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Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Words by Robert Robinson Music: Traditional American melody; John Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music Words and Music public domain. 702.
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Words by Robert Robinson Music: Traditional American melody; John Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music Words and Music public domain 702
Come, Thou Fount of every blessingTune my heart to sing Thy graceStreams of mercy, never ceasingCall for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnetSung by flaming tongues abovePraise the mount, I’m fixed upon itMount of Thy redeeming love
Here I raise mine EbenezerHither by Thy help I’m comeAnd I hope, by Thy good pleasureSafely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a strangerWand’ring from the fold of GodHe, to rescue me from dangerInterposed His precious blood
O to grace how great a debtorDaily I’m constrained to beLet Thy goodness, like a fetterBind my wand’ring heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel itProne to leave the God I loveHere’s my heart, O take and seal itSeal it for Thy courts above(repeat)