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Proofreading and editing services from a leading company within the proof reading sector. Proofessor.co.uk offer quality services at affordable prices. Our team of experts in the English language, offer your work a professional polish, improving its readability. Get Quote a quote today.
Make Inconsistency a Thing of the Past: Professional Proofreading & Editing Creating a piece of writing is a tricky task that requires supreme concentration and focus. Unfortunately, so many elements can come into play that a writer, quite understandably, may allow something to slip through the net - but fear not, for this is when editing services and proofreading services can save the day. One scourge that many writers encounter is inconsistency. In other words, a writer may say something one way but then say it completely differently in other parts of the document. An aspect of the support provided by editing services and proofreading services is reading through the text with hawkish precision in order to shore up such an issue and ensure the writing follows a consistent path. Inconsistency can manifest itself in many ways. This article will focus on some common issues encountered by many writers working in different niches: ● Formatting ● Variety of English ● Compound words
Formatting It is true to say that in committing their thoughts and research to paper, writers can make the odd mistake. That’s universal - it happens to everyone. One prime example is inconsistent formatting, wherein the same information is presented in any number of ways in the same document. For example, writers may write dates and numbers using contrasting styles - in terms of numbers, for instance, the writers may spell them out and then write them later on. Meanwhile, headings may be written in both sentence case and title case for no apparent reason. The trick is to thoroughly check one’s style guide. Editing services and proofreading services will do the same thing. When checking text, they know how to correct any issues they encounter and ensure content is presented consistently and per whatever stylistic conventions apply. Variety of English Different varieties of English sometimes have contrasting rules regarding spelling, punctuation and grammar. In terms of spelling, the difference can come down to a single letter: the UK version favours -se spellings (realise, analyse) while the US version goes for -ze variations (realize, analyze). Other notable differences come in the form of -our/-or endings (savour versus savor) and the usage of the serial comma. Again, editing services and proofreading services will scour the text to ensure that the correct variety of English is adhered to. It’s very easy to use different spellings without realising (or realizing), for example, so an editor will find and correct any such issues. Compound words This issue can frustrate all levels of English users, from the beginner to the native speaker. In short, compounds occur when two or more words merge to form a single word or phrase. The problem is, different publications have distinct ways of approaching these words: some use hyphens, others don’t; in certain cases, they’ll ignore the issue altogether. For instance, copyediting, copy editing and copy-editing can appear in the same source. As editing services and proofreading services are prone to say, it’s crucial to pick one style and stick with it - the trick is remembering what style you chose in the first place. Read More: All Writers Should Look Out for These Issues Why Professional Proofreading and Editing is Beneficial for Writers