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Essential Microminerals: Iron, Iodine, Zinc

Learn about the importance of iron, iodine, and zinc as essential trace elements for human health, including sources, recommended daily allowances, deficiency symptoms, and potential risks of overdose.

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Essential Microminerals: Iron, Iodine, Zinc

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  2. There Are 7 Major Categories of Nutrients: Minerals Introducing Minerals Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Fiber Vitamins Water

  3. About 17 minerals are considered ‘essential’ to humans… required for proper functioning and good health. Seven of them are macrominerals. The remaining ten are needed by the body in daily amounts of 0.01g or less. They are called the MICROMINERALS or TRACE MINERALS.

  4. INTRODUCING IRON... Iron (Fe) is a key element in the metabolism of almost all living organisms. In humans, iron is an essential component of hundreds of proteins and enzymes. Hemoglobin and myoglobin of the blood are iron-containing proteins that are involved in the transport and storage of oxygen. An iron-containing enzyme is required for DNA synthesis. Iron is required for a number of vital functions, including growth, reproduction, healing, and immune function. Anemia results in a decreased amount of oxygen being delivered to the cells.

  5. Sources of iron... The amount of iron in food (or supplements) that is absorbed and used by the body is influenced by the iron nutritional status of the individual and whether or not the iron is in the ‘heme’ (hēm) or ‘nonheme’ form. Individuals who are anemic or iron deficient absorb a larger percentage of the iron they consume (especially nonheme iron) than individuals who are not anemic and have sufficient iron stores. Heme iron is found mostly in meat, fish, and poultry. It is more readily absorbed than nonheme iron. Nonheme iron is found in plants, dairy products, meat, and iron salts added to foods and supplements. The absorption of nonheme iron is strongly influenced by other foods in the same meal such as ‘enhancers’ (vitamin C) and inhibitors (polyphenols like coffee and tea, and soy protein).

  6. Recommended daily allowance... The recommended daily allowance of iron is: Adolescents 14-18 years: 11mg for males and 15mg for females Adults 19-50 years: 8 mg for males and 18mg for females Adults 51 years and older: 8mg for males and 8 mg for females An iron deficiency eventually results in iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms may include paleness, fatigue, rapid heart rate, palpitations, and rapid breathing on exertion. Iron deficiency impairs athletic performance and physical work capacity, and the ability to maintain a normal body temperature on exposure to cold. Severe cases may result in brittle and spoon-shaped nails, sores at the corners of the mouth, taste bud atrophy, and a soretongue. Overdoses of iron are the leading cause of poisoning fatalities in children under 6 years of age. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tarry stools, lethargy, weak and rapid pulse, low blood pressure, fever, difficulty breathing, and coma.

  7. Iodine (I), a non-metallic trace element, is required by humans for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. INTRODUCING IODINE... Thyroid hormones regulate a number of physiologic processes, including growth and repair of tissues, metabolism, functioning of nerves and muscles, reproductive function, development of the fetus, and the condition of the skin, hair, teeth, and nails. The iodine content of most foods depends on the iodine content of the soil. Seafood is rich in iodine because marine animals can concentrate the abundant levels of iodine in seawater. Certain types of seaweed are also very rich in iodine. Processed foods may contain slightly higher levels of iodine due to the addition of iodized salt or food additives, such as calcium iodate and potassium iodate. Dairy products are relatively good sources of iodine because iodine is commonly added to animal feed in the U.S.

  8. Sources of iodine... Salt (iodized) 1 gram 77mcg Cod 3 ounces 99mcg Milk (cow's) 1 cup (8 fluid ounces) 56mcg Turkey breast, baked 3 ounces 34mcg Tuna, canned in oil 3 ounces (1/2 can) 17mcg

  9. Recommended daily allowance... Adolescents 14-18 years  150mcg/day for males and females 900 UL (upper tolerable limit)  Adults 19 years+ 150 mcg/day for males and females 1,100 UL (upper tolerable limit)  The spectrum of IDD (iodine deficiency disorders) includes mental retardation, hypothyroidism, goiter, and varying degrees of other growth and developmental abnormalities. Goiter, or the enlargement of the thyroid gland, is one of the earliest and most visible signs of iodine deficiency. Acute iodine poisoning from overdose is rare and usually occurs only with doses of many grams. Symptoms of acute iodine poisoning include burning of the mouth, throat, and stomach; fever; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; a weak pulse; and coma.

