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Chapter 8

Chapter 8. The Dangers Of Alcohol, Tobacco, And Drugs. Alcohol. Most Widely Used And Abuse Substance On College Campuses Plays A Part In 50% Of Arrests Of College Students Associated With More Deaths, Crime, Health, And Behavior Problems Than All Illegal Drugs Combined

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Chapter 8

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  1. Chapter 8 The Dangers Of Alcohol, Tobacco, And Drugs

  2. Alcohol • Most Widely Used And Abuse Substance On College Campuses • Plays A Part In 50% Of Arrests Of College Students • Associated With More Deaths, Crime, Health, And Behavior Problems Than All Illegal Drugs Combined • Number 1 Killer Of Americans Between The Ages Of 17 And 24

  3. Understanding Alcohol • Beer Is 4-5% Alcohol • Wine Between 12 And 14% • “Hard Alcohol” Is As High As 90% • “One Alcoholic Drink” Refers To Specifically 12 Ounces Of Beer, One Glass Of Wine Or 1.25 Ounces Of Liquor

  4. Effects Of Alcohol On The Body • Absorbed Into The Bloodstream Via The Stomach And Small Intestines • Metabolized By Liver • Able to handle about one drink per hour

  5. Effects Of Alcohol On The Body • Impairment • Depressant • slows brain activity • Loss of judgment • Loss of coordination • Memory issues • Slowed reflexes • Changes in breathing or heart rate • Coma or death

  6. Effects Of Alcohol On The Body • Caloric Impact • Empty calories, no nutrients • If you do not burn them off, they will turn into body weight • will effect your training regimen

  7. Effects Of Alcohol On The Body • Bodily Damage • Cancer of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines • Multiple liver problems • Disrupted sleep patterns • Increased risk of breast cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, and stroke • Dehydration

  8. Effects of Alcohol on the Body • Sexual Functions and Pregnancy • Sexual function is negatively effected by alcohol • Long-term use can result in decreased testosterone • Causes birth defects • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

  9. Effects Of Alcohol On The Body • Blood Alcohol Levels • Effects everyone differently • Factors Include: • gender • body weight • body composition • type of alcohol • Men have higher tolerance • Table 8-1 • Table 8-2 • Table 8-3

  10. Drinking Behaviors • Binge Drinking • Man drinking more than five drinks, woman more than four drinks in one session • 44% of college students engaged in binge drinking • Serious issue on college campuses • Binge drinkers are more likely to • miss class • fall behind • engage in unsafe sexual activity • get hurt while drinking

  11. Drinking Behaviors • Predatory Drugs • Used by people to control others • Rohypnol • GHB • Cause unconsciousness and inability to resist attack • Do not leave drinks unattended • Do not accept open drinks that you have not watched being poured • Avoid group drinks like punch or containers passed around • Watch out for your friends, have them watch out for you

  12. Drinking Behaviors • Alcohol And The Student Athlete • School code of conduct discusses drinking • Athletic department’s policy may be stricter • check your Student-Athlete Handbook • May be part of drug testing program • risking eligibility

  13. Drinking Behaviors • Alcohol And The Law • Legal drinking age • Underage drinking • DUI • designated driver

  14. Drinking Behaviors • Decreasing Your Drinking • Do you have a drinking problem? • answer questions on p. 122 • Learn how to say no • Avoid triggers • Assess your habits

  15. Drinking Behaviors • Not Everyone Drinks • Studies show that 33% of all students do not drink at all • 92% of non-drinkers do not damage property • 86% are not hurt or injured as a result of alcohol • 67% do not miss class due to drinking • There are many activities where alcohol is not served

  16. Tobacco • Smokable • Cigarettes, cigars pipes • Smokeless tobacco • Addictive

  17. Tobacco • Cigarettes, Cigars, And Pips • Inhaled into lungs • Reduces lung capacity • affects athletic performance • Associated with 4,700 different chemicals • Lung cancer • Emphysema • Cancer of the mouth

  18. Tobacco • Quitting Smoking • Immediate Benefits • reduced risk of heart attack, stroke or cancer • Cold Turkey • Medication • inhalers • nicotine gum and patches • talk to your doctor • Get help and support from your family and friends

  19. Tobacco • Spit Tobacco • Associated with baseball • Stains teeth • Promotes cavities • Tooth bone loss • Oral and throat cancer

  20. Tobacco • NCAA Tobacco Ban • Smokeless banned in practice and competition by players, coaches and game officials • All tobacco banned at all NCAA championships and NCAA-sponsored activities • banquets • press conferences • interviews • Dugouts are considered part of the playing field

  21. Drugs • Illegal Drugs Are Not Only Against NCAA Rules, But Also Violate State And Federal Laws • Athletic Department May Drug Test • Many Dorms Have Zero-Tolerance Policies

  22. Performance-Enhancing Drugs • Ergogenic Aids • There is no magic potion • Many carry lifelong consequences

  23. Drugs • Anabolic Steroids • Resemble testosterone • Major side effects • serious health implications • ‘Roid Rage • testicular atrophy • sexual dysfunction • breast enlargement • Banned and, in most cases, against the law • drug tests • ‘positive’ results in loss of one full season of competition and ineligible for one calendar year

  24. Drugs • Human Growth Hormone • Used to enhance athletic performance • increases muscle mass • No definitive proof • Risks include • diabetes • cardiovascular disease • menstrual disorder • impotence • decrease in lifespan by 20 years

  25. Drugs • Stimulants • Decreases fatigue • Amphetamine and nonamphetamine forms • Risks • motor skills and mental decrease • psychosis • hallucinations • paranoia • increase blood pressure • May lead to injury, exhaustion and circulatory collapse

  26. Drugs • Abused Prescription Medications • Narcotics • high risk of dependency • Diuretics • risk of muscle cramping, heart arrhythmia • Ritalin • risk of heart arrhythmia and sudden death

  27. Drugs • Abused Over-the-counter Medications • Caffeine • commonly used • many withdrawal symptoms • Ephedrine • stimulant • included in NCAA drug tests

  28. Drugs • Recreational Drugs • Prevalent use among students and student-athletes • Often lead to harder drugs

  29. Drugs • Marijuana • Most common • Anxiety, panic reactions • Decreases short-term memory • Decreased emphasis on goals and achievement • NCAA tests

  30. Drugs • Cocaine • Psychological dependence occurs quickly • Mental psychosis • Paranoia • Depression • NCAA tests

  31. Drugs • Amphetamines Or Methamphetamines • Memory loss • Agitation • Sleeplessness • Linked to HIV, hepatitis • Heart failure • Highly addictive

  32. Drugs • Heroin • Highly addictive • Dangerous, illegal • Linked to HIV, hepatitis • NCAA tests • Many university athletic departments treat a positive with automatic expulsion from team

  33. Drugs • LSD • Dry mouth • Increased body temperature • Sweating • “Bad Trips” • Ecstasy • Increased heart rate • Increase body temperature • Depression • Impairment

  34. Drugs • Club Drugs • GHB • liquid ecstasy • loss of consciousness • associated with sexual assault • Ketamine • animal anesthetic • loss of consciousness • delirium • depression • DXM • nausea • itchy skin • risk of heatstroke and lack of sweating • often an ingredient in ecstasy

  35. Drug Testing • A Part Of Athletic Department Policies, NCAA, National And International Competitions • USADA • WADA • Random Drug Testing • Year Round Drug Testing Program • Out of competition tests • Eligibility

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