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The light intensity can affect green soya seeds growth and development

The light intensity can affect green soya seeds growth and development. Members of group. Oktiana dwi astuti (10315244002) Alfatah fathony (10315244004) Inas luthfiyani gunawan (10315244011) Novia anggraeni (10315244021) Ganie indra viantoro (10315244022)

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The light intensity can affect green soya seeds growth and development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The light intensity can affect green soya seeds growth and development

  2. Members of group • Oktianadwiastuti (10315244002) • Alfatahfathony (10315244004) • Inasluthfiyanigunawan (10315244011) • Noviaanggraeni (10315244021) • Ganieindraviantoro (10315244022) • Prismaakbardhina (10315244026)

  3. Objectives • To determine the effect of light intensity on the growth and development of green soya plant.

  4. Tools and materials Tools: • Lamp • Aqua glass • Spoon • Written equipment • Analytic scales Materials: • Green soya seeds • Water • soil

  5. Variables Independent variables : • The light intensity: • In sunlight/ outside place • In dark place • In usual place • In lamp place

  6. Dependent variables: • Length of plant • Length of leaf • Color of leaf Control variables: • Time of watering • Deep of hole • Volume of watering • Total of soil

  7. Relation about physic, chemistry, and biology Physic: measure length of stem and also length of leaf. Chemistry: the macro and micro element in the soil Biology: affect light intensity toward green soya seeds

  8. Procedure • Choose the best and same green soya seeds • Put it in the water until one day • Prepare 4 of the aqua glass • Give name 1 until 4 to the aqua: • 1 is sun light place • 2 is dark place • 3 is usual place • 4 is the lamp place • Scale the each soil with 150 gram • Enter the each soil into aqua glass with have namely • Make deep of hole in that soil, the deep is 1 cm • Enter the green soya seeds into the hole • Observe the change about green soya seeds

  9. Table of observation result explanation: • 1 : sun light directly • 2: in dark room • 3 : usualy room • 4 : lamp • yellow (+) • yellowish green (++) • green (+++)





  14. KESIMPULAN Dari percobaan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa, intensitas cahaya sangat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan kacang hijau karena kacang hijau yang mendapatkan cahaya yang cukup (sinarmataharilangsung) panjangbatangnya akan lebih pendek, daunnyalebar, daunberwarnahijau dan pertumbuhannya akan lebih lambat dari pada kacang hijau yang tidak mendapatkan cahaya.Padakacanghijau yang tidakmendapatcahaya (diruanggelap), pertumbuhannyaakansemakincepat, panjangbatangnyajugasemakinpanjang, namunbatangtersebutloyodanbatangnyalebihkurusdibandingkandengantanaman yang beradapadatempat yang terkenacahayamataharilangsungkemudianuntukdaunnyayaitudauntersebuttidaklebardanberwarnakuning (pucat).

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