  10. INTRODUCING ZINC... Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element for all forms of life. The significance of zinc in human nutrition and public health wasn’t recognized until 1961. Numerous aspects of cellular metabolism are zinc-dependent. Zinc plays important roles in growth and development, the immune response, neurological function, and reproduction. On the cellular level, the function of zinc can be divided into three categories: 1) catalytic, 2) structural (of proteins and cell membranes, and 3) regulatory (binds to DNA and influences the transmission of genes)

  11. Sources of zinc... Shellfish, beef, and other red meats are rich sources of zinc. Nuts and legumes are relatively good plant sources of zinc. The zinc in whole grain products and plant proteins is more difficult for the body to absorb. The enzymatic action of yeast in leavened whole grain breads improves absorption. Oysters  6 medium (cooked) 76.3mg Beef 3 ounces (cooked) 6.0mg Turkey (dark meat) 3 ounces (cooked) 3.8mg Milk 1 cup (8 ounces) 1.8mg Beans, baked 1/2 cup 1.8mg

  12. Recommended daily allowance... Adolescents 14-18 years 11mg/day for males 9 mg/day for females Adults 19 years and older 11mg/day for males 8mg/day for females The symptoms of severe zinc deficiency include the slowing or cessation of growth and development, delayed sexual maturation, characteristic skin rashes, chronic and severe diarrhea, immune system deficiencies, impaired wound healing, diminished appetite, impaired taste sensation, night blindness, swelling and clouding of the corneas, and behavioral disturbances. Overdoses of zinc have occurred as a result of the consumption of food or beverages from galvanized containers. Signs of acute zinc toxicity are abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Single doses of 225 to 450 mg of zinc usually induce vomiting. Long-term excesses of zinc result in copper deficiencies.

  13. INTRODUCING COPPER... Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element for humans and animals. In the body, copper shifts between the cuprous (Cu1+) and cupric (Cu2+) forms, though the majority of the body's copper is in the Cu2+ form. The ability of copper to easily accept and donate electrons explains its important role in oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions and in scavenging free radicals. Copper is a critical functional component of a number of essential enzymes. One of these enzymes helps maintain the integrity of connective tissue in the heart and blood vessels and also plays a role in bone formation. Others help metabolize iron and contribute to the correct functioning of the brain and nervous system. Dark chocolate has high levels of dietary copper.

  14. Remember this slide and how antioxidants work? How antioxidants work... Now that the radical has two electrons, he is no longer free to do harm. More free radicals may be created as a result of tobacco, alcohol, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and pollution. This is the antioxidant. He prevents the free radical from continuing his destruction, by giving him an extra electron to hold onto. COPPER EASILY FINDS FREE RADICALS AND DONATES ELECTRONS! This is a free radical with one unpaired electron. He is destroying fat and some proteins, and accelerating aging in a process called oxidation… while trying to find a second electron.

  15. Copper is found in a wide variety of foods. Sources of copper... It is most plentiful in organ meats, shellfish, nuts, and seeds. Wheat bran cereals and whole grain products are also good sources.

  16. Recommended daily allowance... The tolerable upper intake level (UL) of copper is: Adolescents 14-18 years 8,000 mcg/day Adults 19 years and older 10,000 mcg/day 900 mcg is the RDA Copper deficiency may present itself as a form of anemia or in abnormally low numbers of white blood cells, accompanied by increased susceptibility to infection; low body temperature, bone fractures and osteoporosis, irregular heartbeat, loss of skin pigment, and thyroid disorders. Copper overdose has occurred through the contamination of beverages by long-term storage in copper-containing containers or water standing in copper pipes. Symptoms of acute copper toxicity include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Of more concern from a nutritional standpoint is the possibility of liver damage resulting from long-term exposure to lower doses of copper.

  17. INTRODUCING MANGANESE... Manganese (Mn) is a mineral found in large quantities in both plant and animal matter, but only trace amounts can be found in human tissue. Manganese is predominantly stored in the bones, liver, kidney, and pancreas. It aids in the formation of connective tissue, bones, blood-clotting factors, and sex hormones and plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation. Manganese is also necessary for normal brain and nerve function. Like copper, it isan antioxidant.

