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Canada provides individuals seeking a new life a variety of opportunities to improve their profession or trade. Contact Us: https://emigratecanada.com/blog/how-to-find-a-job-in-canada/<br>#Jobs_in_Canada<br># Work_in_Canada<br>#Canada_Work_Permit<br>
How To Find a Job inCanada Canada provides individuals seeking a new life a variety of opportunities to improve their profession or trade. Newly arrived immigrants or some planning to immigrate to Canada may have an easier time adjusting to the move by securing employment prior torelocating. ItcanbedauntingthinkingabouthowtofindajobinCanadawhileyouarestilllocatedinyouarehomecountry. Our tips will provide you with the help you need to increase your chances of successfully gaining a position in your profession or trade inCanada Polish your CV Canada Style Before you begin applying for employment in Canada, you need to review your CV and ensure it is up to date. A poorly-written CV can turn off potential employers immediately, no matter how qualified you are in the field. An employer may read a poorly-written CV and put it down before ever reaching your qualifications and past employment. Afterreadingover,updating,andpolishingyourCV,itisagoodideatosendittoacompanyorindividualthatspe- cializesinturningblandresumesintoprofessionaldocuments.ProfessionalCVservicescantaketheresumeyou havewrittenandtransformit.RememberthatyourCVwillmakeafirstimpression,especiallyifitisaccompanied by a good coverletter. Know what job sectors are hiring inCanada Canada needs specific workers to fill roles in certain job sectors. If you are trained or educated in one of these job sectors, it is far easier to get a position in Canada. Some of the in-demand job fields in Canadainclude: IT FinancialServices Healthcare www.emigratecanada.com
Transport and Logistics Trades One of the most common questions regarding finding employment in Canada is around how much you can expect to earn: Canada SalaryGuide Research employment/settlement agencies inCanada There are services available that help individuals immigrate to Canada. These employment and settlement agencies will help you locate a job and move to the country for a fee. If you want to relocate to Canada and need some help, you may research employment and settlement agencies to get a clearer picture of what must be done to immigrate to the Great White North, and how to find a job inCanada. ServiceProviderOrganizations,alsoknownassettlementoremploymentagencies,arefundedbytheCana- dian government. Most are free to use, but some do charge a fee. These organizations provide services including: Resume writing help and review Language assessment Languageclasses Job search assistance Interview practice Be selective when searching for jobs inCanada You may have a strong desire to immigrate to Canada, but there is no point taking a job you don’t want with a companyyouarenotveryfamiliarwith.Itisn’twisetomassemailalargenumberofcompanieswiththesame CV. One of the best ways to get a foot in the door is to cold call companies and chat to someone about potential job openings. Networking is one of the best ways to get to know people at companies you want to work for. These are two more effective ways to get your foot in the door than simply sending out aCV. Ititalwayswisetodosomebackgroundchecksonacompanybeforeapplyingforjobs.Whilemostadvertsare bona fides there are some that are not what they seem to be so do check out our Canada Jobseeker Safety Tips. How to find a job in Canada : Getreferences If you work in one of the Canadian industries that is seeking employees in your home country already, you have an advantage over others wanting to immigrate to Canada. A strong reference from your current or past employer will not only make you look like a powerful candidate, but it will show the company you hope to work for that you are a prized employee. Having references from past employers can go a long way to helping you land a job inCanada. Consider taking a bridging program inCanada A bridging program is for internationally trained professionals. The programs are provided by many of the universities in Canada. Bridging programs give professionals the opportunity to continue their education and grow their skills to fit the Canadian workforce’sneeds. Ifanindustryrequireslicensingorcredentials,thenyouwillbeabletofindgettheeducationneededtogetthe correctcertification.Beingalicensedprofessionalisdifficultregardlessofthecountry.Bridgingprogramsgive new immigrates the chance to get the skills needed and get closer to the qualifications an industrydesires. Youcandoawebsearchfor,“province+bridgingprograms”,tofindalistofCanadianuniversitiesandcompa- nies that offer bridging programs. Bridging programs are offered for a variety ofprofessions. www.emigratecanada.com
Use socialmedia WebsiteslikeLinkedInaregreatfornetworkingwithprofessionals.LinkedInisyouronlineCVtoolanditallows companiesfromallovertheworld–includingCanada–tosearchforindividualsforjobopenings.Inaddition, youcanfollowotherpeopleonLinkedInwhoareinindustriesyouwanttoworkin.Thiscouldgiveyoutheoppor- tunity to network with someone in yourfield. Learn aboutaccreditation TheprofessionyouworkinmayneedtobeaccreditedinCanada.Thismeansyouneedtohavethequalifica- tions you earned in your country accredited to be used in the Great White North, allowing you to work. If you workinteaching,physiotherapy,nursing,andsocialwork,tonameafewprofessions,thenyouwilllikelyneed additional accreditation of your qualifications. Accreditation of foreign qualifications may take some time, so be prepared to wait. Immigrating to Canada is a challenge, and so is Canada jobhunting Itisn’teasytoimmigratetoCanada.Therehavebeenplentyofpeoplegiveupatthefirststagewhenplanning to relocate to Canada. It is important not to become discouraged at the first obstacle. There are groups out there and free resources that can help you achieve your Canada immigrationdream. In addition, there are resources available to you online that can help you learn more about immigrating to Canada.Therearepersonalblogs,YouTube videos,andTEDTalksonlinethatcanprovideyouwithinforma- tion. You may even know other people who have immigrated to Canada – or another country. Never turn down advice from others. Millions of people who have immigrated to Canada have been in the same situation and every piece of information is useful in some way. Keep your head up and one day, your dream of finding a job in your profession or trade in Canada willhappen. www.emigratecanada.com