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World religions – Christianity. By: Weronika Domagała.
World religions – Christianity By: Weronika Domagała
Christianity - monotheistic religion of revelation, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Its followers recognize in him the promised Messiah and Saviour, who established the Kingdom of God by his resurrection. The canon of the Christian faith has been written in the New Testament, and shall be forwarded by the churches. According to Acts In Antioch the disciples were first called Christians. With time, the faithful began to express individuality. The first recorded use of the term Christianity was foundin the Letter to the Corinthians.Christianity was originally symbolised bythe fish, then it a crossbecame a symbol. Thename was establishedby joiningthe first two letters of the Greek word Christos and the crucifixion of Jesus.
Fundamentals of faith According to the Christian faith, God revealed himselfto thehumanity in the history of Israel and the Church. This process reached its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Along with the Jews, Christians confess that God is one and that Heis the Creator of the visible and the invisible (the spiritual) worlds. Man is the crownjewelinthelevelof His creation, the image of Himself, revealing the mind of the Creator. Part of the Christian religion is the belief that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, but God is in three persons - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The most importantbeliefinthisreligionisthat through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has brought salvation to the world.
First centuries Historically, during the first six centuries of the existance of this faith theChristianity was spreadorally. TheChristianitymembersunderstoodtheirfaith as the community whichmemberssharethe same beliefs, and treatedthemselves as a Churchwhichhadthe same valuessuch as: unity, holiness, catholicy (universality) and apostolicity. The main dogmatic truths about the mystery of Christ and the Persons of the Holy Trinity weredefinedin the first four Ecumenical Councils – inNicea(325), Constantinople (381), Ephesus(431) and Chalcedon (451).
Statistics Christianity is now the most numerous religion in the world.It is now professed by about 33% of theworld population. Among the nearly 2.5 billion Christians we distinguishamong(as of 2011): approximately 1.16 billion Catholics approximately 1.04 billion Protestants (approximately 612 million charismatic, approximately 426 million classic) approximately 271 million Orthodox about 87 million Anglicans, about 35 million Christians who belong to other denominations. To the last position we also include various sects of Christian origin.TheChristianity predominatesthe religiousstructure of Europe, bothAmericas and Australia, inAfrica onlyaround38% of the population isCatholic, in Asia catholicsare in the minority.Today, there are already 42 thousand churches and ecclesial communities.
Mainbranches The Christianity is divided into three main branches:Catholicism– including the Roman Catholic Church with the Latin, Greek-Catholic and other Easternrites, old catholiccreeds,including Mariavitism and traditionalist and liberal mainstreams Eastern Churches - which include theOrthodox and Oriental and the Assyrianchurches Protestantism - a series of confessions derived from the sixteenth-century Reformationamongwhich evangelical churchessuch as Lutheranism, Calvinism and Presbyterianism, Methodismaredistinguished, evangelical religion, also called revival, such as Baptist, In addition, twoothertrendsareoften distinguished:Anglicanismand Episcopal religion; Oriental Churches include: Oriental Orthodox churches and Assyrian churches.Thus, according to this classification there are five mainstreamsin Christianity. Another separate categoryistheUnitarianism –itnegatetheknowledgeaboutthe Holy Trinity.
Persecutionof Christians Today, in many countries there is a persecution of Christians because of their faith. According to the report of theAid of theChurchinNeedchristiansare discriminated in more than 70 countries around the world. According to this study, persecutions affectapproximately 200 million people, and morethan 170 thousandpeopleare killed each year. The most difficult conditions for thechristiansareinthe countriessuch as Afghanistan, China, North Korea, Mjanmar, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Representatives of theAid to the Church in Need said that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the worldtoday.
Women in Christianity The basic vision of a Christian woman, her role in the family, in society and in the Church, emphasizes herequality withman in therelation to human dignity. At the same time itpoints out the obvious fact that both sexes are not identical. Differences make thepossibility of mutual complementarity.
The most important rituals in Christianity Confirmation Holy Communion Baptism
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