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MOTION. NEWTON’S FIRST LAW OF MOTION By Stacie Green. What is motion?. We know that “motion” is any object that is moving. We know that we describe motion in 3 ways: HOW it moved The DIRECTION it moved The SPEED it moved. HOW does something move?.
What is motion? • We know that “motion” is any object that is moving. • We know that we describe motion in 3 ways: • HOW it moved • The DIRECTION it moved • The SPEED it moved
HOW does something move? • To move something, a “force” has to happen. • A FORCE is a push or a pull • To get a toy car to move, the force of pushing is applied as we push it across the floor.
How does something stop? • We can get it to move, but now how do we get it to stop? • An object will stop when it loses speed or “momentum.” • An object will stop when a “force” acts and stops it. • Our toy car stops when it runs into the wall. • What else makes something stop…
FRICTION • We know that friction can help objects stop. • Friction is when 2 objects rub together.
Friction • Friction can help you-tennis shoes on the gym floor so you have grip and won’t fall down.
Friction • Friction can hurt you-sock feet on the dance floor and you slide into a wall. • The friction from the carpet and wheels on the toy car help it lose speed, slow down, and stop.
What about when an object is at “rest”? • An object is at rest when it is still. • A force is still acting on the object to keep it still and keep it in place.
What is it? • GRAVITY • Gravity pulls objects DOWN. • Gravity is what keeps you in your seat, brings your ball back down, and you back down after you jump.
What else is there? • We know how something moves and how something stops. • We know that a force is a push or pull that makes things move. • We know friction is 2 objects rubbing together. • We know gravity pulls/pushes everything back down. • There’s more to motion-Let’s find out…
Newton’s First Law of Motion • You have a hockey puck • It is not moving, it is at rest • To get the puck to move, you have to do something to the puck like hit it. This is the force. • Without the force, it will stay in the same spot and be at rest. • Watch this to learn more! ..\Desktop\Newton_s_First_Law_of_Motion.asf
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion-1st part • “An object at rest remains at rest unless acted on by another force.” • An object will stay at rest or “look still” until you do something to make it move. • The toy car stays at the starting line (at rest) until you push it (apply a force). • The hockey puck sits on the ice (at rest) until you push it with the stick (apply a force).
Newton’s First Law of Motion • Think of a train-that train drives down a straight track and stays going in a straight direction.
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion • What happens when the track curves left or right? • The train turns and goes left or right
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion-2nd part • “An object in motion in a straight line tends to say in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by another force.” • An object will go straight until a force makes it go another direction. • Your paper airplane flies straight until gravity pushes it down. • Thomas drives straight until the driver makes it “turn” with the track.
YOUR TURN!! • Let’s see what we’ve learned so far about motion! • Give this quiz a try and test your motion knowledge!
What is motion? • Any object that is moving. • Any object that flies. • Any object that drives on the road. • Any object this is sitting still.
GREAT JOB! • You’re right! • Motion is described as any object that is moving!
Try Again • Anything that is moving is in motion. • We can say motion is any object that is moving. • Try the question again!!
What force do you apply to move a toy car? • A pull • Turning the key • Throwing it • A push
GREAT JOB!! • We have to “push” the toy car to put it into motion! • You’ve really been paying attention!!
Try Again • Think about what we have to do to get that toy car moving. • It won’t move by itself, we have to do something to get it to move. • Our forces are push and pull, which one will make the car move forward? • Go back and try it again!!
What are the 3 ways we describe motion? • Speed, how fast, and how far • Speed or how fast or slow an object moves • At rest or not at rest and the direction • Speed, direction, and how it is moving
AWESOME JOB! • We describe an object’s motion by saying how fast or slow it goes, the direction it goes in, and by saying “how” it is moving. • Try another question!
Try Again • When an object is moving, we describe “how” it is moving, how fast or slow it is going, and the direction is it moving. • Try the question again!
What is friction? • When 2 objects rub together causing it to slow down or stop. • A type of genre • A force that makes things move • A story you would write
SUPER JOB!! • Friction is when 2 things rub together. • Friction is one reason why things stop or slow down! • Way to go!!!
Try Again • Friction is why you slide on your sock feet in the dance studio or slide on ice. • Friction is why the marbles would spin in space, but not on the carpet. • Friction is 2 things rubbing together. • Try it again!
An object at rest (still) will… • Remain at rest until a force acts on it or something makes it move • Start moving by itself • Push or pull itself • Be out of energy
AWESOME JOB!! • You’re Right! • An object at rest will stay that way until a force acts on it. • Your hockey puck stays still until you hit it with the stick! • Let’s do another one!
Try Again • Think of your hockey puck • When it is sitting on the ice, is it moving? • Does it move by itself or do you have to hit it with your stick? • Go back and try the question again!
Your paper airplane lands because of…? • Gravity • Friction • No wind • Poor design
SUPER JOB!! • YES! The airplane lands because gravity is pushing it down! • Keep at it! You’re doing a great job!!
Try Again • Gravity is the force that pulls everything down to Earth. • Gravity will act on the paper airplane and push it down. • Try the question again!
An object will keep moving in a straight direction until what happens? • It falls • It stops moving • Another force acts on the object and changes the direction.
WAY TO GO! • You’ve really got it!! • Thomas stays straight until the driver turns him (force would be pushing) to curve with the track!
Try Again • Thomas the Train moves down the straight railroad track. • He doesn’t turn to match the track on his own. • A force is applied (the driver turning him) and makes him curve with the track. • Go back and try it again!
CONGRATULATIONS! • YOU DID IT!! • You really know your stuff! • You made it through with flying colors! • No doubt you’ll do great on your paper assessment too!!
Graphics, Sounds, and Pictures • Sounds are courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art • Pictures courtesy of the following: Microsoft Clip Art, http://www.freefever.com/animatedgifs/cars.html, clipart-for-free.blogspot.com, • Image.google.com, and Green family photos • Video courtesy of Discovery Education