  18. Sources of manganese... Whole grains are a major source of dietary manganese. Refined grains provide only half the amount of manganese as whole grains. Other rich dietary sources of manganese include nuts and seeds, legumes, pineapples, and green or black teas.

  19. Recommended daily allowance... The adequate intake (AI) for manganese is 2.3 mg/day for adult men and 1.8 mg/day for adult women. Manganese rarely causes side effects when taken orally, but there are numerous symptoms when manganese is ‘inhaled’ (such as by industrial workers or miners or taken intravenously, such as loss of appetite, headaches, leg cramps, muscle rigidity, tremors, convulsions, extreme irritability, acts of violence, and hallucinations. Low levels of manganese in the body can contribute to infertility, bone malformation, weakness, and seizures. Since calcium, phosphorous, and manganese work closely together in the body, dietary requirements of manganese may increase as calcium and phosphorous consumption increases. Malformation at end of bone

  20. INTRODUCING FLUORIDE... Fluorine (F) occurs naturally as the negatively charged ion, fluoride(F-). Fluoride is considered a trace element because only small amounts are present in the body (about 2.6 grams in adults), and because the daily requirement for maintaining dental health is only a few milligrams a day. About 95% of the total body fluoride is found in bones and teeth. Although humans do not require fluoride for growth or to sustain life, its role in the prevention of tooth decay is well established. Fluoride hardens tooth enamel and stabilizes bone mineral. Fluoride is absorbed in the stomach and small intestine. Once in the blood stream it rapidly enters mineralized tissue (bones and developing teeth). At usual intake levels, fluoride does not accumulate in soft tissue.

  21. Sources of flouride... The major source of dietary fluoride in the U.S. diet is drinking water. Most home water filters do not remove fluoride, however most bottled water is low in fluoride. Fluoridated toothpastes also add fluoride to the body. Rich sources of fluoride include tea, which concentrates fluoride in its leaves, and marine fish that are consumed with their bones (e.g., sardines). Foods made with mechanically separated (boned) chicken, such as canned meats, hot dogs, and infant foods, also add fluoride to the diet. In addition, certain fruit juices, particularly grape juices, often have relatively high fluoride concentrations.

  22. Recommended daily allowance... Adolescents 14-18 years  3.0 mg/day males 3.0 mg/day females Adults 19 years and older 4.0 mg/day males 3.0 mg/day females In humans, the only clear effect of inadequate fluoride intake is an increased risk of dental caries (tooth decay) for individuals of all ages. Researchers estimate that children under 6 years of age ingest an average of 0.3 mg of fluoride from fluoridated toothpaste with each brushing. Children under the age of 6 years who ingest more than 2 or 3 times the recommended fluoride intake are at increased risk of a white speckling or mottling of the permanent teeth, known as dental fluorosis.

  23. INTRODUCING CHROMIUM... Chromium (Cr) is an essential mineral that is not made by the body and must be obtained from the diet. The dietary form of chromium is known as trivalent chromium, or chromium III. Chromium is important in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates . Chromium stimulates fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis, which are important for brain function and other body processes. Chromium appears to enhance the action of insulin. Non-dietary chromium is known as hexavalent chromium (VI), used for industrial purposes. It is a strong skin irritant and is recognized as a carcinogen (causes cancer) when inhaled. The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which acts like a key…unlocking cells and allowing them to absorb glucose.

  24. Sources of chromium... Processed meats, whole grain products, ready-to-eat bran cereals, green beans, broccoli, and spices are relatively rich in chromium. Foods high in simple sugars, such as sucrose and fructose, are not only low in chromium but have been found to promote chromium loss

  25. Recommended daily allowance... AI levels: Adolescents 14-18 yrs 35 mcg/day for males 24 mcg/day for females Adults 19 to 50 years 35 mcg/day for males 25 mcg/day for females No adverse effects have been convincingly associated with excess intake of chromium (III) from food or supplements Chromium supplements have been promoted as a way to build muscle and lose weight. There is no scientific evidence to support this.

  26. INTRODUCING SELENIUM (sih-LEE-nee-um)... Selenium (Se) is required for the functioning of several selenium-dependent enzymes called selenoproteins. These selenoproteins are antioxidant enzymes, which play a role in preventing cell damage. Selenium appears to stimulate antibodies after you receive a vaccination. It also may help protect the body from the poisonous effects of heavy metals and other harmful substances. After a calf was fed a selenium-deficient diet, it died of a heart attack. This cross-section of its heart shows a white area or dead tissue in the center.

