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Roberto Battiston Università and INFN Perugia

Technologies for microsatellites. Roberto Battiston Università and INFN Perugia. LNF March 22 nd 2006. Space is an opportunity to change system of reference……. Leonides storm seen from space Fe, 1 mm 3 , 40 km/s , E = 0.5 J 1 proton, E= 10 20 ev = 16 J.

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Roberto Battiston Università and INFN Perugia

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  1. Technologies for microsatellites Roberto Battiston Università and INFNPerugia LNF March 22nd 2006

  2. Space is an opportunity to change system of reference…….

  3. Leonides storm seen from space Fe, 1 mm3 , 40 km/s , E = 0.5 J 1 proton, E= 1020 ev = 16 J ……to see things from another perspective Credits to P. Jenniskens (NASA/Ames, SETI Inst.)

  4. Half a centuryafter the Sputnik and the discovery of Van Allen Belts, space is fully maintain its unique potential for discovery and surprises

  5. THE ROUTE OF “INCREASED ACCURACY” The sensitivity of the instrumentation and the technologies Have improved dramatically The more we understand about the Cosmos the more we are challenged to build sophisticated instruments, to match the sensitivity scale set by the physics of the Universe at different Time and Space scales. Very complex instruments have been deployed and even more sophisticated one are scheduled or dreamed

  6. Edwin P. Hubble Mount Wilson Mount Palomar

  7. Hubble (1929) HST (1999) Dominated by systematic errors!

  8. NASA Beyond Einstein Program

  9. THE ROUTE OF “GETTING THERE FIRST” Not only large facilities, however, have a discovery potential, like in today HEP at accelerators Clever, small experiments, using new or “first time used in space” technologies continues to give rise to fantastic surprises like at the time of Van Allen

  10. Further progress  go to arrays !


  12. Baby EUSO


  14. MEGSAT 1 e 2

  15. AURORA ON MEGSAT-2 AURORA CH. BACKGROUND CH. 330 HIGH VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLIES COMUNICATION AND POWER INTERFACE CONNECTION BOARD CONTROLLER FRONT END A. Monfardini1,2, R. Stalio1,2, P. Trampus2, R. Battiston3,4, M. Menichelli4 , N.Mahne2, P. Mazzinghi5 1 University of Trieste; 2 Carso, Area Science Park, Trieste, 3 University of Perugia, 4 INFN, Perugia, 5 INOA, Firenze 325 405

  16. Silicon PM

  17. Fotografia di un wafer Fotografia di un SiPM

  18. Preamplifier Faraday box SiPM Blue light LED (470 nm) SiPM Signal Voltage pulse SiPM Signal Current pulse SiPM amplified voltage pulse 150  50  THRS4303 x10 THRS4303 x10 OUT IN 100  50  Functional measurement set-up (1) • Preamplifier board: • received from Pisa • two stage preamplifier based on THRS4303 chip (high bandwidth: 1.8 GHz, fixed gain: 10 V/V) • overallgain: theoretical 10x10x2/5 = 40, measured 42

  19. Threshold (see next slide) A1 A2= 2A1 One pixel dark count signals Two pixels dark count signals A1’ > A1 Bias 33V (2V overvoltage) A2’ = 2A1’ One pixel dark count signals Two pixels dark count signals Bias 34V (3V overvoltage) Dark count signals Rise time: ~ 1ns Recovery time: ~ 20ns

  20. T = 23°C, Vbreakdown = 31 V Russian SiPM from CPTA Vbreakdown = 47 V Dark count rate Plateau of one pixel dark count signals Plateau of two pixels dark count signals • Single pixels dark count rate: • our SiPMs: 5 MHz (5V overvoltage, T=23°C) • Russian SiPMs: 2 MHz (5V overvoltage)

  21. One pixel dark count signals Two pixels dark count signals Gain Markers delimitating the integration zone of the signal Histogram of the signals area • SiPM gain: • linear variable with overvoltage • in the range 5x105 2x106

  22. Dark count signals SiPM signals under pulsed light Very preliminary and qualitatively results BLUE pulsed light (470 nm) SiPM signal Trigger • SiPM sensible to the blue light RED pulsed light N. Dinu (Irst) • Pisa measurements • Very good resolution of single photoelectrons

  23. As we have done for the PMT, we developed a Montecarlo model that allows us to simulate the SiPM behaviour. Even if the model is phenomenological and not physical the results reproduced the real mesuraments. These means that the SiPM behaviour is quite understood at least in his main characteristics. G. Levi et al. DaSipm Bologna Group

  24. SiPMs + FE Scintillator future TOF counter Light guide + PMT = 25 cm SiPM + FE = 2.5 cm Beeing unsensible to magnetic field, SiPMs do not need light guides. Scintillators will be read through WLS fibers directly coupled to the SiPM. A first evaluation of weight saving is around 50-60kg, considering only the light guide and PMT. Lighter and simpler supporting structure and low voltage power supplies will increase this figures. DaSipm Bologna Group

