Experiment • Conclusions

  12. Algorithm

  13. Algorithm • Segmentation and recognition are not addressed • Mesh is manually chosen • Video is manually chosen (subject is face forward in the first frame and at a reasonable distance from the camera)

  14. Algorithm • Tracking through synthesis • Cost function (C) indicates likeness of estimate (E) to target (T) • Follow the gradient of the cost function to achieve alignment

  15. Experiment • Synthetic and real target video • Synthetic target initially used to avoid nuisance variables (i.e., lighting, noise, etc.) • Parameters for tracking are chosen manually and refined by observation • (add video tracking example) • Successfully tracks around 20 to 50 frames before failing

  16. Experiment • Successfully tracks around 20 to 50 frames before failing

  17. Conclusions • Does not handle background clutter • Does not handle lighting variations • Computationally expensive

  18. Principle Component Analysis of Range Images for Face Recognition

  19. Facial Identification • Many current modalities of investigation (intra-feature distance, geometrical parameterization, reflectance) • Outstanding issues in previous modalities (reflectance, orientation) • New modality, Range Imaging.

  20. What are Range Images • Range Images are generated from a mesh • Meshes captured using Minolta Vivid 700 3D camera

  21. Data Collected • 115 persons • 6 facial expressions per person • 690 3D facial images • Subset of 37 persons under 6 expressions used in current experiment • Some manual correction to data (hole patching)

  22. Range Image Generation • Traverse each triangle in the mesh • Orthographically project depth values onto the range image plane

  23. Range Image Registration Automatic Preprocessing • Orientation – rotation in the image plane • Translation – translation in the image plane • Depth – translation perpendicular to the image plane

  24. Recognition using Range Images • Training data – a subset of the experimental data set is used to learn the variability in facial range images • Testing data – remaining faces used in attempted recognition • Dimension reduction – Principle Component Analysis (PCA) used to reduce facial range images to 10 dimensional vectors

  25. Dimension Reduction • Twenty largest Eigen values (above) • Three Eigen vectors from three largest Eigen values (right)

  26. Testing: Nearest Neighbor Algorithm • Use the Euclidian distance between coefficients (projection of the image in dominant subspace – first ten Eigen vectors) • Nearest neighbor (image from training set with most similar projection) chosen as match

  27. Identification Results • Correct identification

  28. Identification Results • Incorrect identification

  29. Identification Results • Incorrect identification

  30. Identification Results Training Faces

  31. Future Research • Other projection techniques (Fisher Discrimination Method) • Joint recognition using range and texture images

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