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NATIONAL ICT FORUM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Premise of NACIP 3. Content and Structure of NACIP 4. ICT POLICIES • Issues Associated with an ICT Policy Framework • Objectives of ICT Policies • Constraints ICT Policies seek to Address • Convergence of I and T Polices and ICT • Issues of Relevance to Developing Countries 5. Conclusion
NATIONAL ICT FORUM INTRODUCTION Important Developments in the Recent Past The Gambia joined the rest of the world in successfully tackling the millennium date change. The ad hoc outfits in public and private sectors brought about: • a high appreciation of the potential and promise of information and communication technology • led to the reinforcement of ICT infrastructure networks and systems • help organisations see the extent or their integration into the global economy and the evolving K-society • helped organisation assess their risks exposure, dependencies and interdependencies being on the information superhighway brings about • the glaring emergence of a divide and potential development gap between those leveraging IT and those who are not • networking of individuals and entities in promoting IT in all aspects of our lives
NATIONAL ICT FORUM 2. National Communication and Information Policy- NACIP a) The Premise of NACIP A quick through of the NACIP will reveal the premise support and facilitate economic and social transformation de-regulation of utilities in the sector for private sector participation and strengthening regulation in the interest of efficiency, consumer protection and state security
NATIONAL ICT FORUM b) Table of Contents of NACIP: The NACIP is divided into 8 chapters as follows (presentation is based on chapters 1, 2, 7 and 8) • Introduction • Telecommunication • Radio Broadcasting • Television Broadcasting • Print Media Services • Postal and Courier Services • Information and Information Technology • General Regulations Governing the Office of the Regulator
NATIONAL ICT FORUM c) Convergence-policy challenges data, audio and video provide are transported through new platforms, seamlessly across regional and global frontiers. This is convergence and has the following policy challenges that are relevant to NACIP and the areas the document cover: • Enabling legislation • Coordination and focus • Universal service obligations • infrastructure development including telecommunication • industry development • broadcast of content • Strategic planning in the short and medium term
NATIONAL ICT FORUM Table..next 4 slides
NATIONAL ICT FORUM 4. ICT POLICIES • I. ICT • II. Objectives of Policies • III. Issues associated with Policy Framework • IV. Convergence of I and T Policies in ICT • V. Issues of Relevance to Developing Countries
NATIONAL ICT FORUM 1. Information and Communication Technology Policies-Approaches: ICT and the associated networks including the Internet perform the tasks of information creation, processing, transport, preservation and delivery. The concept incorporates information itself (content) as well as the associated technologies for broadcast and telecommunications. a)Though driven by converging technologies and common user interests, the several components the several components have conventionally been kept separate at policy levels. A particular case is the segregation in telecomm networks from those on IP due to differences in routing and switching b)the needs of a modern information society it has become necessary to make the elements (sections 2c and 2d) into a distinct, single integrated and seamless network that connects the entire country and link the country to the world. The network has come of age requiring particular attention
NATIONAL ICT FORUM c)ICT and its facilitation of the evolution of information society require the participation, contribution and partnership of a broad range of stakeholders and cross cutting issues that also need to be addressed to equip, empower and guide the generation of knowledge workers e-society will require d)ICT promotion requires innovativeness and requires new institutional, statutory, regulatory and legal frameworks. e)Research by the Development Research Group of the WB suggests differences in approaches to policymaking matter a great deal. It suggests:
NATIONAL ICT FORUM • An entirely new policy approach in development of ICT to secure the fastest and most appropriate outcomes • Experience of pioneering countries reveal that best results are achieved from bold and innovative policy thrusts and not reconciliation of new technological processes with conventional policy frameworks • The critical role of progressive policies in accelerating diffusion is evident • Policy simulation reveal that feasible and progressive policies can narrow the divide
NATIONAL ICT FORUM a)various international meetings, conferences and initiatives such as: üthe 1996 Midrand Conference in South Africa üG8 Summit üITU-New Initiatives üThe proposed World Summit on Information Society-2003 üWTO, UNESCO üThe UN ITC Task Force and the Working Group on Informatics üECA-AISI üWB and UNDP- (infodev and the human development report-2001 respectively) üNEPAD
