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Explore taxonomic and phytogeographical databases for the Umbelliferae/Apiaceae plant family, with detailed information on genera, species, regions, and references compiled in Moscow. Access GNOM, CARUM, and ASIUM databases for an extensive botanical resource.
Taxonomic and phytogeographical databases in systematics of the flowering plant family Umbelliferae/Apiaceae M.G.PimenovM.V.LeonovT.A.Ostroumova
Umbelliferae databases, compiled in Moscow university • GNOM • CARUM • ASIUM
Database GNOM (Generis NOMenclator) • Genera – 469 • Species – 3846-3990 • Asia – 280 • Europe – 141 • Africa – 133 • North America – 93 • Centr. America – 27 • South America – 51 • Australia & News Zealand – 36 http://www.botanik.cs.msu.su
Database CARUM(CARyologia UMbelliferarum) • Genera - 347 • Species - 1771 • References – 1030 M.G.Pimenov, M.G.Vasil’eva, M.V.Leonov, Yu.V.Daushkevich
Genera - 277 Species - 2101 Total number of names - 7366 References - 2133 Accepted names Synonyms: nomenclaturel taxonomical References: Regional Floras Monographs Critical articles Floristic checklists Typification: Classical locality and modern country name Label (s) of type sheets Date Collector(s) Herbarium acronym and barcodes Distribution country country part province Database ASIUM(ASIatic UMbelliferae)
CallisacedahuricaFisch. ex Hoffm.1816 Thysselinumdahuricum(Fisch. ex Hoffm.) Spreng.1825 Imperatoria dahurica(Fisch. ex Hoffm.) D.Dietr.1840 Angelica dahurica(Fisch. ex Hoffm.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Franch. & Savat.1875 AngelicapubescensMaxim. var. glabraYabe1902 Angelica edulisauct. non Miyabe: H.Boissieu1906 Angelica glabra(Yabe) Makino1907 Angelica tschiliensisH.Wolff1926 Angelica macrocarpaH.Wolff1930 Angelica formosana auct. non. H.Boissieu: M.Hiroe1958 Angelica porphyrocaulisauct. non Nakai & Kitag.: M.Hiroe1958 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 Synonym arrangement in the database ASIUMI. Принятое название (Angelica dahurica) и 10 синонимов, расположенных хронологически x x x
II. The names, united in homotypic groups 1 CallisacedahuricaFisch. ex Hoffm.1816 1 Thysselinumdahuricum(Fisch. ex Hoffm.) Spreng. 1825 1 Imperatoria dahurica(Fisch. ex Hoffm.) D.Dietr.1840 1Angelica dahurica(Fisch. ex Hoffm.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Franch. & Savat. 1875 2 AngelicapubescensMaxim. var. glabraYabe1902 2 Angelica glabra(Yabe) Makino1907 3 Angelica tschiliensisH.Wolff1926 4 Angelica macrocarpaH.Wolff1930 X Angelica edulisauct. non Miyabe: H.Boissieu1906 X Angelica formosana auct. non. H.Boissieu: M.Hiroe1958 X Angelica porphyrocaulisauct. non Nakai & Kitag.: M.Hiroe1958
Angelica dahurica (Fisch. ex DC.) Benth. & Hook.f. [Gen. Pl. 1(3): 916, 1867, nom. inval.] ex Franch. & Sav., Enum. pl. Jap. 1: 187. 1873.References:—Maximowicz 1877: 35; Yabe 1902: 76; Komarov 1907: 158; Koidzumi 1917: 33; Kitagawa 1936c: 311; Kitagawa 1936b: 22, tab. 3, fig. 2; Kitagawa 1939: 334; Noda 1971: 845, tab. 194, fig. 3; Schischkin 1951: 23; Nakai 1952: 86; Ohwi 1953a: 862; Hara 1954: 294; Grubov 1955: 213; Popov 1957: 485; Hiroe 1958: 170, p.p.; Hiroe & Constance 1958: 118; ………………………….2003:294, tab. 146; Pan Zehui & Watson 2005: 169; Yoon Chang Young 2007: 756; Chepinoga & al. 2008: 186; Tan Haining & Liu Yan 2010: 287; Pimenov & Ostroumova 2012: 262; Kuznetzova & Zakharova 2012: 97; Krjukova 2013: 164; Galanin & Belikovich 2014: 45.≡ Callisace dahurica Fisch. [ex Hoffm., Pl. Umbell. Gen. ed. 2: 170, fig. 18. 1816, nom. inval. (Art. 39.1] ex DC., Prodr. 4: 184. 1830.References:—Besser 1834: 13, cum auct. Fisch.; Ledebour 1844: 316; Turczaninow 1844: 506; Maximowicz 1859: 128; Regel 1861: 70.≡ Thysselinum dahuricum (Fisch. ex DC.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. (ed. 16) 1: 895. 1824.≡ Imperatoria dahurica (Fisch. ex DC.) D.Dietr., Syn. Pl. 2: 969. 1840.Type:—RUSSIA. Culta, ex Dahuria, Nertschinsky Zavod, Fischer.= Angelica pubescens Maxim. var. glabraYabe, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 16, 2 (Rev. Umbell. Jap.): 81. 1902.= Angelica glabra (Yabe) Makino in Iinuma, Somoku-Dzusetsu (ed. 3) 1: 387, fig. 36., 1907.References:—Makino 1908: 174.Type:—JAPAN. In Tokyo probabiliter spontanea.
Distribution in Asia:—Russia (E Sib.: Irkutsk prov., Buryatia, Transbaikal Terr., Yakutia; Russian Far East: Amur prov., Khabarovsk Terr., Maritime Terr.), China (Tibet: Qinghai; N: Neimenggu A.R., Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei; NE: Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning; Centr.: Henan, Jiangsu, Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujiang; S: Guangxi Zhuang A.R., Guangdong), Japan (Honshu; Kyushu), Korea.Distribution area:—Endemic to Northern, Central, and Eastern Asia.Angelica dahurica(Fisch. ex DC.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Franch. & Sav. var. formosana (H.Boissieu) Yen, J. Taiwan Pharm. Ass. 17(2): 68, fig. 1. 1963.References:—Shan Renhwa 1982: 580; Yang Tsaii1982: 1002; Yuan Changchi & Shan Renhwa 1985a: 8; Yuan Changchi 1992: 36; Fu Likuo & al. 2001: 678; Fu Shuxia 2001: 238, fig. 1822; Pan Zehui & Watson 2005: 169.≡ Angelica formosana H.Boissieu, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 56: 354. 1909.Type:—CHINA. [Taiwan] Pashiran, 06.1903, Faurie 117 (syntypes G!, P!); [Taiwan] Muzuyama, 05.1903, Faurie 128 (lectotype P! [P03221915, P03221916], designated by Pimenov in Turczaninowia 21(1): 120. 2018; isolectotype G! [G00359353]).Distribution in Asia:—China (Centr.: Hubei; S: Taiwan).
Countries of Asia with highest biodiversity in the Umbelliferae
Китай107 родов673 видов Kunming
Видовое разнообразие Umbelliferae в провинциях Китая
Непал49 родов141 вид Patan
Индия73 родов227 видов Nagar
Турция (азиатская)109 родов453 вида Istanbul
Иран113родов361 вид Esfahan
Видовое разнообразие Umbelliferae в провинциях (останах) Ирана
Species diversity of the Umbelliferae in the states of Middle Asia and in Afghanistan