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Unit 3 Lesson 2 Ancient Rome

Unit 3 Lesson 2 Ancient Rome. Geography. -Located on the Italian peninsula, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea -The Alps are in the North -The Apennine Mts. are on the eastern coast -broad, fertile plains in the north and west. Geography. Rome Geography. Rome is located:

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Unit 3 Lesson 2 Ancient Rome

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  1. Unit 3 Lesson 2Ancient Rome

  2. Geography -Located on the Italian peninsula, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea -The Alps are in the North -The Apennine Mts. are on the eastern coast -broad, fertile plainsin the north and west

  3. Geography

  4. Rome Geography Rome is located: -On the banks of the Tiber River -On and around seven hills Why would this geographic location be an advantage?

  5. Early Civilization -Italy was originally occupied by many different groups of people -Two main groups were Greek colonists and the Etruscans -The Etruscans ruled much of central Italy and Rome itself -Ancestors of the Romans, the Latins, settled in the area that is now Rome around 800 B.C.

  6. Legend of the Founding of Rome 753 B.C. – Rome founded (according to legend) by Romulus and Remus, twin sons who were raised by a wolf. -According to the tale, the twins’ mother was a Latin woman and their father was the war god Mars

  7. Politics 509 B.C. – Rome became a Republic. • Romans drove out their Etruscan ruler, Tarquin the Proud and swore to never have a king again.

  8. Laws • 451 B.C. – Twelve Tables • Code of Laws; used the Ten Commandments as a basis • All citizens were equal before the law

  9. Structure of the Republic • Patricians= landholding upper class • Plebeians= farmers, merchants, artisans, traders

  10. Structure of the Republic • Senate= governing body; citizens elect leaders to vote • Consuls= two patricians • Dictator= assigned to be in charge in the event of a war • Voting rights were only extended to free-born males

  11. Structure of the Republic • Plebeians have no say in the government • Eventually get to elect their own officials called tribunes in 494 B.C. • For 84 years, (421-337 B.C.) plebeians fought to have a role in each part of the government

  12. Social Structures -Roman women were nearly social equals of men -Ran the household -Given authority and respect -Had personal freedom -Owned property -Could testify in court

  13. Religion -Romans were polytheistic-they believed in many gods and goddesses -Many of the gods were adapted from the Greek gods • Roman calendar is full of feasts and celebrations to honor the gods and goddesses • Temples for worship to ask for divine assistance

  14. Art, Architecture, and Literature -Borrowed many cultural influenced from the Classical Greeks – Greco-Roman culture developed -Frescoes were painted on walls -Literature followed Greek forms and models but addressed Roman themes

  15. Art, Architecture, and Literature

  16. Art, Architecture, and Literature -Built spectacular works such as the Coliseum -Elaborate arches, domes, concrete

  17. Art, Architecture, and Literature -Aqueducts were used to transport water to urban areas

  18. Politics • Rome grows strong and begins conquering the rest of Italy • -By 270 B.C., Rome controls most of the Italian peninsula • Military is made up of citizens • Rome conquered justly- allowing those conquered to keep their culture, customs, and government- as long as they supplied soldiers, paid taxes, and acknowledge Roman leadership

  19. The Punic Wars -Series of wars fought between Rome and Carthage (N. Africa) -Rome fought Carthage in three wars from 264 B.C. to 146 B.C. (118 years)

  20. The Punic Wars

  21. The Punic Wars 264 B.C. – 1st Punic War Begins. Rome won control of Sicily.

  22. The Punic Wars 218 B.C. – 2nd Punic War Begins. Hannibal invaded northern Italy.

  23. The Punic Wars

  24. The Punic Wars 202 B.C. - Hannibal was defeated at Zama by Scipio

  25. The Punic Wars 146 B.C. - 3rd Punic War Begins. Rome destroyed Carthage and made Carthaginians their slaves.

  26. Republic to Empire 133 & 121 B.C. - The Gracchus Brothers were murdered -They had worked to help the poor, but the Senate had them killed. -Their murders resulted in civil wars.

  27. Republic to Empire -Civil warsbreak out to decide who should hold power. The senate wanted to keep the status quo; political leaders wanted to weaken the senate and enact reforms -Slave uprisings throughout the republic -Armies became loyal to their commandersbecause they gave them benefits such as captured land

  28. Turmoil in Rome 88 B.C. – Sulla marched on Rome and became Dictator

  29. Turmoil in Rome 60 B.C. – Triumvirate formed between Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey (3 generals) -Cicero worked during this time to recreate the values of the Republic 58-54 B.C. - Caesar conquered Gaul and Britain. 49 B.C. - Caesar invaded Rome and defeated Pompey. 47 B.C. - Caesar invaded Egypt and appointed Cleopatra queen.

  30. Turmoil in Rome 46 B.C. – appointed Dictator by the Senate. 44 B.C. – named Dictator for life, later assassinated by Senate. Marc Antony got control of Rome

  31. Turmoil in Rome 43 B.C. – Second Triumvirate formed between Marc Antony, Octavian (Caesar’s nephew), and Marcus Lepidus. 31 B.C. – Battle of Actium, Octavian defeats Marc Antony and Cleopatra.

  32. Roman Empire 27 B.C. – Octavian declared “Augustus Caesar” Beginning of the Roman Empire -Conquered territory -Single sovereign authority -Controlled militarily Pax Romana began – brought peace, built public buildings, created a lasting government, and set up civil service, allowed Christianity to spread

  33. Roman Empire 27 B.C. to A.D. 68 – Julian-Claudian Dynasty – AugustusCaesar, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero

  34. Roman Empire 5/4 B.C. – Birth of Christ in Judea. AD. 28 – John the Baptist executed. AD. 30 – Jesus crucified - Roman leaders feared he would incite people with claims he was the Messiah. -Peter and Paul continued to spread Christianity.

  35. Roman Empire A.D. 64 – Fire destroys Rome; Nero orders persecution of Christians.

  36. Roman Empire A.D. 122 – Construction of Hadrian’s Wall begins.

  37. Roman Empire

  38. Roman Empire c. A.D. 250 – Decline of Rome -Bread & Circuses – rulers attempted to keep the people happy by providing food and entertainment (gladiators)

  39. Roman Empire Causes -Disruption of Trade -Inflation, higher taxes -Food shortages due to overworked soil and civilwars. -Invading Barbarians -Lack of trustworthy generals -Empire had expanded too rapidly

  40. Roman Empire • A.D. 285 – Emperor Diocletian was unable to defend the Empire from Germanic invaders. • -Divided Empire in half. • -Diocletian ruled the East. • -Co-emperor Maximian ruled the West • -Diocletian tried to fix the economy and declared himself a son of a Roman god.

  41. Roman Empire

  42. Roman Empire A.D. 313 – Roman Emperor Constantine said Christians would not be persecuted; later made Christianity the official religion AD. 324 – Constantine became Emperor of both halves of Empire. Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople AD. 407 – Rome leaves Britain.

  43. Roman Empire A.D. 410 – Visigoths under Alaric sack Rome AD. 444 – Huns unite under Attila and terrorize all of the Roman Empire.

  44. Roman Empire

  45. Roman Empire AD. 476 – Germanic people control much of Europe. Removed last western Roman Emperor from the throne. -The Byzantine Empire in the east continued

  46. Roman Empire A.D. 529 – Justinian Code -Byzantine law code -Foundation for western legal tradition

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