NATIONAL ICT FORUM II Issues ICT Policy seek to address; a)acceleration of acquisition and diffusion b)take on the challenges of convergence e.g. • impact on the structure of industry and society • impact on the coordination and regulatory framework c)resolve coordination through institutional mechanism d)implementation coordination e)take on, continually, the design, review and updating of policies, regulations and laws f)facilitate the mainstreaming and harmonisation with other relevant policies g)accelerate the design and implementation projects (telemedine, HIVAids, distance learning, internet for schools, public administration h)industry relations i) serve as focal point for international and technical cooperation in ICT
NATIONAL ICT FORUM III: Broad Objectives of ICT policies: • a)support the broader macro-economic framework objectives • b)increase penetration-e-commerce, e-government or generally e-readiness • c)quality service at affordable costs • d)infrastructure development • e)creation of a hub
NATIONAL ICT FORUM V: Issues of Specific Relevance to Developing Countries Developing countries have several reasons that make ICT promotion urgent. These are: qLow level of access q Resource constraints justify lower transaction costs through new work systems and processes qweak human capacity -develop skills aggressively qDependence on IT in many areas of lives and the need to be dynamic; to update and reengineer continually
NATIONAL ICT FORUM qUneven access to ICT and to development opportunities both reflect and exacerbate existing inequalities between and within countries. Developing countries are on the wrong side of the divide and rural areas of developing countries are worst off qLack of coherent strategies (relating to e-commerce, local content development, ICT awareness, privacy, intellectual property, copy right, ICT in health, education, public administration) appropriate to their own situations and level of development qAbsence of an appropriate regulatory framework for competition, privacy, security, consumer protection qhigh tariffs qcost of access in condition of monopoly and all the against monopolies (low level of competition, high tariffs,
NATIONAL ICT FORUM V Conclusions: As the information society evolves, aggressive policies and strategies are needed. The NACIP is a bold initiative but may not adequately address the pertinent issues in the way an ICT policy would. The facts given above e.g. a)converging technologies and common user interests, the several components have conventionally been kept separate at policy levels as Malaysia, Tanzania and EU countries have done b)needs of a modern information society has made it necessary to make the elements into a distinct, single integrated network that is seamless and connects the entire country and link the country to the world. The network has come of age requiring particular attention c)evolution of information society require the participation, contribution and partnership of a broad range of stakeholders and cross cutting issues that also need to be addressed to equip, empower and guide the generation of knowledge workers
NATIONAL ICT FORUM d)ICT policies need innovativeness and require new institutional, statutory, regulatory and legal frameworks. An appropriate Institutional setting to be charged with qManaging the expectations of government and customers in relation to universal service qCreating a sustainable and competitive environment in the market place qFacilitate the creation of knowledge based society/economy through the creation of a globalised industry convergence of technology and emergence of foreign players qEncourage investment qEfficient effective allocation and management of resources qPolicy articulation, clarity and strategic planning
NATIONAL ICT FORUM e)Research by the Development Research Group of the WB suggests differences in approaches to policymaking matter a great deal. It suggests • An entirely new policy approach to secure the fastest and most appropriate outcomes • best results are achieved from bold and innovative policy thrusts are necessary and not reconciliation of new technological processes with conventional policy frameworks • evidence (DRG Study) of the criticality of feasible and progressive policies in accelerating diffusion and narrowing the divide • Innovative institutional settings (e.g. new institutions and structures created at national and sector levels for ICT e.g. Tanzania and South Africa and Senegal are needed
NATIONAL ICT FORUM • Mr. Chairman; • These say a lot about the way forward. The question now remains: • Do we need a specific policy on ICT in Gambia that will address ICT promotion and the entire attendant issues or is the coverage of ICT in NACIP adequate? The debate could continue or we can decide at this forum the way forward if we are not to be left behind more and more.