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Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG3f Closing Report for Sept 2017 Date Submitted: Sept 2017 Source: Benjamin A. Rolfe, Blind Creek Associates Contact: Voice: +1 408 395 7207, E-Mail: ben.rolfe@ieee.org

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  1. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG3f Closing Report for Sept 2017 Date Submitted: Sept 2017 Source: Benjamin A. Rolfe, Blind Creek Associates Contact: Voice: +1 408 395 7207, E-Mail: ben.rolfe@ieee.org Re: TG3f Task Group meetings Abstract: Closing report for TG3f Purpose: Prepare attendees to get things done. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Slide 1 Slide 1

  2. This amendment defines a PHY layer enabling the use of the 865-867 MHz band in India. The supported data rate should be at least 40 kbits per second and the typical Line of Sight (LOS) range should be on the order of 5 km using omni directional antennae. Included are any channel access and/or timing changes in the MAC necessary to support this PHY layer. TG3f PAR Scope 5.2.b. Scope of the project: Extend the RF channelization of the millimeter wave PHY to allow for use of the spectrum up to 71 GHz. Slide 2 Slide 2

  3. 802.15.3 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to provide for low complexity, low cost, low power consumption, and high data rate wireless connectivity among devices that support a variety of applications such as a set of consumer multimedia industry needs, wireless switched point-to-point applications in data centers, wireless backhaul/fronthaul intra-device communications, and a wide variety of additional use cases such as rapid large multimedia data downloads and file exchanges between two devices in close proximity, including between mobile devices and stationary devices (kiosks, ticket gates, etc.), and/or wireless data storage devices. Slide 3 Slide 3

  4. TG3f Officers Chair: Benjamin A. Rolfe, Blind Creek Associates Editor: Benjamin Rolfe (Blind Creek Associates) Secretary: To Be Announced Slide 4 Slide 4

  5. Meeting Goals • Review Initial sponsor ballot results • Resolve sponsor ballot comments • Form BRC Slide 5 Slide 5

  6. Ballot Summary • Ballot passed with 100% approval • Approval rate: 100% • Return rate: 79% • Number of comments: 6  • (technical: 0 editorial: 6) • The ballot passes.

  7. Comment Resolution • 6 Editorial comments. Will be corrected by publication editors. 15-17-0349-03 captures resolutions • No changes required to the draft. • Task Group Motion: • Move that the comment resolutions captured in 15-17-0349-03 are approved. • Moved by: Clint Powell • Second: Rick Alfvin • Approved by unanimous consent.

  8. Initiate Recirculation Ballot • Not required

  9. BRC Volunteers • BRC Formation • Volunteers: Ben Rolfe, Rick Alfvin, Clint Powell, • BRC Call Schedule (as needed) • BRC Call Weekly, Wed 10am PDT commencing on 27-Sept-2017 until the pig is out the door. • Task GroupMotion to form BRC as above: Move to request WG to approve BRC formation of Ben Rolfe (chair), Rick Alfvin, Clint Powell. • Moved by Rick, Second by Clint, Approved by unanimous consent.

  10. WG BRC Motion • Move that 802.15 WG approve the formation of a Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) for the Sponsor Balloting of the P802.15.3f_D01 with the following membership: Benjamin Rolfe (Chair), Rick Alfvin and Clint Powell. The 802.15. 3f BRC is authorized to approve comment resolutions and to approve the start of recirculation ballots of the revised draft on behalf of the 802.15 WG. Comment resolution on recirculation ballots between sessions will be conducted via reflector email and via teleconferences announced to the reflector as per the LMSC 802 WG P&P. • Moved by: Benjamin Rolfe • Second by: Pat Kinney • Passed by unanimous consent

  11. Phil Beecher, Wi-SUN Alliance Next Steps • Initiate Sponsor Ballot: • Form ballot pool • MEC review • Draft Preparation • Document package • EC Approval • Goal: • Complete initial sponsor ballot and comment resolution by September. • Recirculation(s) as needed • Complete balloting and EC approval in November October

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