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Video conferencing within a frame of innovative learning infrastructures

Video conferencing within a frame of innovative learning infrastructures. Libor Štěpánek, Alena Hradilová, Hana Katrňáková, John Morgan, Janice de Haaff, Jo Eastlake Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic & University of Wales Aberystwyth. Outline. Course typology

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Video conferencing within a frame of innovative learning infrastructures

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  1. Video conferencing within a frame of innovative learning infrastructures Libor Štěpánek, Alena Hradilová, Hana Katrňáková, John Morgan, Janice de Haaff, Jo Eastlake Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic & University of Wales Aberystwyth

  2. Outline • Course typology • Traditional lectures/seminars • Experimental sessions • Transversal sessions • INVITE materials • Organisation skills • Technical skills • Social/Cultural Skills • Language Skills

  3. Coursetypology • “Traditional“ interactive VC lectures/seminars • Experimental sessions (e.g. design-centred, asymetric) • Transversal VC sessions

  4. “Traditional“ VCs • Teacher-Students (Students-Students) • Lectures/Seminars/Presentations +Discussions

  5. Experimental sessions • Students-Students • Team work/Project work • Combination of synchronic and asynchronic(blog/email/web pages) student communication • http://mu-uwa-secondterm.blogspot.com/ • http://www.diychartshow.com/InviteForum/viewtopic.php?t=12 • FREQUENCY: > 2 per term < every week • ACTIVITIES: structured, sequenced interactive tasks

  6. students:

  7. Students-Students Design-Centred

  8. Transversal VC sessions • Professionals –Students • Project work / Team work • INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS • SPECIFIC TOPICS

  9. Českomoravský Cement-MU+UWA professionals - students

  10. INVITE module course book

  11. SKILL LEVELS • Level 1 • Input of theoretical rules/principles • Basic practice • Level 2 • Discussing typical or/and difficult situations, style and content • Practice based on theoretical pressumptions • Level 3 • Experience based practice • Critical analysis of negotiated practice

  12. LANGUAGE SKILLS • Presentations-formality (L1) Watch three examples of presentation introductions and order them according to the level of their formality:

  13. LANGUAGE SKILLS • Presentations-BL (L1)


  15. ORGANISATION SKILLS • Students´ Design (L3)

  16. TECHNICAL SKILLS • Level 1

  17. TECHNICAL SKILLS • Level 3



  20. VIDEO CONFERENCING LITERACIES communication theories teaching theories ICT skills learning theories project research

  21. Sources: Constable, G. (date not provided). “Guidelines for Successful Video Conferencing” [online]. Available from: http://users.aber.ac.uk/ccc/vc-guidelines.pdf (Accessed 7th June, 2005). Goodfellow, R. et al. (1996): Face-to-face language learning at a distance? A study of a videoconference try-out. ReCALL, 18,2, str.5-16 McAndrew, P. et al. (1996): Videoconferencing in a language learning application. Interacting with computers, 8,2, str. 207-217. Motteram, G. (2006): Teaching and Learning with desktop Video Conferencing: Towards Effective Practice, DIVERSE Conference, Glasgow, UK Temple, B. (2006) Multi-cultural Teaching Using Video Conference and Shared Workspace, DIVERSE Conference, Glasgow, UK Video Technology Advisory Service (date not provided). “UKERNA Video Conferencing Meetings User Guide: A General Guide for Participants, Facilitators and Chairpersons” [online]. Available from http://www.video.ja.net/usrg/ (Accessed 7th June, 2005). Kress, G. & Van Leeuwen, T. (2001). Multimodal Discourse: The Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication. London: Arnold. Morgan, J. (2005). "Video conferencing as an evolving literacy practice in higher education" [online] http://www.wvn.ac.uk/bd20051117.htm European INVITE project http://invite.lingua.muni.cz MU subject village pageshttp://lingua.muni.cz/videoconferencing/ UWA subject village pageshttp://users.aber.ac.uk/jpm/el21010/el2.html MU-UWA course blogs http://mu-uwa-secondterm.blogspot.com http://thaiczechproject.blogspot.com

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