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Business Documentaries/Reality TV in the Classroom

Business Documentaries/Reality TV in the Classroom. Barry Hawthorne Eltaf Members‘ Day 28 September 2013. Content. Comprehension (Confessions of a Superhero) Warmers ( Freakonomics /Life in a Day) Case Study (Theo’s Adventure Capitalists) Grammar (Around the World/Salesman)

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Business Documentaries/Reality TV in the Classroom

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  1. Business Documentaries/Reality TV in the Classroom Barry Hawthorne Eltaf Members‘ Day 28 September 2013

  2. Content Comprehension (Confessions of a Superhero) Warmers (Freakonomics/Life in a Day) Case Study (Theo’s Adventure Capitalists) Grammar (Around the World/Salesman) Vocabulary (The Best Movie Ever Made, Around the World, The Queen of Versailles) Discussions & Debating (Capitalism) Concepts (Dragons‘ Den)

  3. Why Use Documentaries? 1. Theyareusuallyaboutonemaintopic 2. The structureofdocumentaries: intro; middle; end 3. Provides a good mix ofscriptedandnon-scriptedlanguage 4. Exposesstudentsto authentic accentsand realEnglish (native aswellas non-native) 5. Introducesstudentstocultural aspectoflanguage 6. Versatile andadaptable 7. The power ofdocumentaries: stimulatingandmotivating

  4. Confessions of a Superhero Topic: Human resources/careers Time: 15 mins Objective: To understand what each of the characters think about their job/career Method: Simple comprehension questions Material: ML (Upper Int.)(3rd Ed) Unit 5: Job Satisfaction; ML (Int.)(3rd Ed) Unit 8: Human Resources Time: 2:20 – 6:35

  5. Freakonomics/Life in a Day Topic: Economic value of a name/Capitalism/WTO Time: 10mins Objective: To introduce the topic/warmer Method: Play the first 4/5 mins and then discuss. ‘Is there (any) economic value to your name?’ (Freakonomics) ‘Is the world economic system inherently unfair?’ (Life) Book: Speak Out (Adv.) – Unit 1: Origins Time: 05:45 – 11:00

  6. Theo‘s Adventure Capitalists Topic: Marketing/Advertising/Sales Time: 45 mins Objective: To sell/market a product to a market which will probably hate it. Method: Watch documentary for 6 mins. Stop. Students discuss possible was of marketing Marmite to the Indian market. Feedback. Play conclusion. Time: 07:51 – 29:50

  7. Around the World in 80 Trades Topic: Past Perfect/Negotiating/Brands Time: 30 mins Objective: To visualize the concept of time (in English) and the connection between the past simple and perfect Method: Using the boards as a visualization tool Book: ML (Int.) 3rd ed. Unit 1: Brands Time: 7:56 – 15:00

  8. The Queen of Versailles Topic: Vague language/Wealthy idiots Time: 20 mins Objective: Listening for detail inadvertently Method: Play and then introduce language on the board by asking questions Book: English Vocab in Use (Adv) – Unit 87: Vague Language Time: 6:44 – 16:04

  9. Capitalism: A Love Story, etc. Topic: Insurance/Ethics Time: 40 mins Objective: Introduce/practicecriticalthinking Method: Pre–teachsomevocabulary(10 words/phrases) Explaintheconceptofbeing a ‘devil‘sadvocate‘. Hand out cardsrandomlywith‘ Devil‘ or‘ Advocate‘ on them. Watch the DVD. In pairsonestudentvolunteerstobethedevil‘sadvocateandarguesagainsttheotherperson. Book: ML (Int.) (3rd Ed) Unit 10: Ethics Time: 39:30 – 45:00

  10. The Best Movie Ever Sold Topic: Brand integration/Co-promotion/Pitching a product Time: 10 - 30 mins Objective: Review typesofadvertising Method: After dealingwithvocab, playthe DVD andaskthestudentstonameasmanyadvertisingtechniquesthattheyarebombardedwith. Book: ML (Int.) (3rd Ed) Unit 5: Advertising Time: Start – 4:00/38:06 – 42:00

  11. Dragons‘ Den Topic: Pitching a product Time: 25 mins Objective: To review the 4Ps Method: Ask the students to identify the 4PS (product/price/place/promotion) Book: Business Vocab in Use (2nd Ed.) – Unit 21: Marketing and market orientation

  12. Creating your own materials Look forrepetition (grammatical & lexicalpatterns) Threestages: pre-watching/watching/after watching Look/listen formistakes in the (spoken) text Usethesubtitlesforteachinglexicalstructures, grammarandfunction (freezeframe) Find an appropriatetextand type itout (fill-in-the-blanks)

  13. Other titles Masters of Money Salesman The AscentofMoney Walmart Sicko Plunder Black Gold When China Met Africa Enron I.O.U.S.A Mr. IKEA The Oil Crash Inside Job

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