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Last Class: The Problem. Private Message. Bob. Alice. Eavesdropping. Eve. Last Class: The Solution. Private Message. Private Message. Encryption. Decryption. Scrambled Message. Bob. Alice. Eavesdropping. Eve. Other Security Problems. Are you who you say you are? Authentication
Last Class: The Problem Private Message Bob Alice Eavesdropping Eve
Last Class: The Solution Private Message Private Message Encryption Decryption Scrambled Message Bob Alice Eavesdropping Eve
Other Security Problems • Are you who you say you are? • Authentication • How does Bob know that he’s really talking to Alice? • How does Alice know the message was sent by Bob? • Mutual authentication • How does Alice know that the message she receives hasn’t been tampered with? • Message Integrity • Are you authorized to do what you want to do? • Authorization
Given credit where it is due • Most slides are from Prof. Kenneth Chiu at SUNY Binghamton • Some slides are from Scott Shenker and Ion Stoica at University of California, Berkeley and Ariel J. Frank at Bar-Ilan University • I have modified and added some slides
Authentication • Can you have authentication without message integrity? • I know that Bob sent the message, but someone may have tampered with it. • I know that no one tampered with it, but I don’t know whether or not it was really Bob who sent it. • Authentication & message integrity cannot do without each other ! • Set-up phase precedes message exchange • Session keys to ensure message integrity
Shared Secret Key Authentication • Suppose Alice and Bob share a secret key (KA, B). How can they setup a secure channel over an insecure medium?
Alice sends her identity to Bob. • Bob sends a challenge (random number). • Alice must encrypt and return. • Alice then sends a challenge to Bob. • Bob must encrypt and return.
An Optimization • Authentication based on a shared secret key, but using three instead of five messages.
Chuck…er…Alice ? Attack Attempt • Chuck tries to pretend to be Alice. • He sends the initial message to Bob. • Bob responds with the encrypted challenge, but then his own challenge. • Chuck cannot properly respond to the challenge because he doesn’t have the key.
Reflection Attack • Lesson: never encrypt anything without knowing who you are encrypting it for.
Key Distribution Centers • If there are N parties using shared secret keys, how many keys are needed? • Alternative is to use a trusted KDC. It has a shared key with every host.
Key Distribution Centers • Disadvantage is that Bob has to get into the loop first.
Tickets • Using a ticket and letting Alice set up a connection to Bob. • Vulnerable to replay attacks if Chuck gets hold on KB,KDCold
Authentication using KDC(Needham-Schroeder Protocol) • Relate messages 1 and 2: use challenge response mechanism • RA1, RA2, RB: nonces • Nonce: random number used only once to relate two messages 1 RA1,A,B KDC KA,KDC(RA1,B,KA,B, KB,KDC(A,KA,B)) 2 KA,B(RA2), KB,KDC(A, KA,B) Bob Alice 3 KA,B(RA2-1, RB) 4 KA,B(RB-1) 5
KA,KDC(B,KA,B, KB,KDCold(A,KA,B)) 2 (replayed message) Alice KA,B(RA2), KB,KDCold(A, KA,B) 3 KA,B(RA2-1, RB) 4 KA,B(RB-1) 5 What if RA1 is Missing? • Assume Chuck intercepted • KA,KDC(B,KA,B, KB,KDCold(A,KA,B)) • Knows KB,KDCold 1 A,B KDC Chuck (KB,KDCold) Bob (KB,KDC) Here Chuck gets KA,B !
Authentication using KDC(Needham-Schroeder Protocol) • Why do we need to include B in message 2? 1 RA1,A,B KDC KA,KDC(RA1,B,KA,B, KB,KDC(A,KA,B)) 2 KA,B(RA2), KB,KDC(A, KA,B) Bob Alice 3 KA,B(RA2-1, RB) 4 KA,B(RB-1) 5
RA1,A,C KA,KDC(RA1,KA,C, KC,KDC(A,KA,C)) 2 KA,C(RA2), KC,KDC(A, KA,C) 3 KA,C(RA2-1, RB) 4 KA,C(RB-1) 5 What if B is Missing from Message 2? • Assume Chuck intercepts message 1 1 RA1,A,B KDC Bob (KB,KDC) Alice Chuck Here Chuck gets KA,C !
