1. 1 Lecture 3: Embryogenesis and Meristems Definitions
Stages of embryo development
Genes required in embryogenesis
Meristems: root apical meristem
shoot apical meristem
Formation and maintenance of apical meristem
Signal transduction in apical meristem
2. 2 Motivation
3. 3 Embryogenesis
4. 4 Embryogenesis establishes essential features of a mature plant
5. 5 Meristems in plant development
6. 6 Stages of Arabidopsis embryo development
7. 7 Stages of embryogenesis - Arabidopsis embryogenesis is characterized by a precise pattern of cell division
8. 8 The axial pattern of the embryo is established during the first cell division of the zygote
9. 9 Postembryonic development of Arabidopsis
10. 10 Embryogenesis requires specific gene expression
11. 11 Mutants of the root meristem
12. 12 SCR and SHR control tissue patterning during root development
13. 13 SCR and SHR control tissue patterning during root development
14. 14 Root apical meristem (RAM) - Root development
15. 15 Root apical meristem - Root development
16. 16 Model of lateral root formation
17. 17 Shoot apical meristem (SAM)
18. 18 SAM forms where auxin is low
19. 19 Genes required for formation and maintenance of apical meristem in Arabidopsis
20. 20 Genes required for formation and maintenance of apical meristem in Arabidopsis
21. 21 WUSCHEL and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS play complementary roles in maintaining the shoot meristem
22. 22 How is the size of the apical meristem constrained?
23. 23 CLAVATA genes
24. 24 Model of the CLV1/2 receptor kinase signaling cascade – Stem cell regulation
25. 25 Maintenance of stem cells in the vegetative and inflorescence meristems involves an autofeedback loop
26. 26 Summary