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Description: Aspire to become an expert in probate investing in quick time. Probate Investing Simplified shall get you there in a 6-week course. We shall take you through the basics of probate investing and help you gain advanced skills. Visit our online website to know more.
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN M O D U L E 1 : T H E P R O B A T E P R O C E S S You will have a complete understanding of the probate process, and a visual roadmap for success. You just need to do the work. (There is that.) You will be confident talking to these sellers. M O D U L E 2 : G E T T I N G T H E L E A D S There are over 3300 counties in the US, and each one of them has a different procedure for getting probate leads. You’e going to learn how (and where) you can find them. Most people never get past this step. PROBATE INVESTING COURSE M O D U L E 3 : L E A R N I N G T H E L I N G O YOU NEED TO KNOW THE LANGUAGE AND TERMINOLOGY USED IN THE PROBATE PROCESS. ONCE YOU DO, YOU WILL SHOW UP AS “THE EXPERT” EVERY TIME AND QUICKLY GAIN THE TRUST OF THE SELLER. P R O B A T E I N V E S T I N G E X P E R T S M O D U L E 4 : M A R K E T I N G T O P R O B A T E S Marketing is how you get leads that turn into deals. I’m going to give you all the letter templates and marketing materials you’ll need, and I will teach you how to market to probates the right way so you are the obvious choice. V I S I T U S H E R E VISIT US HERE M O D U L E 5 : T I P S F O R C O N F I D E N T L Y W O R K I N G . . . . . Get Started Here LEARN HOW TO TALK TO SELLERS CONFIDENTLY, AND YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO EASILY BUILD RAPPORT WITH THEM SO YOU GET MORE OFFERS ACCEPTED. YOU WILL ALSO KNOW ABOUT WHOLESALING PROBATES, HOW TO CREATE FOLLOW- UP SYSTEMS AND SO MUCH MORE! M O D U L E 6 : W E B S I T E S , T O O L S , T I P S & T E C H N O L O G Y WEBSITES: LEARN HOW USE TECHNOLOGY EFFECTIVELY FOR MARKETING, WHY YOU MUST HAVE A WEBSITE, AND WHERE TO GET ONE. I HAVE SOME “DONE FOR YOU”. YOU’LL ALSO GET SOME ADVANCED TIPS YOU CAN IMPLEMENT ON YOUR WEBSITE SUCH AS SIMPLE VIDEOS.