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AP Exam Review: “Everything” You Need to Know

A thorough review of important chemistry concepts for .AP. Exam, covering topics from atomic theory experiments to redox reactions and electrolytic cells. Includes key concepts, laws, and calculations.

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AP Exam Review: “Everything” You Need to Know

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  1. AP Exam Review:“Everything” You Need to Know Brown, LeMay Ch. 1-11, 13-21, 24-25

  2. Ch 1-4 • Sig figs (+/- on Free Response) • Atomic theory experiments (Thomson, Millikan, Rutherford) • Inorganic nomenclature (salts, acids, oxyacids, hydrates) • Average atomic mass • Empirical vs. molecular weight • Limiting reagent calculations • Solubility rules & other salt/acid/base reactions

  3. Ch 5-7 • DE = q + w • State functions: T, E, H, S, G • 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Laws of Thermodynamics • Hess’s Law, DHfº, calorimetry • Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett • Quantum numbers, s, p, d, f • Aufbau (filling), Hund (degenerate), Pauli (exclusion), electronic configurations • IE, EN, EA, atomic radius, ENC

  4. Ch 8-9, 25 • Lewis structures, dipole moments, oxidation number and formal charge • Resonance structures, bond order • DHrxn = bonds broken – bonds formed • VSEPR, e- domain and molecular geometries • Hybrid orbitals, delocalized e-, sigma and pi • Alkanes, -enes, -ynes, isomers, functional groups • Combustion and organic nomenclature • Para- vs. diamagnetic

  5. Ch 10-11, 13 • Boyle’s, Charles’, Avogadro’s, ideal, Dalton’s, collecting gases over water, van der Waal’s • Kinetic energy, temperature, ½ mv2, effusion & Graham’s, MM and mass in kg • IMF’s and solids: Atomic, LDF, dipole-dipole, H-bonds, metallic, ionic, covalent network • Phase diagrams • Molarity vs. molality, colligative properties (VP↓, BP↑, FP↓, P)

  6. Ch 14-17 • Rate laws, reactant orders, Arrhenius equation, catalysts, activation energy • Reaction mechanisms, molecularity • Beer’s law • Keq, ICE tables, Kc, Kp, Le Châtelier, only T affects Keq • Arrhenius, B-L, Lewis acids/bases, amphoteric • pH, Kw, Ka & Kb, conjugate acid/base pairs, hydrolysis of salts • Acid/base strength and structure • Common ion effect, Ksp, molar solubility, Q • Buffers, acid-base titrations and pH curves

  7. Ch 19-21, 24 • Entropy, predicting DS, DG = DH – TDS • -DG is spontaneous • Redox, red/ox agents, half-reactions • Voltaic cells, anode vs. cathode • Eºcell = Eºred (cathode) - Eºred (anode) • +Ecell is spontaneous • Electrolytic cells, 1 F = 96,500 C = 1 mol e- • Alpha, beta, gamma, positron, e- capture, half-life, E = mc2, mass defect • Fission vs. fusion • Complexation, ligands, coordination number

  8. e- flow NO31- Na1+ Zn Cu salt bridge, saturated with NaNO3 (aq) Zn2+ (aq) Cu2+ (aq) Ex: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) Oxidation half-cell: Zn (s) → Zn2+ (aq) + 2 e- Reduction half-cell: Cu2+ (aq) + 2 e- → Cu (s) (-) (+) anode cathode Notation: Anode| Anode product|Salt |Cathode|Cathode product Zn(s)|Zn2+(aq, 1 M)|NaNO3 (saturated)|Cu2+(aq, 1 M)|Cu(s)

  9. 3 Thermodynamic Quantities: Equilibrium composition measurements Calorimetry and entropy: S0 and DS0 Electrical measurements: E0 and E0cell

  10. e- flow Pt Pt NaCl (l) Ex: Na+ (l) + Cl- (l) → Na (l) + Cl2 (g) Oxidation half-cell: 2 Cl- (l) → Cl2(g) + 2 e- Reduction half-cell: Na+ (l) + e- → Na (l) (+) (-) Cl2 (g) Na (l) anode cathode • In a voltaic cell: anode is (-), cathode is (+). • In an electrolytic cell: anode is (+), cathode is (-).

  11. Acids/Bases

  12. Lab Based Questions Spec 20: spec 20 dartmouth Beer Lambert’s Law: Beer Lambert's Law Sample Problem: 5. A student is instructed to determine the concentration of a solution of CoCl2 based on absorption of light (spectrometric/colorimetric method). The student is provided with a 0.10 M solution of CoCl2 with which to prepare standard solutions with concentrations of 0.020 M, 0.040 M, 0.060 M and 0.080 M. (a) Describe the procedure for diluting the 0.10 M solutions to a concentration of 0.020 M using distilled water, a 100 mL volumetric flask, and a pipet or buret. Include specific amounts where appropriate. The student takes the 0.10 M solution and determines the percent transmittance and the absorbance at various wavelengths. The two graphs below represent the data.

  13. (b) Identify the optimum wavelength for the analysis. The student measures the absorbance of the 0.020 M, 0.040 M, 0.060 M, 0.080 M and 0.10 M solutions. The data are plotted below. (c) The absorbance of the unknown solution is 0.275. What is the concentration of the solution? (d) Beer’s Law is an expression that includes three factors that determine the amount of light that passes through a solution. Identify two of these factors. (e) The student handles the sample container (e.g., test tube or cuvette) that holds the unknown solution and leaves fingerprints in the path of the light beam. How will this affect the calculated concen­tration of the unknown? Explain your answer. (f) Why is this method of determining the concentration of CoCl2 solution appropriate, whereas using the same method for measuring the concentration of NaCl solution would not be appropriate?

  14. (a) M1V1 = M2V2; (0.10M)(V1) = (0.020M)(100. mL) V1 = 20.0 mL a 20.0 mL aliquot of 0.10 M solution is measured by buret or pipet. this aliquot is added to the 100-mL volumetric flask and filled, with mixing, to the line on the neck with distilled water (b) approx. 510 nm (c) approx. 0.05 M (d) extinction coefficient path length of light concentration of absorbing species (e) fingerprints scatter light and the detector gets less light, the reading of absorbance is higher, indicating a higher than expected concentration (f) the Na+ ion does not absorb energy in the visible spectrum, whereas the Co2+ is a rose color

  15. Thermochemistry Bond Energy: Bonds broken- Bonds formed Periodic Trends: Depend on size, justify on ENC, nuclear charge and Shielding effect For IONIC COMPOUNDS: lattice energy only!! Weak acid/bases, titration curves Organic Chemistry: Sigma and Pi bonds, hybridization Go over MC equations Go over exceptions document

  16. Don’t worry, you will be fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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