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tamil current affairs 08-02-2109

tamil current affairs 08-02-2109

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tamil current affairs 08-02-2109

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  2. We Shine Study Circle TNPSC elg;G epfo;Tfs; (CURRENT AFFAIRS) gpg;uthp gpg;uthp - - 0 08 8. .0 02 2.2019 Main Office @ Weshine Study Circle Chromepet, Chennai Phone: 8939144344, 8939244344 Branch Office @ Weshine Study Circle .2019 Plot No: 47/60, “AK” Block, 7th Main Road, Anna Nagar Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 040. 3rd Floor, West Wing, Gokul Arcarde, No.2, Sardar Patel Road, Adyar Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 020. https://weshineacademy.com 2

  3. nghUslf;fk; nghUslf;fk;   jkpof epfo;Tfs; jkpof epfo;Tfs;   ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs; ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs;   cyf epfo;Tfs; cyf epfo;Tfs;   e eppa ak kd dq q;;f fs s;; 3

  4. jkpof epfo;Tfs; jkpof epfo;Tfs; gpujhd; ke;jphp gaph;f; fhg;gPl;Lj; jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; 2016 Mz;by; mjpf fhg;gPl;Lj; njhif ngw;wjpy; jkpofk; mjpf fhg;gPl;Lj; njhif ngw;wjpy; jkpofk; Kjyplj;jpy Kjyplj;jpy; cs;sJ. ogpujhd; ke;jphp gaph;f; fhg;gPl;Lj; jpl;lk; Vg;uy; 2016y; njhlq;fg;gl;lJ o,j;jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; fhhpg; gaph;fSf;F – 2 rjtpfpjKk;> uhgp gaph;fSf;F 1.5 rjtpfpjKk; 1.5 rjtpfpjKk; fhg;gPl;Lj; njhifahf toq;fg;gLfpwJ. ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs; ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs; nfsfhj;jpapy;(mrhk;) ,uz;lhtJ “Mrpahd; ,isQh; khehl;il ,isQh; khehl;il” mk;khepy Kjy;th; „rh;ghde;j NrhNdhthy;‟ njhlq;fp itj;jhh;. ofUj;JU: - “,izg;G gfph;e;J nfhs;Sk; ,izg;G gfph;e;J nfhs;Sk; nrOikf;fhdg; nrOikf;fhdg; ghij ghij” vd;gjhFk;. oASEAN – India Youth Summit ,e;jpahtpy; ,e;jpahtpy; cs;s midj;J fpuhkq;fspYk; jpwe;jntsp cs;s midj;J fpuhkq;fspYk; jpwe;jntsp kyk; fopj;jy; ,y;yh fpuhkkhf kyk; fopj;jy; ,y;yh fpuhkkhf cUthf;fpl> kw;Wk; Rfhjhuj;Jiw mikr;rfk; “jh; 2 2”(Darwaza Band – Part 2) vd;w gpur;rhuj;ij njhlq;fpAs;sJ. o,g;gpur;rhuj;jpw;F cyf tq;fpahdJ jdJ Mjuit njhptpj;Js;sJ. Nfush Nfush> mj;jpahtrpa kUe;Jfs; kw;Wk; kUj;Jt rhjdq;fspd; tpiyfis fz;fhzpf;Fk; “tpiy kjpg;gPL kw;Wk; Muha;r;rp kw;Wk; Muha;r;rp gphp gphpit it”cUthf;fpAs;s Kjy; khepykhFk; oPMRU – Price Monitoring and Research Unit ghuk;ghpaf; fiyfis “,isa fiyQh;fs; ,isa fiyQh;fs;” gpd;gw;Wtij Cf;Ftpf;Fk; tifapy; GJnly;ypapy GJnly;ypapy; “2019 6 ehs; ,ir kw;Wk; eldj; jpUtpoh elj;jg;gl;lJ. gpujhd; ke;jphp gaph;f; fhg;gPl;Lj; jpl;lj;jpd; fPo 2016 – 17 17 Vg;uy; 2016y; 2 rjtpfpjKk;> Mrpahd; - - ,e;jpah ,e;jpah cUthf;fpl> kj;jpa FbePh; jh;th th\ \h ghz;l; h ghz;l; - - gFjp gFjp tpiy kjpg;gPL 2019 – Nrhgd; Nrhgd;” vd;w 4

  5. cyf epfo;Tfs; cyf epfo;Tfs; ghfp];jhd; , ,uhZtk; tuk;Gila (Short – Range) jiuapypUe;J jiuapyf;ifj; jhf;Fk; fz;lk; tpl;L fz;lk; ghAk; VTfizia ntw;wpfukhf Nrhjid nra;Js;sJ. ghfp];jhd; uhZtk; “erh; erh;”(NASR) vd;w FWfpa epakdq;fs; epakdq;fs; nrd;;id xUq;fpize;j ,uapy; ngl;b id xUq;fpize;j ,uapy; ngl;b njhopw;rhiyapd; nghJ Nkyhsuhf nghJ Nkyhsuhf (ICF General Manager)“,uhFy; n[apd; epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. oICF - Integral Coach Factory rptpy; tpkhd Nghf;Ftuj;jpd; Gjpa nrayhsuhf rptpy; tpkhd Nghf;Ftuj;jpd; Gjpa nrayhsuhf “gpujPg; rpq; fNuhyh fNuhyh” epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. o,th;> uh[pt; ead; nrsNg Xa;T ngw;wij mLj;J epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. ouh[pt; ead; nrsNg UPSC-d; cWg;gpduhf gjtpNaw;Ws;shh; vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. nrd njhopw;rhiyapd; ,uhFy; n[apd;” gpujPg; rpq; 5

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