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Chapter 5. The Road to Revolution. Ch 5-1 I Can Statement. I can understand how the British gained French territory in North America. Ch 5-1 Bullet Points. Bullet Point #1: British settlers moved into the lands claimed by the French in the Ohio River valley
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
Ch 5-1 I Can Statement I can understand how the British gained French territory in North America
Ch 5-1 Bullet Points • Bullet Point #1: British settlers moved into the lands claimed by the French in the Ohio River valley • Bullet Point #2: After early British defeats at Fort Duquesne, Fort Niagara, and Lake George, France was defeated • Bullet Point #3: Under the 1763 Treaty of Paris, Britain and Spain took control of almost all of France’s North American possessions
Vocab Words • George Washington: • Militia: • Alliance: • Cede:
French and Indian War • 1753 French build forts with new land claim • Virginia Colony sends soldiers to that land also to claim landand make the French leave • French wouldn’t leave, build Fort Duquesne • Washington builds Fort Necessity • French fight George Washington and his militia and send them back to Virginia
Albany Congress • War expected; colonial meeting called • Met to agree on defending themselves against the French • British invited the Iroquois tribe; didn’t want to make an alliance • Albany Plan of Union: would have a council of representatives, would govern the Western Settlements and deal with the Indians; approved by Albany Congress but rejected by Colonial assemblies
Early British Defeats • British go out to take over French forts • General Braddock went to Ohio River Valley • Didn’t understand how to fight in N. America and didn’t respect soldiers • Led his soldiers into a French ambush near Fort Duquesne • More British defeats • May 1756; Britain declared war on France; called the 7 Years’ War
British Turn the Tide • New generals to lead the British • Recaptured forts they had lost to the French; captured Fort Duquesne • Iroquois now fighting with British • France loses Quebec and couldn’t protect territory in N. America • 1763; France and Britain signed the Treaty of Paris; gave almost all of Frances territory in N. America to Britain
Ch 5-2 I Can Statement I can understand how the French and Indian War drew the colonists closer together but increased friction with Britain
Ch 5-2 Bullet Points • Bullet Point #1: To avoid conflict with Native Americans, Britain issued the Proclamation of 1763 • Bullet Point #2: After the end of the war, Britain strengthened its control over the American colonies by imposing a series of new taxes • Bullet Point #3: Colonists protested Britain’s actions by boycotting British goods.
Vocab Words • Duty: • Boycott: • Petition: • Writ of Assistance: • John Adams: • Samuel Adams:
Conflict With Native Americans • Indian leader Pontiac makes alliance of Western Native Americans; then attack the British • British fight back; start of Pontiac’s War • Proclamation of 1763:banned colonial settlement West of a line drawn along the Appalachians; angered colonists
British Rule Leads to Conflict • Britain in debt due to French and Indian War; wanted to colonists to pay part of debt • Sugar Act: put an import tax on molasses and other goods and called for harsher treatment on smugglers • Quartering Act: purpose was to save money; required colonists to house, provide food and other supplies for soldiers
The Stamp Act • Required all colonists to buy special stamps to place on all kinds of products • Widespread protests and boycotts • Stamp Act Congress met in 1765 to write to Britain to end the Sugar and Stamp Acts; worked to get rid of the Stamp Act • Declaratory Act: Parliament has total control over the colonies
Protests Spread • Townshend Acts: Britain would no longer tax products or activities inside the colonies, it would only tax products brought into the colonies • Colonists losing more rights; Britain wanted to weaken the Colonial assemblies • Committee of Correspondence: aimed to keep the colonists informed of British actions
Ch 5-3 I Can Statement I can understand how the British tax policies moved the colonists closer to rebellion
Ch 5-3 Bullet Points • After parliament passed the Tea Act, American colonists dumped cases of British tea into Boston Harbor • The Intolerable Acts further tightened Britain’s control over the American colonies • The first major conflict between American colonists and British soldiers took place at Lexington and Concord on April 18,1775
Vocab Words • Monopoly: • Repeal: • Minuteman:
A Dispute Over Tea • Tea Act: Gave the East India Company a monopoly on selling tea(hurt the colonists); lowered tea prices • Boston Tea Party: Started by Sons of Liberty to stop tea from coming into the city; made threats; destroyed 90,000 pounds of tea
The Intolerable Acts • Intolerable Acts: • 1. Closed the port of Boston • 2. Increased the power of the royal governor • 3. Abolished the upper house of Massachusetts legislature • 4. Strengthened the Quartering Act • 1st Continental Congress: meeting to discuss that the colonies had a right to govern and tax themselves; all colonies came except Georgia
The Shot Heard Around the World • British government use force to get the colonists to listen • Minutemen begin storing guns and ammo • Governor finds out about this and goes to take the supplies • Minutemen and British soldiers meet, an unknown shot is fired and the Revolutionary War begins
Ch 5-4 I Can Statement I can understand how the American Revolution began
Ch 5-4 Bullet Points • Bullet Point #1: The 2nd Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in May 1775 to deal with the deepening crisis with Great Britain • When the Olive Branch Petition failed, the militant statement of purpose • Although the Patriots lost the Battle of Bunker Hill, George Washington finally drove the British from Boston
Vocab Words • Blockade: • Mercenary:
The 2nd Continental Congress • Colonists didn’t want independence yet, but wanted to protect their rights from the British • 2nd Continental Congress: 1775, planned to form an army, began printing money and chose George Washington as their commander of the army
Patriots vs. Loyalists • Split developing between colonists • Patriot: colonists who favored independence • Loyalist: colonists who remain loyal to Britain and the King • Fewer Loyalists; usually from wealthy families or enslaved Africans hoping for their freedom
Hoping for Peace • Even after the Battles of Lexington and Concord, many at the 2nd Continental Congress were hoping for peace • Olive Branch Petition: said the colonists were loyal to the king and asked all of the fighting to stop • Effort to make peace failed; King George believed the colonists were in rebellion and sent troops over to end the revolt
Early Battles • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga: surprise attack by colonists; Patriot win • Battle of Bunker Hill: British win, but lost a lot of men; helped American morale because they proved they could stand up to the professional British army