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India. By: Shelby Webb A.J. McNeal Tyler Hill. India Society Divides. Aryan society became more complex and they divided into groups

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  1. India By: Shelby Webb A.J. McNeal Tyler Hill

  2. India Society Divides • Aryan society became more complex and they divided into groups • There are four main Varnas: Brahmins(priest), Kshatriyas(rulers or worriers), Vaisyas(farmers, craftspeople, and traders), Sudras(laborers and non-Aryans) • Brahmins were seen as the highest because they preformed rituals for the gods • Varnas in Indian society got even more complex and were further divided into many castes, or groups • These castes were based on a person’s birth, wealth, or occupation • Overtime caste gained or lost favor in society as caste members gained wealth and power

  3. Caste Rules • To keep castes distinct the Aryans developed guides wich listed all the rules for the caste system • Examples: People aren’t allowed to marry anyone from a different classes. People from different classes can’t eat with one another. • People who broke the caste rules could be banned from their homes or their castes • Because of these rules people spent most of their time with others in the same class

  4. The Vedas • Aryan priest were called Brahmins, their religion is Brahmanism • Aryan religion was based on the Vedas • These four Vedas contained hymns and poems • Indra is a god of the sky and war • Overtime Brahmins wrote down their thoughts about Vedas, these thoughts were complined into collections called Vedic Texts • Priest placed animals, food, or drinks to be sacrified in a fire that would carry these offerings to gods • preformed secret rituals that only certain people can do, if they preform these secret rituals they do it in forest where no one could find them

  5. The Vedas • Upanishads- these writings are reflections on the Vedas by religions, students, and teachers • Eventualy all ideas of these sacred texts began to blend with ideas from other cultures • Persia and other kingdoms in Centeral Asia brought their ideas to India • The blending of ideas created a religion called Hinduism – the largest religion in India today

  6. Hinduism • Hindus believe in many gods, three major gods: Brahma the Creator, Siva the destroyer, and Vishnu the Preserver • Hindus believe that each god is part of a single universal spirit called Brahman • They believe that everything in the world is a part of Brahman • Hindu teachings say that a person’s soul holds that person’s personality • They believe that their souls will eventually join Brahman cause they will live in an illusion • Reincarnation- the process of rebirth Brahma Siva Vishnu

  7. Hinduism • Hindu believes if a person dies he/she is reborn in a new physical form • Hindu believes in karma, evil/good actions during ones life will build bad/good karma and will be born into a lower/higher life form • Hinduism tought that each person had a duty to accept his or her place in the world without complaint • Hindu women were not allowed to read the Vedas or other sacred texts

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