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Structures after WISH

Structures after WISH. Wish + past simple. I wish I was more assertive. I would be a better manager. My boss wishes he could speak English better . To talk about things you would like to be different in the present /future ( but which are impossible or unlikely ).

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Structures after WISH

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Structures after WISH

  2. Wish + past simple I wishI wasmore assertive. I would be a better manager. My boss wisheshe couldspeak English better. • To talk aboutthingsyouwouldlike to be different in the present/future (butwhich are impossible or unlikely). • AfterWishyou can use was or were with I, he, she, and it. Ex: I wishI weremore assertive.

  3. Wish + would/wouldn’t • I wishthe bellwould ring. I need to go now. • I wishyouwould stop phoning me today I have a lot of other work to do. • Use wish+person/thing + would to talk aboutthingswewant to happen, or stop happening becausetheyannoyus. (somethingirritatingwhichyouwant to stop or change) • Youcan’t use would for a wishaboutyourself: Ex: I wish I would pass thisexam.

  4. WISH + past perfect • I wish you had taken out a larger loan. We still can’t afford to buy this house. • I wish we hadn’t gone into partnership. The company is now doing worse than before. • We use this form to talk about things that happened or didn’t happen in the past and which you now regret.

  5. If only… instead of I wish … • You can also use if only instead of I wish with all these tenses: • Eg: If only we hadn’t gone into partnership. • Eg: If only I were more assertive. • Eg: If only the bell would ring. • Eg: If only you would stop phoning.

  6. Circle the correct form • I wish I were/would be richer. • Shewishesherparentslived/would live nearer. • I wishI had/wouldhavepassedallmyexams last term. I wouldnow be on holiday. • James wishes he knew/wouldknowhow to speakbetter English. • I wishitstopped/would stop raining. • I wish I had/wouldhaveseenthat film. It’snowgone. • I wish I were/would be younger. • I wish the phonewould stop/stoppedringing. I can’t concentrate. • I wish I hadn’t/ wouldn’thavespentallmymoney last night.

  7. Key - Circle the correct form • I wish I were/would bericher. • Shewishesherparentslived/would live nearer. • I wishI had/wouldhavepassedallmyexams last term. I wouldnow be on holiday. • James wishes he knew/wouldknowhow to speakbetter English. • I wishitstopped/would stop raining. • I wish I had/wouldhaveseenthat film. It’snowgone. • I wish I were/would be younger. • I wish the phonewould stop/stoppedringing. I can’t concentrate. • I wish I hadn’t/ wouldn’thavespentallmymoney last night.

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