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How to use this reference sheet Assumption:

Concise Reference Sheets v9.0 by hecose. How to use this reference sheet Assumption: This reference sheet assumes that you have read the complete rules of the game and are familiar with the mechanics of the game This reference sheet is useful when:

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How to use this reference sheet Assumption:

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  1. Concise Reference Sheets v9.0 by hecose • How to use this reference sheet • Assumption: • This reference sheet assumes that you have read the complete rules of the game and are familiar with the mechanics of the game • This reference sheet is useful when: • You have not played the game for some time and do not remember all the rules details (e.g. starting money, scoring methods) • You are teaching the game and want to give a simple and structured overview • The concise reference sheets are submitted to their respective game entries at www.boardgamegeek.com. The complete set is also submitted to the “At the Gates of Loyang” game entry, for the convenience of those who wish to download all in one go. • Please send a message to my Boardgamegeek mailbox if you find any errors or have any comments. My username is hecose. • Blog: hiewandboardgames.blogspot.com • Games covered: • 10 Days in Asia • A Game of Thrones • A Game of Thrones: A Clash of Kings • Acquire • Africa • Age of Empires III • Age of Steam (2nd edition) • Agricola • Airships • Aquaretto • Ark • Around the world in 80 days • At the Gates of Loyang • Automobile • Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge • Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal • Babel • Barbarossa • Beowulf • Blue Moon • Bohnanza • Bonnie and Clyde (Mystery Rummy) • Bootleggers • Brass & 2P variant • Britannia

  2. Concise Reference Sheets v9.0 by hecose • Carcassonne Discovery • Carcassonne The City • Caylus • Caylus Magna Carta • Chateau Roquefort • Chicago Express • Chinatown • Citadels • Colosseum • Container • Cosmic Encounter • Crusader Rex (rules v1.4) • Cuba • Die Dolmengotter • Die Macher • Domaine • Dominion • Downfall of Pompeii • Dschunke • Dune (Descartes edition) • Dungeon Lords • Eastern Front 2 • El Capitan • Elfenland • Fearsome Floors • Felix: the cat in the sack • Fluch die Mumie • Formula De • Frank’s Zoo • Fresh Fish • Funny Friends • Galaxy Trucker • Ghost Stories • Goa • Greed Incorporated • Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage • Hansa • Hare and Tortoise • Hollywood Blockbuster / Traumfabrik • Homesteaders • Ice Flow • In the Shadow of the Emperor • In the Year of the Dragon • Indonesia • Incan Gold / Diamant • Java • Kayanak • Keltis • Klunker • Le Havre • Loco • Lord of the Rings • Lord of the Rings: Battlefields • Lord of the Rings: Friends & Foes • Lord of the Rings: Sauron • Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation • Louis XIV • Mamma Mia • Mamma Mia Grande • Manila • Medici • Medici vs Strozzi • Medina • Metropolys • Mexica • Mordred • Mykerinos • Nefertiti • Niagara • Notre Dame • O Zoo le Mio (Zoosim) • Oltremare • On the Underground • Once Upon A Time • Pacific Victory • Palazzo • Perikles • Planet Steam • Poison • Power Grid • Power Grid – Factory Manager • Puerto Rico • Quo Vadis? • R-Eco • Race for the Galaxy • Rommel in the Desert • Royal Turf

  3. Concise Reference Sheets v9.0 by hecose • Santiago • Scotland Yard • Settlers of Catan Card Game & 1st expansion • Show Manager • Snow Tails • Sole Mio • Space Alert • Strozzi • Struggle of Empires • Taj Mahal • Tales of Arabian Nights • Tempus • That’s Life • Thebes • Thief of Baghdad • Through the Desert • Thurn and Taxis • Ticket To Ride Card Game • Ticket To Ride series ref chart • To Court The King • Tongiaki • Trias • Tribune • Twilight Struggle • Um Reifenbreite • Uruk – Wiege der Zivilisation • Vinci • Wallenstein • Wasabi • Waterloo • Wilderness War (correction pending) • Witch’s Brew • Yspahan • Zooloretto

  4. Uruk – Wiege der Zivilisation • Start: • Player: 1 Level-1 invention (return remaining to box), 1 village, 3 resources. 5 Level-2 inventions as hand. • Level 2 cards on top of draw deck. Draw 3 for common display, 10/5/1 (for 2/3/4P) for discard pile. • Turn: (3 actions of any combination) • Take card from deck or display. Refill display at turn end. • Invent. Cost is # cards of same tech equal to Level. • 2 cards of same colour = 1 joker. • May discard old invention and use as payment. Keep stones. • May not skip Level. • Max 5, no duplicates. • Discard already invented cards for cubes. • Build 1 stone. For cost see epoch cards. 1 stone = village, 2 stones = city. • Use card function. Each card is single use per turn. • God/disaster cards drawn: • If none on display, this one drawn will be the next to occur. • If already 1 pending, event will occur after your turn end. • End: • Last stone from last Epoch taken. • Stones in common pool become available. Finish the round. • Play one more round discarding gods & disasters. • Scoring: • Inventions: city - Level x 2, village - Level x 1; else - 1pt. • Cubes: 1pt per four. • Leier: Free extra slot with village if you can invent now. • Waage: 1pt per colour in hand if you have inventions in all colours. • Others: • First time deck exhausted, remove oldest 15 cards • When need to take cube but none left, may take from others unless you are richest in that cube colour. Victim gets compensation in other colour. • Enlil, Nergal, Ninurta: • Remove 1 stone from Epoch card, hand size max 8. • Bid hand cards, value is Level. • Enlil – free invention. • Nergal – 3 cubes of same colour from general supply. • Ninurta – 1pt per city at game end. • Gibil, Marduk, Nannar: • Remove 1 stone from Epoch card, hand size max 8. • If there is a single player with fewest stones, gain special favour. The rest gain normal favour. • Gibil – 3 / 1 cubes of same colour. • Marduk – half price (round up) for next stone / 1 cube. • Nannar – half price (round up) for next stone / 1 card. • Durre, Erdbeben, Vulkanausbruch: • Remove 1 stone from Epoch card, hand size max 8. • Show everyone’s cubes, then blind bid cubes. • Tied players all win, unless everyone tied, then all lose. Losers suffer disaster. • Durre – lose 1 stone. • Erdbeben – lose invention w/o stone, else 3 cards. • Vulkanausbruch – lose 2 actions on next turn. • Ischtar: • Remove 1 stone from Epoch card, hand size max 8. • Draw 1 card or take 1 cube. • Note: It is highly recommended that you print one or more copies of the translation of the inventions. I recommend the translation by Brian Bankler: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/46193/summary-of-inventions

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