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超伝導重力計とレーザー干渉計の同時観測. (神岡地下施設におけるレーザー伸縮計 を用いた地球ダイナミクスの研究). 京都大学大学院理学研究科 竹本修三. 100m Laser Strainmeter System. The Data Acquisition System. CMG-3T Seismometer. The Optical Fiber Cable. The Optical Table 1. N. E. The Optical Table 2. ③Absolute Strainmeter ( NS ).
超伝導重力計とレーザー干渉計の同時観測 (神岡地下施設におけるレーザー伸縮計 を用いた地球ダイナミクスの研究) 京都大学大学院理学研究科 竹本修三
100m Laser Strainmeter System The Data Acquisition System CMG-3T Seismometer The Optical Fiber Cable The Optical Table 1 N E The Optical Table 2
③Absolute Strainmeter (NS) Laser Strainmeter System ②LS2(NS-EW) ① LS1(EW)
Kamioka Observatory (Superconducting Gravimeter) ・ ・CMG-3T seismometer
Ext. EW NS
Ext. EWComponent Original Record Drift Atmospheric Pressure Response Tidal Components
Ext. NSComponent Original Record Drift Tidal Components Atmospheric Pressure Response
Tidal analysis Data: ・ EW and NS direction linear strain data obtained from LS1 and LS2 records ・ Atmospheric pressure data (from June 12, 2003 to October 2, 2003: 113days) Programs: ・BAYTAP-G (Tamura et al., 1991) A tidal analysis program ・GOTIC2 (Matsumoto et al., 2001 ) A program for computation of solid earth tide and oceanic tidal loading effects on lands
Comparison of Observed and Theoretically Expected Tidal Constituents (EW)
Comparison of Observed and Theoretically Expected Tidal Constituents (NS)
・ To explain the discrepancies, we investigated the topographic effects on tidal strain observation by applying the 3D-FEM program ANSYS ED (Cybernet Systems Ins.) to the strain data from June 12 to October 2 (113days). The relationship between the regional homogeneous strain, the local strain at the observation site, and the topographic effects
3D Finite Element Model (243 Elements) Poisson’s ratio σ = 0.283 Young’s modulus E = 67GPa × Observatory (h=358m) 1km Takahara-River ● 1.8km × Atotsu-River N h=-2000m 4.5km 4.5km E
N E Contour Plots of T11, T21 and T31 Contour Plot of T11 displacement N h=358m ● E 0.8 1.0 1.7 Contour Plot of T21 Contour Plot of T31 ● ● -0.08 0.0 0.1 -0.2 0.0 0.2
N h=358m N E E Contour Plots of T12, T22 and T32 Contour Plot of T12 ● displacement -0.05 0.0 0.1 Contour Plot of T22 Contour Plot of T32 ● ● 0.8 1.0 1.5 -0.2 0.0 0.2
N h=358m N E E Contour Plots of T13, T23 and T33 Contour Plot of T13 displacement ● -0.05 0.0 0.05 Contour Plot of T23 Contour Plot of T33 ● ● -0.05 0.0 0.05 0.7 1.0 1.5
Matrix representing the topographic effects around the observation site obtained from 3D-FEM analysis e
Comparison between Observed and Theoretically Expected Tidal Constituents (before and after the topographic effects compensation) EW
Comparison between Observed and Theoretically Expected Tidal Constituents (before and after the topographic effects compensation) NS
ext. 8.0E-007 7.0E-007 6.0E-007 5.0E-007 STRAIN 4.0E-007 3.0E-007 2.0E-007 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE [hPa] 1.0E-007 台風 0.0E+000 990 980 970 960 950 940 6/12 7/2 7/22 08/11 08/31 9/20 10/3 ひずみデータ・気圧データ (2003年6月12日~10月2日:113日間) EW NS 気圧
ext. 5.0e-008 4.0e-008 3.0e-008 2.0e-008 STRAIN 1.0e-008 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE [hPa] 980 0.0e+000 970 960 950 940 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 08/11 08/12 台風時におけるひずみ変化と気圧変化 EW NS 気圧
2003年台風10号の実際の進路と中心気圧 台風位置表 8月10日0時 8月9日12時 Kamioka Obs. 8月9日0時 8月8日0時 (気象庁のホームページより http://www.data.kishou.go.jp/bosai/report/2003/20030807/20030807_d.html)
ext. 仮定する台風の気圧勾配 p[hPa] p=p0(1+r/r0)-3/2 [TRUBITSYN and MAKALKIN, 1976] ( p0は中心の気圧=-50hPa, r0はpが約1/3になる距離=500km) p0 =-50hPa r0 =500km r[km]
1004 1000 1008 996 992 実際の台風と使用したモデルの気圧分布の比較 モデル( P0 =-38hPa,r0 =400km ) 実際 (気象庁のホームページより, http://www.jma.go.jp/JMA_HP/jma/press/0308/13b/t0310.pdf)
ext. rとεr ,εθの関係(計算結果) ( P0 =-50hPa,r0 =500km ,μ=25.1GPa,ν=0.283) εθ εr r[km]
εθ εr r 仮定する台風の気圧勾配(p0 =-50hPa, r0 =500km) p[hPa] [km] [km]
ext. ext. 台風の荷重影響の観測値と計算値の比較 EW 観測値 計算値 1.4×10-8 NS 観測値 1.4×10-8 計算値
100m Laser Strainmeter in Kamioka(Resolving Power:10-13) ◎Free Core Nutation (1x10-11 ) ◎Incessant Excitation of the Earth’s Free Oscillations (1x10-12 ) ○ Seismic Core Modes(1x10-12 ) △Core Undertone (1x10-13 ) △Slichter modes(1x10-13 )
100m Laser Strainmeter System+ Superconducting Gravimeter • Continuous Excitation of Earth’s Free Oscillation • Separation of “SpheroidalModes” and “Torsional Modes” • Slichter triplet: (1x10-13 )(PREM) retrograde (4.77h), central(5.31h), prograde(5.98h) • Core Undertones(1x10-13 )