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We’re on the Move. And We’re Moving the World of Mobility Forward.

Weu2019re on the move, advancing and revolutionizing the world of mobility to create a more dynamic and connected future for everyone.

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We’re on the Move. And We’re Moving the World of Mobility Forward.

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  1. “We’reontheMove. AndWe’reMoving theWorldofMobilityForward.” • ContinentalandAurorareachdevelopmentmilestoneinthe productionofautonomoustruckingsystems • ContinentalCEONikolaiSetzer:“We’vebecomemorerobustand wanttocontinuetogrow” • Broadportfoliowithtechnologiesfor greatersafety,comfortand convenience,andsustainability • Newopportunitiesofferedbytransformationandinnovation • Hanover,April30, 2024. “We’reon the move. Andwe’re moving the world of mobility forward.” During his speech at today’sAnnual Shareholders’Meeting,ContinentalCEO Nikolai Setzeremphasizedthe technologycompany’sdynamicrole.Themeetingwasheldinpersonfor thefirsttimeinfiveyearsandwasalsostreamedlive. • Setzerbegan by looking at the progressmadein Continental’s partnershipwith Aurora to developtheworld’s firstcommercially scalableautonomous trucking system.“For a long time it wasjust an idea, then it wasa plan– now it’s a reality:autonomous trucks.” The two partnershave alreadydefined the designand finalizedthe architecture of the system.Production is plannedfor 2027. Trucks operatedby Aurora are alreadyon public highwaysin the USA– still with a driverat the wheel as a precaution.In just a few years,they will becompletelyautonomous. • Continental supplies multiple components,including sensors– such as radarand lidarsystems– and cameras.Itcombinesall these into one smart system.Continental also providesthe entire fallbacksystem, whose software takescontrol of the vehicleshould theautonomous drivingsystemfail.TheCEOemphasizedthatContinentalandAurora haveopenedthedoortoanattractivebusinessmodelwiththeirproject. Customersoftheautonomoustruckingsystemwillnolongerpayfor

  2. individual components,but rather for each kilometer driven. “In short, the new way of driving on the roads will change how we create value,” Setzerexplained. HepointedoutthatContinentalbringsmorethan55yearsofexpertisein driverlessvehiclesto the partnership.In 1968, the first electronically controlled,driverlesstest vehicletook to the test track at the Contidrom. Thetechnologycompanystill carries out automated and autonomous driving and tire braketests there today.Atthe beginningof 2024, Continentalcelebratedits millionth test run on the one-of-a-kindtire brakingtestfacilityAIBA(AutomatedIndoorBrakingAnalyzer). Oncourseforgrowthdespiteheadwinds Setzerunderlinedthat, despitea sluggish start to this year,Continentalis on the right track. Themobility and material technologygroup for safe, smartand sustainablesolutions has repositioneditself, is following a clearplanandisrigorouslyimplementingthegoalsithassetitselfwitha clearfocus on value creation. “Our past accomplishmentsgive us a great foundation to build on, becausewe’ve becomemore robust,” Setzer explained.Setzerexpectsthe geopoliticaland economicenvironmentto remaindifficult due to the warin Ukraine,ongoing strainedsupply chainsandlow growth at bestin global automotive production. Despite all this, the CEO remains confident,confirmingthe outlook for 2024: “We wantto continue to grow at Continental.Andat a fasterpace than themarket.” Portfolioforsafety,comfortandconvenience,andsustainability Thekey to success is a forward-lookingportfolio comprising products andsolutions from all threegroup sectors.InAutomotive,the focus is on value-creatingbusinessareas with high growth in whichContinental can makeuse of its systemexpertise– in other words, its knowledgeof howinnovativecomponentsandsmartsoftwarecanbecombinedinthe bestpossible way.“For us, it’s not about hardwareor software. It’s abouthardwareplussoftware.Andalmostnoothersuppliercanoffera

  3. broaderportfolio here than us,” Setzer emphasized, pointing out that four out of five new carsworldwide are equippedwith hardwareand software solutions from Continental.“We’rewell positioned in future technologies,which play a crucial role in customers’purchasing decisions.” Inaddition,Continentaloffers the marketa range of products and servicesthatincludesinnovativetechnologiesfor greatersafety,comfort and convenience,andsustainability.In Tires,for instance,the company is setting newstandardsin the industry with its PremiumContact 7 model,for example.Thisiswhy,in2023,theworld’s10highest-volume manufacturersofelectricvehiclestrustedinandusedContinentaltires. Overall,automotive manufacturers worldwide have already issued more than 500 original equipment approvalsfor their fully electric models.In ContiTech,thegroupsectorformaterialsolutionsmadefromrubberand plastics,Continentalwill be sharpeningits focus on the industrial business. Transformationandinnovationgohandinhand Setzerexplained that diversity and independence,specializationand cooperation, andtransformationand innovation go handin hand at Continental.Oneofthemostrecentexamplesofdemonstratingcourage to forge new pathsis the TechCenterin Hamburg,which openedin summer 2023. From there, Continental coordinatesits global activities relatingto its use of hydrogen. This energysource is becoming increasinglyimportant in the industryand places highdemandson materials.“With our TechCenter,we’re creatinga platform to bring innovationstomarketevenfaster,”Setzerexplained. Continentalis also facilitatingthe focus on future growth by not only relyingonfuturetechnologiesbutalsocontinuingtodevelopestablished productsgearedtothemarketandfocusingon trendswithvaluecreation upside.“Inmanyareas,we’renotwaitingforfuturegrowth,butseizing the opportunity to createvalue now,” Setzer stressed. With the sixth generationofitsradars,forexample,Continentalisbuildingona 25-

  4. yearsuccess story.Just recentlyit received an order for its latest product worthover€1.5 billion.Equallystrongresultscanbeseeninultra-high- performancetiresandContiTech’sindustrialbusiness.“That’salsowhat we meanwhen we say:transformationand innovationcreate new opportunities,”Setzerremarked. Takingresponsibility–sustainably Continental technologiesare designedto makemobility safer,smarter and more sustainable.The CEO underscoredthe importanceof employees’innovative spirit whenit comes to developingnew products andservicesandtakingresponsibilityforabetterfuture.“Becausewhen wesay‘creatingvalue,’wemeansustainablevalue.” Anotherimportantaspect of sustainabilityis reducing the company’s consumptionofresourcesanditsCO2emissions.Inthetirebusiness,for example,thecompanyoffersthedigitaltireserviceContiConnect. Drawingonasmartcombinationoftiresensors,thecloudand algorithms,thisservicedeliversprecisetiredatatofleetoperators,who then know in advancewhenit is time for maintenanceor a tire change. Thisreducesthe risk of a breakdown,conservesfuel andthus also reducesCO2emissions.Continentalis also continually working to reducetheecologicalfootprintofitstires.WiththeUltraContactNXT, the companyhasoffered the most sustainableproduction tire for passengercarsonthemarketsince2023. “Ifyou wantimprovedsustainability,you needtechnological innovation.Andconditions that foster these innovations.Insteadof overregulation,bureaucracyand unfair competitiveadvantage,we need solid foundations,”said Setzer,highlightingthe importanceof peace, freetrade,well-functioningeducationsystems,intactinfrastructureand diversityfor the economy and society.He explainedthat digitalsecurity is also part of responsiblebusiness.Continentalhas beendiligently investigating the cyberattackthat took placein summer2022 and has initiatedcomprehensivemeasurestoprotectitselfagainstfutureattacks.

  5. “Thisisanotherwaywe’reactivelycontributingtosustainability,” Setzernoted.

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