  27. Sources of selenium... Plant foods, such as vegetables, are the most common dietary sources of selenium. How much selenium is the vegetables you eat depends on how much of the mineral was in the soil where the plants grew. Fish, shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken, liver, and garlic are all good sources of selenium. Meats produced from animals that ate grains or plants found in selenium-rich soil have higher levels of selenium. Brewer's yeast, used in the production of beer and wine, is a good source of selenium…but can cause bloating.

  28. Recommended daily allowance... The UL (upper tolerable level) of selenium is 400 mcg/day for adolescents and adults. Too much selenium in the blood can cause a condition called selenosis. Selenosis can cause loss of hair, nail brittleness, nausea, irritability, fatigue, and mild nerve damage. Other symptoms may include gastrointestinal disturbances, skin rashes, a garlic breath odor, fatigue, irritability, and nervous system abnormalities. Selenium deficiency is rare in people in the United States. However, selenium deficiency may occur when a person is fed through a vein (IV line) for long periods of time. Keshan disease is caused by a deficiency of selenium, leading to an abnormality of the heart muscle. Kashin-Beck disease, which results in joint and bone disease, is also linked to selenium deficiencies.

  29. INTRODUCING MOLYBDENUM (muh-LIB-duh-num)... Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential trace element for virtually all life forms. It functions as a cofactor for a number of enzymes that catalyze important chemical reactions in the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles. Enzymes are catalysts. An enzyme has a protein component and a non-protein component… a cofactor. Molybdenum is a cofactor. Protein component Non-protein cofactor This leg bone of a sheep shows painful, bony knobs caused by an excess of dietary molybdenum.

  30. Sources of molybdenum... Legumes, such as beans, lentils, and peas, are the richest sources of molybdenum. Grain products and nuts are considered good sources, while animal products, fruits, and many vegetables are generally low in molybdenum. Because the molybdenum content of plants depends on the soil molybdenum content and other environmental conditions, the molybdenum content of foods can vary considerably.

  31. Recommended daily allowance... Adolescents 14-18 years  43 mcg/day for males and females Adults 19 years and older 45 mcg/day for males and females  Deficiencies are rare, especially considering that the average dietary intake of molybdenum in the U.S. averages 76 mcg/day for women and 109 mcg/day for men. Patients fed strictly through IV’s and deprived of selenium developed rapid heart and respiratory rates, headache, night blindness, and ultimately became comatose. Extreme overdose: acute psychosis with hallucinations, seizures, and other neurologic symptoms; gout-like symptoms

  32. INTRODUCING COBALT... Cobalt (Co) is a naturally occurring element in the earth’s crust. It is a very small part of our environment and very small amounts are needed for good health. Cobalt is a component of Vitamin B12. As a component of Vitamin B12, cobalt helps red blood cell production, nervous system function, sperm production, normal growth and the proper function of the immune system. It has also been shown to improve memory and concentration.

  33. Sources of cobalt... Industrial sources of cobalt in: Chemistry/crystal sets Magnets Dyes and pigments (Cobalt Blue) Alloys Batteries Drill bits and machine tools Tires Dietary sources of cobalt are the same as vitamin B12, such as foods of animal origin or fermented foods where the bacteria produce the vitamin. Organ meats are the best source of vitamin B12 (liver, kidney, heart, and pancreas), followed by clams, oysters, extra-lean beef, seafood, eggs, milk and yogurt, chicken, cheese, and miso. Miso is a fermented soy product with the consistency of peanut butter. It has a strong, savory flavor and is often used in Japanese soups and sauces.

  34. Recommended daily allowance... The RDA for cobalt has not been set, but should be considered the same as for Vitamin B12, around 1.5 mcg/day (micrograms per day) Cobalt poisoning can occur when you are exposed to large amounts of cobalt. You can swallow too much of it, breathe too much into your lungs, or have it come in constant contact with your skin. Industrial exposure to high amounts of cobalt and consumption of beer contaminated with excessive amounts of cobalt can produce heart problems. Above: lamb on cobalt deficient diet Below: lamb with normal diet A deficiency in cobalt is ultimately a deficiency in vitamin B12 and would be characterized by fatigue, diarrhea, depression, nerve damage, and depression.


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