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Principles of Cooking Heat Transfer and Food Effects

Dive into the principles of cooking, learning how heat transfers through conduction, convection, and radiation while exploring the effects of heat on proteins, sugars, starches, and more in various cooking methods.

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Principles of Cooking Heat Transfer and Food Effects

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  1. Sarah R. Labensky, CCP Alan M. Hause Priscilla A. Martel

  2. Chapter 9 Principlesof Cooking Sarah R. Labensky, CCP Alan M. Hause Priscilla A. Martel On Cooking Labensky, Hause & Martel

  3. Chapter 9 Principlesof Cooking CLNART – 060 Culinary Orientation & Techniques Chef Louis Eguaras, PSB, CPFC Fall 2014 On Cooking Labensky, Hause & Martel

  4. Key Terms baste caramelization carryover cooking coagulation court bouillon cuisson gelatinization Maillard reaction recovery time

  5. Learning Objectives 9.2 9.1 9.3 After this lecture, you should be able tocomplete the following Learning Objectives Understand how heat transfers to foodsby conduction, convection and radiation Understand how heat affects foods Understand the basic principles ofvarious cooking methods

  6. Learning Objective 9.1 Understand how heat transfers to foods by conduction, convection and radiation

  7. 9.1 Heat Transfer Conduction Movement of heat through direct contact

  8. 9.1 Heat Transfer Convection Transfer of heat through a fluid

  9. 9.1 Heat Transfer Convection Transfer of heat through a fluid

  10. 9.1 Heat Transfer Radiation Transfer of heat through waves Infrared cooking

  11. 9.1 Heat Transfer Radiation Transfer of heat through waves Microwave oven

  12. Learning Objective 9.2 Understand howheat affects foods

  13. 9.2 The Effects of Heat ProteinsCoagulate Coagulation Irreversible transformationof proteins from a liquidor semi-liquid to a solid

  14. 9.2 The Effects of Heat Sugars Caramelize Caramelization The process of cooking sugars Maillard reaction Sugar breaks down and darkens inthe presence of protein and heat

  15. 9.2 The Effects of Heat StarchesGelatinize Gelatinization Process by which starch granules are cooked

  16. 9.2 The Effects of Heat Other Effects Water evaporates astemperatures increase Fats melt

  17. Learning Objective 9.2 Understand the basic principles of various cooking methods

  18. 9.3 Cooking Methods Broiling Roastingor Baking Grilling Dry-heat cooking methods (air or fat)

  19. 9.3 Cooking Methods Broiling Roastingor Baking Grilling Dry-heat cooking methods (air or fat) Baste Moisten foods during cooking to preventdrying and add flavor Carryover Cooking Cooking fromresidual heat

  20. 9.3 Cooking Methods Sautéing Pan-Frying DeepFrying Dry-heat cooking methods (air or fat)

  21. 9.3 Cooking Methods DeepFrying Dry-heat cooking methods (air or fat) Recovery time Time a cookingmedium takes toreturn to temperature

  22. 9.3 Cooking Methods Moist-heat cooking methods (water or steam) Poaching 160°F –180°F(71°C –82°C) Cuisson Liquid used forshallow poaching Court Bouillon A liquid in which fish or vegetables are poached

  23. 9.3 Cooking Methods Moist-heat cooking methods (water or steam) Simmering 185°F –205°F(85°C –96°C)

  24. 9.3 Cooking Methods Moist-heat cooking methods (water or steam) Boiling 212°F(100°C)

  25. 9.3 Cooking Methods Moist-heat cooking methods (water or steam) Steaming

  26. 9.3 Cooking Methods Combination cooking methods Braising

  27. 9.3 Cooking Methods Combination cooking methods Stewing

  28. Chapter Summary 9.2 9.1 9.3 Understand how heat transfers to foodsby conduction, convection and radiation Understand how heat affects foods Understand the basic principles ofvarious cooking methods

  29. Chapter 9 Principlesof Cooking END On Cooking Labensky, Hause & Martel

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