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Safe Work Practices: Why Safety Matters to Me!

Discover the importance of safety at work and the potential risks to yourself, family, and coworkers. Learn safe practices to prevent injuries provided by OSHA. Keep your workplace safe for a better environment.

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Safe Work Practices: Why Safety Matters to Me!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Safe Work PracticesPrácticas de TrabajoSeguras This material was produced under grant number 46D6-HT23 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Industrial Extension Service

  2. Why is Safety Important to ME?¿Por qué es la seguridad importante para mí? My family My Health Mi Salud Mi familia My co-worker Mi compañero de trabajo Myself My co-worker My family Industrial Extension Service

  3. What will I miss if I hurt my back?¿Qué perderé si yo hiciera daño a mi espalda? Industrial Extension Service

  4. What will I miss if I lose my hearing? Wear me at 85 dB Lleveme at 85 dB www.parenting.org/images/Discovery/FL_32L.jpg www014.upp.so-net.ne.jp/nbunka/koto4.gif ¿Qué perderé si no puedo oír? Industrial Extension Service

  5. INJURIES CO$TLas heridas cuestan el dinero Below is a list of injuries occurring during landscaping activities and associated costs Industrial Extension Service

  6. Ladder Safety / La Seguridad de la Escalera

  7. Top Step Do not use the top or top step of a stepladder as a step No use el paso superior de una escala OSHA Office of Training & Education

  8. Climbing the Ladder Afronte la escalera subiendo la escalera Mantenga 3 puntos del contacto Face the ladder when going up or down Maintain 3 POINTS OF CONTACT going up or down OSHA Office of Training & Education

  9. Damaged or Defective Ladders Inspect ladders before each use Inspeccionar las escaleras antes de cada uso DO NOT USE if ladder is defective. NO USE si la escalera es dañado Missing rung OSHA Office of Training & Education

  10. This never happens!! ¿NUNCA!?

  11. Make safe choices off-the-jobHaga la opciónsegura

  12. Keep eyes on the task! Avoid a hand Injury! Mantenga sus ojos en lo que está haciendo! Industrial Extension Service

  13. 1. Fuerza + 2. Repetición + 3. Postura + 4. Ningún resto = 5. Herida con el hombro, la espalda, etc. NC State University – Landscaping Safety Program

  14. Neutral Spine / La Espina Neutral A neutral spine is like a long, stretched out S, with two curves to the front and one to the back. La espina neutral tiene forma de “S” alargada y estirada, con dos curvas hacia el frente y una hacia atrás. Industrial Extension Service

  15. Industrial Extension Service

  16. Industrial Extension Service

  17. Industrial Extension Service

  18. Bend the knees, not your backDoblesusrodillas, no use suespalda NC State University – Landscaping Safety Program

  19. What are methods to lift safely? Make sure to hold the load well. Maintain the load firmly. Utilize gloves to hold the load better. Asegúrese de sujetar bien. Sostenga la carga firmemente. Utilize guantes para sujetar mejor la carga. Keep the load close. Maintain the load near the body to avoid strain on the back. Mantenga la carga cerca del cuerpo para evitar tensión en la espalda. Industrial Extension Service

  20. Insert Kansas State pics Industrial Extension Service

  21. Industrial Extension Service

  22. Lift with the legs, not with the back. Levante con las piernas, no con la espalda. Push. Pushing is better than pulling the load. Empujar. Empujar es mejor que jalar la carga. Industrial Extension Service

  23. Buddy SystemSistema de Compañero

  24. Utilize a lift device Utilice un dispositivo de levantamiento Industrial Extension Service

  25. Buddy SystemSistema de Compañero Industrial Extension Service

  26. Maintain Safe DistanceMantenga la distancia Segura Industrial Extension Service

  27. Remove spark plug Industrial Extension Service

  28. Maintain safe distance or wait Mantenga distancia segura or espere Industrial Extension Service

  29. Industrial Extension Service

  30. Safe Driving / Conduzca sin peligro

  31. Safe Driving / Conduzca sin peligro

  32. Follow the signs / Siga los signos Industrial Extension Service

  33. To Review / Examinar 1. A neutral spine is like a long, stretched out a. “P” b. “Q” c. “S” 1. La espina neutral (la columna vertebral) tiene forma de a. “P” b. “Q” c. “S” NC State University – Landscaping Safety Program

  34. To Review / Examinar Bend the knees, not the back, to lift. a. True b. False Para levantar los objetos, doble sus rodillas, no use su espalda, para levantar cosas. a. Verdadero b. Falso NC State University – Landscaping Safety Program

  35. To Review / Examinar 3. To prevent an accident a. Keep your eyes on your task b. Drive safely c. All of the above 3. Para prevenir un acidente a. Mantenga ojos en su actividad. b. Conduzca sin peligro c. Todos los anteriores NC State University – Landscaping Safety Program

  36. The SAFE way is the better way! El camino SEGURIDAD es el camino mejor! NC State University – Landscaping Safety Program

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