Authentication using KDC(Needham-Schroeder Protocol) • Vulnerable to replay attacks if Chuck gets hold on KA,B 1 RA1,A,B KDC KA,KDC(RA1,B,KA,B, KB,KDC(A,KA,B)) 2 KA,B(RA2), KB,KDC(A, KA,B) Bob Alice 3 KA,B(RA2-1, RB) 4 KA,B(RB-1) 5
What if Chuck gets KA,B? • Assume Chuck intercepted • KA,B(RA2), KB,KDC,(A,KA,B) • Knows KA,B 1 RA1,A,B KDC KA,KDC(RA1,B,KA,B, KB,KDC(A,KA,B)) 2 KA,B(RA2), KB,KDC(A, KA,B) Bob Alice 3 (replayed message) Chuck (KA,B) KA,B(RA2-1, RB) 4 KA,B(RB-1) 5
Defend Against leaking of KA,B • Message 5 (former 3) contains an encrypted nonce (KB,KDC(RB1)) provided by Bob. • Chuck can no longer simply replay message 5 (former 3) to fool Bob, cause message 5 is now related to message 2 by including nonce RB1. 1 A KB,KDC(RB1) 2 3 RA1,A,B, KB,KDC(RB1) KDC KA,KDC(RA1,B,KA,B, KB,KDC(A,KA,B,RB1)) 4 KA,B(RA2), KB,KDC(A, KA,B,RB1) Bob Alice 5 KA,B(RA2-1, RB2) 6 KA,B(RB2-1) 7
1 KB+(A, RA) KA+(RA, RB,KA,B) 2 KA,B(RB) 3 Authentication Using Public-Key Cryptography ? • KA+, KB+: public keys Bob Alice
More on Secure Channels • In addition to authentication, a secure channel also requires that messages are confidential, and that they maintain their integrity.
More on Secure Channels • For example: Alice needs to be sure that Bob cannot change a received message and claim it came from her. And Bob needs to be sure that he can prove the message was sent by/from Alice, just in case she decides to deny ever having sent it in the first place. • Solution: Digital Signing. ?
Digital Signatures • Digital signing a message using public-key cryptography. • This is implemented in the RSA technology. • Note: the entire document is encrypted/signed - this can sometimes be a costly overkill.
Message Digest (MD) • Can provide data integrity and non-repudiation • Used to verify the authentication of a message • Idea: compute a hash on the message and send it along with the message • Receiver can apply the same hash function on the message and see whether the result coincides with the received hash
Message Digest Operation • Transformation contains complex operations (see textbook) Initial digest (constant) Message (padded) 512 bits 512 bits 512 bits Transformation Transformation . . . Transformation Message digest
Digital Signature • In practice someone cannot alter the message without modifying the digest • Digest operation very hard to invert • Encrypt digest with sender’s private key • KA-, KA+: private and public keys of A
Secure Replicated Servers • A client issues a request to a group of replicated servers • Servers can be subject to Byzantine failures • How does the client gets the correct answer?
Strawman Solution • Client gets replies from all servers… • … and take majority voting • Problem: client needs to authenticate each server
Solution: Secret Sharing • Secret sharing: none of processes know the entire secret • Intuition: • Assume we want to tolerate c failures (some of them can by Byzantine failures) • Need to combine responses such that c+1 correct servers are sufficient to get the correct response
(k,n)-threshold Signature Scheme • One public key K+ • n shares of corresponding private keys, Ki-, 1 <= i <= n • Encrypted value v with each of private key shares, i.e., vi=Ki-(v) • A client can decrypt value v using K+ only if it knows at least k values of vi
Example • Assume 5 replicated servers that tolerate 2 corrupted servers, i.e., we need to adopt a (k,n)-threshold signature scheme where k=3 & n=5