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"I shall be a champion of justice and freedom" . "I shall build a better and more peaceful world.". Literally meaning : arts of war ; referred as fighting arts O bjectives : to physically defeat other persons or defend oneself or others from physical threat
"I shall be a champion of justice and freedom" "I shall build a better and more peaceful world."
Literallymeaning: arts of war; referredasfightingarts Objectives: to physically defeat other persons or defend oneself or others from physical threat Refers: art of warfare – 15th century,European term,historicalEuropeanmartialarts Ex: nativesamericans - wrestling Martialarts
Vietnam • Vo Vietnam/Việt-Võ-Đạo • Việt= to transcend or transcendence, derivative of the country name Vietnam;Võ = martial art;Đạo = the way, the path one takes; the method or the principle • Createdbythe Grand Master Le Sangwith the objective to add a philosophical dimension to his martial art • In Europe: appearedin 1970s as Việt-Võ-Đạo sinceVõcổtruyềnViệtNamwastoodifficulttosay • "ViệtVõĐạoFederation": foundedin November 3, 1973 • YouTube - TứĐấuNam - VovinamViệtVõĐạo
National sport of South Korea InKorean: tae (태, 跆) means "tostrikeorbreakwithfoot” ; kwon (권, 拳) means "tostrikeorbreakwith fist"; do (도, 道) means "way," "method," or "art Thustaekwondomeans: "the art of the foot and fist" or "the art of kicking and punching." The meaning of teakwondo
Martial art thatcombines:combattechniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation, and philosophy Also used by the South Korean military as part of its training Two main style: onecomesfromKukkiwon, theothercomesfromthe International Taekwan-DoFederation(ITF) YouTube - World Taekwondohanmadang 2007 태권도 격파 Korea Taekwondoingeneral
Traditionaltaekwondo Sporttaekwondo • Martial art thatwasestablishedinthe 1950s and 1960s inthe South Korean Military forces • Emphasizepower and self-defense • Has evolvedinthedecades • Emphasizeonspeed and competition (asinOlympicsparring) Twogeneralbranches:traditional and sport
known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from martial arts such as karate or southern styles of kung fu the leg is the longest and strongest weapon a martial artist has, and kicks thus have the greatest potential to execute powerful strikes without successful retaliation the Koreans thought that the hands were too valuable to be used in combat The techniques
Oldestmartial art: developedby 3 kingdoms (Goguryeo,Shilla,Baekje) • Trainedinunarmedcombattechniquesdevelopingstrenght, speed,survivalkills • Most popular: subaktaekkyeon • FormingtheHwarang (specialwarriorcorp) • JoseonDynasty: fadedaway • Japaneseoccupation:learningfromthejapanese • KoreanWar: demonstration-NamTae Hi-13 rooftiles • Unation of 9 kwanstaekwondo(April 11, 1955) History of taekwando
the art in general emphasizes kicks thrown from a mobile stance, employing the leg's greater reach and power (compared to the arm) training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks some taekwondo instructors also incorporate the use of pressure points, known as jiapsul, as well as grabbing self-defense techniques borrowed from other martial arts, such as hapkido and judo The types of kicks
Uniform(도복):often white but sometimes black (or other colors) • the cross-over front jacket(resembles traditional Asian clothing) • the V-neck jacket (no cross-over,typically worn by WTF practitioners) • the vertical-closing front jacket (no cross-over, typically worn by ITF practitioners) • Belt(띠): thecolourindicatesthestudent’srankthedarkerthecolour, thehighertherank • 도장: theschoolortheplaceforpractice Features
Learningthetechniques and curriculum of taekwondo Both anaerobic and aerobic workout, includingstretching Self-defensetechniques ( 호신술) Patterns (orforms,품새, 틀, 형) Sparring ( 겨루기, or맞서기 inthe ITF), includingsparring, free-stylesparring, arrangedsparring, pointsparring, and othertypes Relaxation and meditation exercises Throwing and/orfallingtechniques ( 던지기 and 떨어지기) Breaking ( 격파 ), usingtechniquestobreakboardsfor testing, training and martialartsdemonstrations(bricks, tiles, blocks of iceorothermaterials) Examstoprogresstothenextrank A focusonmental and ethicaldiscipline, justice, etiquette, respect, andself-confidence YouTube - Team-M Taekwondo: Training in KOREA „Studies”
International Taekwon-DoFederation(ITF) World TaekwondoFederation (WTF) • founded in 1966 by Choi Hong Hi • unofficial training headquarter: located at the Taekwondo Palace(Pyongyang, North Korea); was founded in the mid-1990s • tournament committee; not technically a style or a system • recognizedbythe International OlympicCommitteein 1980 • anyonecancompeteinthe WTF eventsaslongasthey’remembers The organizations
Rank: junior - senior; student – instructior • Junior: consist of 10 ranks/geup; identifiedbybelts(colorbelts); starting from 10th geup(white) 1st geup(redwithblackstripe) • Senior: made up of 9 ranks/dan/blackbelts/degrees; beginfrom 1st degree9th degree • Promotion: bypromotiontests • Execution of patterns; breakingofboards; sparring and self-defense; answeringquestions (forhigherdans: written test orsubmittingresearchpaper) • Atthebeginningfast(fewmonths) fromblackbeltsittakesyears Rank, belts and promotion
Involves: sparring, breaking, patterns and self-defense inOlympiconlysparring • World TaekwondoFederation • Sparring: 3 semi-continuousrounds+2x1min rests; agecategories: 14-17 yrs and 18 yrs+ • Points: • for permitted, accurate, and powerful techniques to the legal scoring areas • 4 cornerjudgesusingeletronicscorringtallies • Winner: with more ptsorwhoreachedthetotal(12pts) orgained 7 pts lead • Iftie1 more round(„suddendeath”) Competitions
InternationTaekwondoFederation • Sparring: similartothe WTF butdifferentscoringsystem,biggercompetitionarea, no hogu and full-forceblowsand KO arenotallowed • Patterns,breaking and specialtechniques • YouTube - KoreanTaekwondo Video • Otherorganization: • AmateurAthletic Union(AAU) • Othercompetitions: • OlympicGames • AsianGames • South EastAsianGames • South AsianGames
YouTube - Queen SeonDuk episode 23 part 1 YouTube - Spin Kick YouTube - Spin Kickmovie + SemiFinals Koreanfilmsrelatedtotaekwondo
Taekwondo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tae Kwon Do Baltimore | Baltimore Martial Arts Academy References