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Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic Waves. Hertz’s Discoveries Plane Electromagnetic Waves Energy in an EM Wave Momentum and Radiation Pressure The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Maxwell: Problem with Ampère’s Law. Amp è re’s Law. But there is a problem!. Consider a parallel plate capacitor. For S 1 ,.

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Electromagnetic Waves

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electromagnetic Waves • Hertz’s Discoveries • Plane Electromagnetic Waves • Energy in an EM Wave • Momentum and Radiation Pressure • The Electromagnetic Spectrum

  2. Maxwell: Problem with Ampère’s Law Ampère’s Law But there is a problem! Consider a parallel plate capacitor For S1, For S2, (No current in the gap)

  3. Contradiction! • What can we do to fix it? • Ampere’s Law works well – most of the time. • What is special about the region between the capacitors? • Let’s try to relate E to the current I. • Try fudging Ampere’s Law:

  4. Solution - Displacement Current Call I as the conduction current. Specify a new current that exists when a change in the electric field occurs. Call it the displacement current. Electrical flux through S2:

  5. Maxwell Gets Excited! Free Space: I = 0, Q = 0

  6. Waves Circular (or Spherical in 3D) Waves Plane Waves

  7. Ampère-Maxwell Law Now the generalized form of Ampère’s Law, or Ampère-Maxwell Lax becomes: Magnetic fields are produced by both conduction currents and by time-varying electrical fields.

  8. Maxwell’s Equations

  9. Hertz’s Radio Waves By supplying short voltage bursts from the coil to the transmitter electrode we can ionize the air between the electrodes. In effect, the circuit can be modeled as a LC circuit, with the coil as the inductor and the electrodes as the capacitor. A receiver loop placed nearby is able to receive these oscillations and creates sparks as well.

  10. EM Wave Oscillation

  11. Speed of Light Angular Frequency Wavelength Wavenumber w = c k Some Important Quantities

  12. The solutions to Maxwell’s equations in free space are wavelike Electromagnetic waves travel through free space at the speed of light. The electric and magnetic fields of a plane wave are perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation (they are transverse). The ratio of the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields is c. EM waves obey the superposition principle. Properties of EM Waves

  13. An EM Wave a) l=?, T=? b) If Emax=750N/C, then Bmax=? Directed towards the z-direction c) E(t)=? and B(t)=?

  14. Energy Carried by EM Waves Poynting Vector (W/m2) S is equal to the rate of EM energy flow per unit area (power per unit area) For a plane EM Wave: The average value of S is called the intensity:

  15. The Energy Density For an EM wave, the instantaneous electric and magnetic energies are equal. Total Energy Density of an EM Wave The intensity is c times the total average energy density

  16. Concept Question Which gives the largest average energy density at the distance specified and thus, at least qualitatively, the best illumination 1. a 50-W source at a distance R. 2. a 100-W source at a distance 2R. 3. a 200-W source at a distance 4R.

  17. Fields on the Screen P lamp= 150 W, 3% efficiency A = 15 m2

  18. A Momentum and Radiation Pressure Momentum for complete absorption Pressure on surface For complete reflection:

  19. Pressure From a Laser Pointer P laser= 3 mW, 70% reflection, d = 2 mm

  20. Review of key points: • Partial derivatives • Relationship between E and B • Poynting vector • Omit section 34.4. • Section 34.5: only responsible for ideas presented next.

  21. The solutions to Maxwell’s equations in free space are wavelike Electromagnetic waves travel through free space at the speed of light. The electric and magnetic fields of a plane wave are perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation (they are transverse). The ratio of the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields is c. EM waves obey the superposition principle. Properties of EM Waves

  22. Energy Carried by EM Waves Poynting Vector (W/m2) S is equal to the rate of EM energy flow per unit area (power per unit area) For a plane EM Wave: The average value of S is called the intensity:

  23. Antennas The fundamental mechanism for electromagnetic radiation is an accelerating charge

  24. Half-Wave Antenna

  25. AM radio antenna FM and TV broadcast antennas?

  26. Problem: • Very roughly, what is the frequency of cell phones? • Are CB radio frequencies higher or lower?

  27. Dorm room FM Antenna • http://www.wfu.edu/~matthews/misc/dipole.html

  28. Electromagnetic Spectrum

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