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React Native Taxi App with Backend Integration

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React Native Taxi App with Backend Integration

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  1. React Native Taxi App with Back-endIntegration Weassumethatyouarelookingtobuildyourowntaxiapp. If yes, then great that you landed on this article where we willbetalking about ‘React Native Taxi App Script with Back-end Integration.And,we will also put our points on theUIthemeoftheTaxiApp.

  2. WhatissoIntriguingaboutReactNative TaxiApp? ThereisareasonwhytheTaxiAppisgettingso popular. Usually,theappcomesintegratedwithadriverappview aswellasapassengerappview.And,whatthepartabout BackendIntegration?

  3. It is known to be enriched with all the required back-end functionalitieswhich includes– Important Authentication of the user Socket IO (which manages thebidirectional communicationbetweentheserverandtheuser. Rest APIcall Express and Nodeserver.

  4. WhataretheImportantFeaturesof React Native TaxiApp? IfafterreadingthisyouarethinkingaboutUber,thenhonestly thereisnoclearmimicbetweenthetwo. Thisappisextremelyeasytouseandcustomizeandalsoprovides developers with something to buildupon. Thereisauniquetrackingmechanismalreadyequippedinit.And, it is perfect because you can make use of your own visual/idea and then put it toimplementation.

  5. HowdoestheReactNaiveTaxiApp Functions? Firstly,yougotothelogin/registerscreenwhichismeantforboth thedriveraswellastherider.Withalreadyinstalledviewsforboth thisprocessbecomesevenmoreeasier.Youcanevenrefactorthe codelateraccordingtoyourownuse. Thetrackingoptionisonthehomepageitself.Thiswaytheuser always stays updated withlocation. Then,themaponthehomepageismeanttofetchyourcurrent location.

  6. Let the pickup location be fetched and then through the backed searches,theridercanbeeasilyconnectedtothenearbydrivers. Now, if you driver has accepted your pick then you will receive a confirmation call and being a user you can easily take your rides across thelocation. Fortherider,he/shewouldreceiveareceiptpagewhichincludes

  7. Let the pickup location be fetched and then through the backed searches,theridercanbeeasilyconnectedtothenearbydrivers. Now, if you driver has accepted your pick then you will receive a confirmation call and being a user you can easily take your rides across thelocation. Fortherider,he/shewouldreceiveareceiptpagewhichincludes Timeinwhichthedriverwouldreach Nextistimetoreachthedestination Other details for thejourney Totalcosttobepaidforthetaxiride.

  8. WhichTechnologiesaremajorlyusedfor Front Endimplementation? Nowlet’stakealookatsomeofthetechnologieswhich areusedduringtheFrontEndimplementationofthetaxiapp The First one isReact-native Next, one is NativeBase And, React Native CodePush

  9. SomeoftheincludedPackagesintheseare- 1. Redux– This is a state management library which is widely accepted Flux implementation. The best part aboutthisisthatmanagementbecomeseasy.Youcan easilykeeptrackofyourdataandevenpassdownthe datatotheViewlayer.Testinganddebuggingof application even becomes highlymanageable.

  10. Redux-Persist– Save your important information here. This includesdata,cookiesandevenauthenticationtokens.Moreover, youalsofindtheAutoRehydratefeatureherewhichhelpsin retrieving your databack. Redux-Thunk-HelpsincommunicationviatheRESTAPIfor asynchronouscalls. ReactNativeMaps–Youcaneasilyfindlocationsbysettingup theexactregionwiththehelpofspecificcoordinates.

  11. WhichTechnologiesaremajorlyUsed for Back Endimplementation? MongoDB- This is a cross-platform and a document-oriented database.Basically,knownforprovidinghigh-performance,easy availability and highscalability. NodeJS– This a server-side platformusedfor building fastand scalable network. This has also been used mainly for auto server restart. Chai&Mocha–Theseareunittestingcodes.Chaiisusedtocheck theoverallresponsefromtheserver.

  12. Eslint– This tool is basicallyusedfor analyzing code andalso check if the coding style reaches the standard or not. Another interestingpartisthatitcanalsofindproblematic areas, bugs, laggingcodingstylesandevenissueswithstylistics. ExpressJs– Helps the most withcreatingthe server-side applications.Thesearethebestbecausetheyaresimple,scalable andflexible.

  13. ArchitectureforTaxiAppwithBack-end Integration – An ease for React Native MobileDevelopment The Mongo-DbArchitecture Socket IO Architecture which includes– SocketAuthentication Start Trip RestServer Roadmap

  14. WhyshouldyouChooseReactNativeTaxi App withBack-end? In general, it would take you at least six months to work and developanappassuch.But,ReactNativeTaxiAppisallthatyou need,becauseyougetalltheUIelementsandthattoowithback- endintegration. It’sgreattobuildyouriOSandAndroid. Youcancustomizethescreenandevenaddfeaturesaccordingto your businessneeds.

  15. So why don’t you give this a try and let us know how your experience wentwithReactNativeTaxiApp.WearesurethattheReactNativeApp Development Services will leave youamazed. ThankYou https://www.netsetsoftware.com/

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