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Translationese. 翻译腔又称翻译体,是指把原语的语言形式、表达方式、句法结构机械地移植到移入语中,因而形成一种不符合译入语表达习惯的语言混合体。其主要特征是只顾在形式上逐词逐句地紧随原文,忽略译入语语言结构的特点和习惯表达方式,译文生硬牵强,可读性差。 《 翻译学词典 》 中, Mark Shuttleworth 将其定义为:
Translationese • 翻译腔又称翻译体,是指把原语的语言形式、表达方式、句法结构机械地移植到移入语中,因而形成一种不符合译入语表达习惯的语言混合体。其主要特征是只顾在形式上逐词逐句地紧随原文,忽略译入语语言结构的特点和习惯表达方式,译文生硬牵强,可读性差。 • 《翻译学词典》中,Mark Shuttleworth 将其定义为: • used to refer to TL usage which because of its obvious reliance on features of SL is perceived as unnatural, impenetrable or even comical. Translationese is typically caused by an excessively literal approach to the translation process or an imperfect knowledge of TL.
He is sitting behind a beer. 他坐在一瓶啤酒后面。 他坐在桌旁,面前摆了一瓶啤酒。
The woman(waitress)appeared with our beer. • 那个女人端着我们的啤酒出现了。 • 那个女人给我们送啤酒来了。 • When the lady ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so。 • 当女售票员看见我时,她那在其他情况下还挺妩媚的面孔突然变色,变得怒气冲冲。 • 女售票员一见到我,原本颇为动人的面孔刷地一沉,变得煞是难看。
翻译腔产生的原因 • (一)由于理解错误造成的翻译腔。 • 1.只从原文的表层结构进行理解,造成翻译腔。①.Whereas a country like Britain exhibits considerable variation in climate and landscape, the differences across the continental U.S. are extreme. • 原译:象英国这样的国家在气候和风景上展现了很大的变化,则在美国大陆的差异是巨大的。 • 改译:英国已然气候万千、地貌各异,而横跨美国大陆,各地的气候、地貌更是迥然不同。
②.The success rate of up to 90% claimed for lie detectors is misleadingly attractive. • 原译:测谎器高达百分之九十的成功率,据说有误导的吸引力。 • 改译:测谎器的成功率据称高达百分之九十,这颇有吸引力,但却容易把人引入歧途。
③.We are responsible for actions performed in response to circumstances for which we are not responsible. • 原译:我们对那些我们不负责任的环境做出的反应负有责任。 • 改译:对环境做出适当的反应是我们的责任,虽然我们对环境本身无能为力。
(二)由于表达不当造成的翻译腔 • 1.词和短语搭配不当,造成翻译腔。源语中的搭配与目的语的搭配习惯不完全对应,这就要求我们要特别小心双语种搭配不当的地方。不能机械照搬源语搭配,而应代之以汉语的搭配方式。
④.His determination of breaking the bad habits was strengthened by her encouragement. • 原译:她的鼓励坚定了他打破那些坏习惯的决心。 • 改译:她的鼓励坚定了他改掉恶习的决心。
2.过于直译,忽略了英汉两种语言表达的差异,照搬原文的句法结构,造成翻译腔。2.过于直译,忽略了英汉两种语言表达的差异,照搬原文的句法结构,造成翻译腔。 • ⑤.The era of blatant (显眼的)discrimination ended in the 1960s through the courageous actions of thousands of blacks participating in peaceful marches and sit-ins to force Southern states to implement the Federal desegregation(废止种族歧视) laws in schools and public accommodation. • 原译:明显的种族歧视时期结束于20世纪60年代,这是通过成千上万的黑人勇敢无畏的行动得以实现的。他们进行了和平的游行示威和静坐以迫使南方政府废除在学校和公共场所的种族歧视法。 • 改译:20世纪60年代,成千上万的黑人参加和平示威游行和静坐,经过英勇卓绝的斗争迫使南方各州实施联邦政府关于在学校和公共场所废除种族隔离的法律,从而结束了公然歧视黑人的年代。
⑥.Twenty thousand plants are listed by the World Health Organization as being used for therapeutic purposes. • 原译:20000种植物被世界卫生组织列为可以被用作治疗目的。 • 改译:世界卫生组织列出了20000种药用植物。
三:克服翻译腔的方法 • 正确使用工具书。只满足于英汉词典的汉语释义 。 • If you concentrate on books somebody tells you you ought to read, you probably won‘t have fun. • 你若集中注意力于别人指定你读的书,那么读书就毫无乐趣可言了。 • 改译为:你若拘泥于别人指定你读的书,那么读书就毫无乐趣可言了。
注意词法、句法结构,不要望文生义 • It is used to be said that English people take their pleasures sadly. • 过去人们常说,英国人郁郁不乐地享受乐趣。 • 以前人们常说,英国人享乐时也郁郁不乐(愁眉不展)
The study found that non-smoking wives of men who smoke cigarettes face a much greater than normal danger of developing lung cancer. • 这项研究发现,抽烟男人的不抽烟的妻子患肺癌的危险,比一般人要大得多。 • 研究结果表明,丈夫抽烟,妻子不抽烟,那妻子得癌症的危险,要比一般人打得多。
The autumn leaves blew over the moonlight pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves. Her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered. He almost thought he heard the motion of her hands as she walked, and the infinitely small sound now, the white stir of her face turning when she discovered she was a moment away from a man who stood in the middle of the pavement waiting.
Like my friend, I now have an alternative to complaining. When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees. • ×就像我的朋友一样,我现在有了一种代替抱怨的东西。当我对生活感到厌倦时,我就拿出铅笔到后院去心不在焉地乱涂一个小时,试图画出看上去像树的树木速写。 • 同有位朋友一样,我现在不再抱怨,而是去做一些别的事情。在生活中感到厌倦时,我就拿起铅笔,到后院里随便涂鸦个把小时,画画树林的速写,尽量画得看上去像是树林。
His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. • ×他的烦恼经不起安静的良宵美景的感染力。 • 更深夜静,美景宜人,他的烦恼不禁烟消云散。