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Learn about Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths and Prim's algorithm for spanning trees. These algorithms provide efficient solutions for finding optimal routes, like from New York to San Francisco, using graphs. Explore the step-by-step process, vertex selection, and edge relaxations in implementing Dijkstra's algorithm. Plus, understand the essential data structures and operations required for these algorithms, such as heaps and ADTs.
Heaps Chapter 6 in CLRS
Motivation • Router: • Dijkstra’s algorithm for single source shortest path • Prim’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees
Motivation • Want to find the shortest route from New York to San Francisco • Model the road-map with a graph
A Graph G=(V,E) V is a set of vertices E is a set of edges (pairs of vertices)
2 19 9 14 17 8 10 5 21 13 1 Model driving distances by weights on the edges V is a set of vertices E is a set of edges (pairs of vertices)
2 19 9 14 17 8 10 5 21 13 1 Source and destination V is a set of vertices E is a set of edges (pairs of vertices)
Dijkstra’s algorithm • Assume all weights are non-negative • Finds the shortest path from some fixed vertex s to every other vertex
Example s4 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 5 1 s1
Example s4 ∞ Maintain an upper bound d(v) on the shortest path to v ∞ 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 ∞
s4 ∞ Maintain an upper bound d(v) on the shortest path to v ∞ 8 15 s3 2 A node is either scanned (in S) or labeled (in Q) 10 s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 Initially S = and Q = V ∞
Initially S = and Q = V s4 ∞ Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S ∞ 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 ∞
Initially S = and Q = V s4 ∞ Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S ∞ 8 15 s3 2 w 10 s s2 3 4 15 ∞ v 5 0 1 s1 ∞ For every edge (v,w) where w in Q relax(v,w)
Relax(v,w) If d(v) + w(v,w) < d(w) then d(w) ← d(v) + w(v,w) π(v) ← w s4 ∞ ∞ 8 15 s3 2 w 10 s s2 3 4 15 ∞ v 5 0 1 s1 ∞ For every edge (v,w) where w in Q relax(v,w)
S = {s} s4 ∞ ∞ 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s,s4) s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 ∞
S = {s} s4 15 ∞ 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s,s4) s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 ∞
S = {s} s4 15 ∞ 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s,s4) s s2 3 4 Relax(s,s3) ∞ 5 0 1 s1 ∞
S = {s} s4 15 10 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s,s4) s s2 3 4 Relax(s,s3) ∞ 5 0 1 s1 ∞
S = {s} s4 15 10 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s,s4) s s2 3 4 Relax(s,s3) ∞ 5 0 1 s1 Relax(s,s1) ∞
S = {s} s4 15 10 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s,s4) s s2 3 4 Relax(s,s3) ∞ 5 0 1 s1 Relax(s,s1) 5
S = {s} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 10 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 10 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 10 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s1,s3) s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 9 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s1,s3) s s2 3 4 ∞ 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 9 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s1,s3) s s2 3 4 Relax(s1,s2) ∞ 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 9 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s1,s3) s s2 3 4 Relax(s1,s2) 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 9 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 9 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 9 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s2,s3) s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 8 8 15 s3 2 10 Relax(s2,s3) s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 8 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2,s3} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 8 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2,s3,s4} s4 15 Pick a vertex v in Q with minimum d(v) and add it to S 8 8 15 s3 2 10 s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2,s3,s4} s4 15 When Q = then the d() values are the distances from s 8 8 15 s3 2 10 The π function gives the shortest path tree s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
S = {s,s1,s2,s3,s4} s4 15 When Q = then the d() values are the distances from s 8 8 15 s3 2 10 The π function gives the shortest path tree s s2 3 4 6 5 0 1 s1 5
Implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm • We need to find efficiently the vertex with minimum d() in Q • We need to update d() values of vertices in Q
Required ADT • Maintain items with keys subject to • Insert(x,Q) • min(Q) • Deletemin(Q) • Decrease-key(x,Q,Δ)
Required ADT • Insert(x,Q) • min(Q) • Deletemin(Q) • Decrease-key(x,Q,Δ): Can simulate by Delete(x,Q), insert(x-Δ,Q)
How many times we do these operations ? • Insert(x,Q) • min(Q) • Deletemin(Q) • Decrease-key(x,Q,Δ): Can simulate by Delete(x,Q), insert(x-Δ,Q) n = |V| n n m = |E|
Do we know an algorithm for this ADT ? • Insert(x,Q) • min(Q) • Deletemin(Q) • Decrease-key(x,Q,Δ): Can simulate by Delete(x,Q), insert(x-Δ,Q) Yes! Use binary search trees, we had insert and delete and also min in the dictionary data type
Heap (min) • Heap is • A complete binary tree • For any node v, both children’s keys are larger than its key 7 23 17 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 79 Heap-ordered tree
Array Representation • Representing a heap with an array • Get the elements from top to bottom, from left to right 7 23 17 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 79 7 23 17 24 29 26 19 65 33 40 79 Q
Array Representation • Left(i): 2i+1 • Right(i): 2i+2 • Parent(i): (i-1)/2 7 23 17 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 79 7 23 17 24 29 26 19 65 33 40 79 Q
Find the minimum • Return Q[0] 7 23 17 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 79 7 23 17 24 29 26 19 65 33 40 79 Q
Delete the minimum 7 23 17 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 79 7 23 17 24 29 26 19 65 33 40 79 Q
Delete the minimum 23 17 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 79 23 17 24 29 26 19 65 33 40 79 Q
Delete the minimum 79 23 17 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 79 23 17 24 29 26 19 65 33 40 Q
Delete the minimum 17 23 79 29 26 19 24 65 33 40 17 23 79 24 29 26 19 65 33 40 Q
Delete the minimum 17 23 19 29 26 79 24 65 33 40 17 23 19 24 29 26 79 65 33 40 Q
Delete the minimum Q[0] ← Q[size(Q)-1] size(Q) ← size(Q)-1 Heapify-down(Q,0) 17 23 19 29 26 79 24 65 33 40 17 23 19 24 29 26 79 65 33 40 Q
Heapify-down(Q,i) • Heapify-down(Q, i) • l ← left(i) • r ← right(i) • smallest ← i • if l < size(Q) and Q[l] < Q[smallest] • then smallest ← l • if r < size(Q) and Q[r] < Q[smallest] • then smallest ← r • if smallest > i then Q[i] ↔ Q[smallest] • Heapify-down(Q, smallest)