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Techugo: Empowering companies globally with innovative solutions for unparalleled success and growth.

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  1. TECHUGO:EMPOWERINGCOMPANIES WORLDWIDETOSUCCEEDWITH INNOVATIVESOLUTIONS In2024,themobileappdevelopmentindustryisreachingnewlevelsof innovationand quality.Asdigitaltransformationremains an essential componentfor companiesin many industries, the demandfor cutting- edge mobile applicationsis increasing.Amidstthis transformative landscape,Techugo emerges as a dynamicforce, poised to disrupt theIT spacewith its cutting-edgesolutions and unwaveringdedication to quality. Techugois a CMMILevel3 Eirm with headquartersin Canada andoff-shorecentersacrosstheUSA,India,SaudiArabia,andtheUAE. Establishedin 2015, Techugoquickly gainedtraction despite its modest beginnings,attractinga diverseglobal clientele.Today,it's recognized as a trailblazerin the world of technology,boastinga team of over 150 industry expertsand a track record of developing650+ apps.During the COVID-19 pandemicin 2020, Techugoplayeda pivotal role in assisting 21 brands by streamliningtheir digital processesthrough its comprehensiveserviceofferingsandsupport. MeettheLeadingMan Mr. Abhinav Singh,the CEO of Techugo,is a driven leaderwith a relentlessdeterminationtoexcelandleadthebusinessworld.Abhinav bringsover a decadeof experiencein the IT industry,with a proven track record of successfullymanaging severalmid- and large-size organizations. Throughout his career,Abhinavhas overseenvarious crucialaspectssuchascorporatedevelopment,productdevelopment, business operations, and marketing strategy for organizationslike AppStudioz,CTCed,andTechugo.

  2. With a careermarkedby groundbreakingachievements,Mr. Abhinav Singhis widely recognizedas the pioneer of the app developmentrealm. As CEO, he managesTechugo’sgrowth as a leading providerof mobile solutions to customersworldwide.Amidhis tenure as CEO, Techugo's developerbasehas grown from 3 to over 100 developersin just nine months. With his yearsof hands-onleadershipexperienceand knowledgeof businessethics, mindfulnesspractice,and cognitivepsychologyfor behavioralchange,Abhinavis actively helping students,executives,and entrepreneursmakesigniEicantlifechanges. UnderAbhinav’svisionary leadership,Techugoembodies excellencein theITlandscapeandhasestablishedadistinctnichethroughacustomer- centric approach, dedicationto sustainability,and enthusiasmfor innovation. ServicesforDiverseBusinessNeeds Techugo excelsin providinga range of high-quality,end-to-end solutionsforappdevelopmentforresponsivewebandmobile applications.Thesesolutions are combinedwith the newest technologies,suchasReactNative,Flutter,AI,IoT,AR/VR,and blockchain. NurturinganExpertTeamofProfessionals Techugofosters a team of world-classtechnocratsskilled in AI, blockchain, AR/VR,enterprisemobility,IoT, chatbots,and mobile and webapps.Theyareallcommittedtothecompany’sgrowth;recently,the teamhasalsosuccessfullyraisedanundisclosedamountoffunding. Techugohas an inclusiveculture that values employeewell-beingand work-life balancewhile simultaneouslyencouraging innovationand rewardingachievement. GloballyAcclaimedClientele

  3. Techugocaters to a diverse clientele of over 225 companiesacross variousindustryverticals,suchassocialnetworking,education, entertainment,and travel. This extensivelist perfectly underscores Techugo’scommitmenttoqualityandexceptionalclientservice. • Some of Techugo’sprominentclients include Fortune 500 companies, Global 2000 companies,Future Unicorn Startups, andcelebrities like XeniaGhaliandScottMcGillivray.Thecompany’ssuccessisattributed to its ability to generate genuine value for end-usersand customers. This achievementis rooted in Techugo’score philosophyof employingtop- notchengineeringmethodsandinnovativedesignconcepts. • AwardsandAchievementstobeProudof • Techugohas achieved several signiEicant milestones and accomplishments.Thecompanyhasconsistentlyproducedapplications that havetopped chartsand received global recognition.Recently, Techugo’sguidanceappforparentsmadeaGuinnessWorldRecord. • SomeothersigniEicantachievementsof Techugoinclude • WinneroftheBett2020Awards • EntrepreneurXFactor2021Winner • IncludedintheUKDailyStar • WhatLiesAheadforTechugo? • In pursuit of future growth and success,Techugois concentratingon severalkeyareas.Toenhanceitspresenceandunlocknewgrowthareas, the organizationaims to achieverevenue surpassing$5 million and onboard over 200 developerson its platform. This strategicapproachnot only fortiEies Techugo’smarketposition but also underscoresits unwaveringcommitmenttoinnovation. • Moreover,Techugo plans to extendits footprint in Australia and Canada,whichwillfurthersolidifytheorganization’sstandingasthe industryleader.

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