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Diseases Caused By Protein Damage

Diseases Caused By Protein Damage. By: Abenezer Abraham. 3 Diseases. - Parkinson’s Disease -Lou Gehrig’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease. Parkinson’s Disease . Parkinson’s Disease . 2 Steps & 2 enzymes. 1 st Step and 1 st Enzyme. 1 st Step

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Diseases Caused By Protein Damage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Diseases Caused By Protein Damage By: Abenezer Abraham

  2. 3 Diseases • -Parkinson’s Disease • -Lou Gehrig’s Disease • Alzheimer’s Disease

  3. Parkinson’s Disease

  4. Parkinson’s Disease • 2 Steps • & • 2 enzymes

  5. 1st Step and 1st Enzyme • 1st Step • -L-tyrosine + THFA +O2 + Fe2+ L-dopa + DHFA + H20 + Fe2+ • Enzyme: • Tyrosine-3-Monooxygenase

  6. 2nd Step and 2nd Enzyme • 2nd Step • L-dopa + pyridoxalphosphateDopamine +pyridoxal phosphate + CO2 • Enzyme: • DopaCarboxylase

  7. Parkinson’s Treatment

  8. Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)

  9. Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)

  10. TDP-43 Protein

  11. TDP-43 (Location, Location,Location) • -Normally located in the Nucleus • -Involved in regulating DNA translation into RNA and transcription of RNA to proteins. • -However…

  12. Alzheimer’s Disease

  13. Two Hypotheses • Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis • -Neuronal Cytoskeletal Degeneration Hypothesis

  14. Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis -Abnormal processing of the amyloid precursor protein leads to a series of events that result in Alzheimer’s. -Beta Amyloid Plaques

  15. Neuronal Cytoskeletal Degeneration Hypothesis • -Proposes that cytoskeletal problems are the main cause of Alzheimer’s. • -Tau Proteins

  16. Tau Proteins • -Aid in regulating Microtubule construction • -Also interact with Actin filaments • -Hyperphosphorylation

  17. Tau Proteins

  18. Beta Amyloid Plaques • Amyloid Precursor Protein Cleavage (APP) • -Involves 3 Enzymes • -Beta, Alpha, and Gamma Secretase enzymes

  19. 3 Enzymes • -The Beta Secretase produces CT99

  20. Alpha Secretase • The Alpha Secretase produces CT83

  21. Gamma Secretase The Gamma Secretase forms Beta Amyloid 40 (Major) and the Beta Amyloid 42 (minor) *The Beta Amyloid 42 forms amyloid plaque

  22. The Problem • -Mutations near the Beta and Gamma Secretasecleavage sites result in increased production of Beta Amyloid 42 which results in increased Amount of plaques surrounding the neuron

  23. There’s Still Work to Be Done • -While there is much that is yet to be understood about the exact details of the damage done to this proteins, much research is still being done to ultimately prevent these diseases.

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