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Third Consultation on the New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education - Results and Recommendations. 18 January 2007. Overview of responses in the third consultation & the way forward (slides 3 - 6) Proposed changes to the assessment design (slides 7 - 9)
Third Consultation on the New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education- Results and Recommendations 18 January 2007
Overview of responses in the third consultation & the way forward (slides 3 - 6) Proposed changes to the assessment design (slides 7 - 9) The double cohort years & the implementation challenge (slides 10 - 11) Strategic implementation principles & plan (slides 12 - 21) Note: Details of the third consultation along with the Curriculum & Assessment Guides for all subjects will be uploaded onto the EMB and HKEAA websites by the end of January An Overview
Exam The main concerns continue to be teacher and student effort, and to a lesser extent, authentication SBA Overview of Responses to Questionnaires Average Ratings by Question Notes : A 6-point scale is adopted, with 6 denoting strongly agree and 1 strongly disagree at the two ends of the continuum. Schools choosing 4, 5, or 6 indicated a view in agreement with the statement, while those choosing 1,2 or 3 in disagreement with the statement.
Schools’ views on the public examination components are generally good Positive support for the design and weighting of SBA in most subjects Opinion divided as to whether the effort required by teachers and students to complete SBA is reasonable Overview of Responses to the Survey
Further refinement of assessment design for 9 elective subjects Strategic implementation of SBA The Way Forward
Proposed Changes to the Assessment Design(Core Subjects) Note : There are no proposed changes to the assessment design for Mathematics and Liberal Studies.
Proposed Changes to the Assessment Design(Elective Subjects) In response to schools’ concern, proposed changes to the assessment design of 9 elective subjects were made
Proposed Changes to the Assessment Design(Elective Subjects)
The Double Cohort Years (2011 and 2012) During the double cohort years, some teachers may need to teach S6/S7 classes entering HKALE and S5/S6 classes entering HKDSE at the same time
Key implications of the double cohort in 2011-12: Some teachers will need to teach i) old HKALE subjects ii) new HKDSE subject equivalents, iii) modules of the new Liberal Studies. A 2012 introduction of SBA for all subjects could result in heavy short-term demands on these teachers and on the schools in balancing teacher workload The Implementation Challenge Strategic implementation of SBA
SBA should be fully implemented in 2012 for subjects that already have SBA at HKCEE level Deferred arrangements would be adopted for subjects with no SBA at HKCEE level, taking into consideration the support for SBA and the impact (in terms of the no of schools and candidature) Strategic Implementation Principles
Category 1 (8 subjects) - Full implementation in 2012 Category 2 (10 subjects) - To be further discussed with stakeholders before finalization Category 3 (6 subjects) – Deferred implementation Strategic Implementation Plan
Summary of Strategic Implementation Planfor Subjects in Cat 1 and Cat 3 Implement: All schools fully implement SBA, submit marks to HKEAA for counting towards subject result School Trial: All schools fully implement the curriculum and assessment guides and submit SBA marks to HKEAA for feedback, but do not count towards subject result Deferred: All schools fully implement the curriculum and assessment guides, but do not submit SBA marks to HKEAA
SBA well established and accepted at HKALE Strong arguments for regarding the practical component of the SBA (i.e., laboratory work) as integral to the subject However, currently SBA is not a part of HKCEE science subjects Many science teachers will be involved in teaching HKALE courses and contributing to Liberal Studies in 2011 and 2012, noting that electives with large candidature (e.g. Econ, Geog, BAFS etc) will be implemented strategically Cat 2a - Science Subjects (Bio, Chem, Phy, Sci)
Proposed Strategic Implementation Plan for Cat 2a – Science Subjects Note : A further point of discussion for science subjects is to have school trial for 2 years in 2012 and 2013 before full implementation in 2014, taking into consideration the fact that assessment of practical skills has been practised in science subjects for many years.
No SBA at HKCEE level (Chi Lit, Lit in Eng, PE) New subjects (HMSC, THS, T&L) Heavily practical in nature or the current public examination already assessing similar skills Some language teachers teaching the literature subjects will be involved in teaching Chi Lang / Eng Lang as well Medium/small candidature anticipated, medium/small impact on schools Cat 2b - Literatures and Practical Subjects (Chi Lit, Lit in Eng, HMSC, THS, T&L, PE)
Proposed Strategic Implementation Plan for Cat 2b – Literatures and Practical Subjects
Summary of Strategic Implementation for All Subjects Implement: All schools fully implement SBA, submit marks to HKEAA for counting towards subject result School Trial: All schools fully implement the curriculum and assessment guides and submit SBA marks to HKEAA for feedback, but do not count towards subject result Deferred: All schools fully implement the curriculum and assessment guides, but do not submit SBA marks to HKEAA + Adopting Option A
Professional Development for Teachers • A. Including 40 3-day school leaders workshops and some 110 1-day workshops for all middle managers of all secondary schools as well as subject specific programmes for teachers (e.g. in 2005/06, about 90 programmes & 400 events were offered to entertain 36,000 enrolments) • B. Include also the following areas: • Integration of SBA tasks in regular teaching and learning activities; and • Developing a school assessment policy which adopts more diversified forms of assessment apart from paper and pen examinations
Impact of good training: the case of PE Teachers’ Workload Responses to the item "The amount and type of effort required of teachers to complete SBA is reasonable" (3rd Consultation, n=282; After PDP =74). Students’ Workload Responses to the item "The amount and type of effort required of students to complete SBA is reasonable" (3rd Consultation, n=282; After PDP =74).
1.School-based Support Services 3 types of support: subject-specific, generic and school partnership project Mode of support: on-site, consultancy service and networking 2. Curriculum & Assessment Guides (ready in early 2007) 3.Senior Secondary Curriculum Guides 4. Liberal Studies Web-based Resource Platform(http://www.ls.hkedcity.net); user name: lsuser; password: lspwd 5. 334 Web Bulletin (http://www.emb.gov.hk/334) 6. Learning & Teaching materials (including textbooks) Other Support Provisions