  25. MEMS Space Telescope for UHECR Study (MEMSTEL) IL H. PARK (Ewha W. University, Seoul) Research Center for MEMS Space Telescope funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Mar. 2006

  26. Air Shower Object Photodetector Photodetctor Micromirror & Circuits Micromirror VLSI Principle of MEMS Tracking Telescope • Archimedes Mirror : Mirror Segments, Soldiers Operation • Park’s Mirror : Micromirrors, VLSI Control • Aberration free focusing & Wide FOV • Tracking capability

  27. Prestudy 1-axis Analog Micromirror Design, Fabrication, Test Electrostatic Comb-drive Actuator • Specification • 1-axis • Max angle: 4 degrees at 100V  • Frequency: > 5 kHz • Cell size: 372 x 970 um2 • Micromirror size : 372 x 150 x 30 um3 • Comb size: 260 x 6 x 30 um3 • Torsion spring size : 120 x 3.5 x 30 um3 Design Fab Test

  28. Prestudy 2-axis Micromirror Fab. Simulation 2-axisSide comb drive actuator Hidden comb drive actuator (1-axis at present, 2-axis under way)

  29. Fresnel mirror Fresnel mirror MEMS mirror Incident angle = 20o Incident angle = 20o Incident angle = 0o Mirror plane Micromirror array Detector plane Prestudy MEMS Tracking Simulation

  30. MEMS Telescope Payload Design PMT or SiPM (1296 ch) Micromirror Array Analog Board Digital Board NIR Detector NIR Electronics PMT Power Supply

  31. MEMSTEL Parameters

  32. High Energy Quantum Optics: Compton Gamma Detectors

  33. g Micro-particle detector Quantum optics q E1 Takahashi et al. SPIE 2003 E2 A stack of Si/CdTe strips/pixelsin a BGO well (10,000 ch) What’s next in the “NeXT” mission Narrow FOV Compton Telescope(100 keV- 1 MeV) • Extremely Low Background ( High S/B ratio) • Capability of the polarization measurement

  34. Photoelectric effect and polarization (R. Bellazzini) The photoelectric effect is very sensitive to photon polarization Projecting on the plane orthogonal to the propagation direction…

  35. The detector GEM: provides gas amplification and fast trigger Readout plane: 512 pixels, 260 um pitch, 2.4 x 2.4 mm2 active area 8-layer PCB fan out to front end hybrid Angle and amount of polarization is computed from the angular distribution of the photoelectron tracks

  36. The new detector! Full custom ASIC (CMOS technology) directly used as a multi pixels readout electrode. • 2101 pixels (80 um pitch) comprehensive of preamplifier/shaper, S/H and routing (serial readout) • 200 electrons ENC • External trigger for parallel S/H on all channels • 200 us for complete readout • 100 uW/channel power consumption

  37. Reconstruction algorithms, data analysis • New reconstruction algorithms now under study: • Exploit higher moments of reconstructed charge distribution • Improve imaging capabilities • Enhance accuracy in angular reconstruction • Study the effect of cuts on polarimetric sensitivity.


  39. HYPER Space Time fluctuation: getting to the Plank scale by cold atoms interferometry A gravitationally Hyper sensitive experiment ! Bose Enstein condensates Interferometry: 109 atoms an unique wave function

  40. PARIS 2001/2 NEW HIGHLIGHTS IN ATOM OPTICS 1st BEC ON A CHIP Highest gradients with minimum Currents = Lower Magnetic Fields (Metrology) = Lower Power (Transportable Microsensors) Simpler Production FUTURE EFFORTS APPLYING THESE TECHNIQUES FOR FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS IN METROLOGY HYPER-precisioncold atom interferometryin space

  41. Who can build a cheap micro/nano satellite ? Universtities + Research Centers +Small Hightech industries Best example: University of Surrey (UK) Most impressive example : China DhF CAST


  43. 10cm x 10cm x 10cm Cube Sat. (U. Tokyo) 2003/June/30 Launch Cost < $ 100K (including launch) Additional benefits of this approach It is not easy to “involve in the field of Space Science” Only many possibilities can encourage many players to take part in; Lower hurdles for easier access to space Think of • New way of doing “fundamental physics” • the most effective things that a small satellite can do. • ways in which everyone can involve in space science Small but Smart and Quick

  44. Conclusion • The universe is the current frontier for new exciting physics • Space is a privileged reference frame to study the universe • Very large, powerful facilities will bring us to new frontiers in knowledge • Small satellites, as intermediate steps to reach the most ambitious goal set by major satellites, both testing new technologies and educating a new generation of laboratory oriented astroparticle physicsts ……and hopefully bringing us some big surprises

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