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HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in the World and Vietnam

Explore the HIV/AIDS epidemiology globally and in Vietnam, including statistics on HIV prevalence, transmission routes, and impact on children. Learn about the characteristics of the HIV epidemic in Vietnam, key risk groups, and latest data. Gain knowledge on the HIV/AIDS situation in Asia and understand the progress in combating the epidemic.

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HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in the World and Vietnam

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  1. HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in the World and Vietnam HAIVN Harvard Medical School AIDS Initiative in Vietnam

  2. Learning Objectives By the end of this session, participants should be able to: • Explain HIV epidemiology in the world, Asia, and Vietnam • Describe characteristics of the HIV epidemic in Vietnam

  3. Global HIV/AIDSEpidemiology

  4. Adults and Children Estimated to be Living with HIV, 2011 Total: 34.2 million Adult: 30.7 million Children: 3.3 million Source: The core Epidemiology, UNAIDS 2012

  5. Global Summary of the AIDS Epidemic, 2001-2011 Source: UNAIDS, AIDS Epidemic Update, 2012

  6. Global HIV and AIDS Epidemic in Children Source: UNAIDS, AIDS Epidemic Update, 2002 UNAIDS, AIDS Epidemic Update, 2012

  7. Children Living with HIV, 2011 Total: 3.3 million [3.1 million – 3.8 million] Source: The core Epidemiology, UNAIDS 2012

  8. Estimated Number of Children Newly Infected with HIV, 2011 Total: 330 000 [280 000–390 000] Source: The core Epidemiology, UNAIDS 2012

  9. Estimated Deaths in Children from AIDS, 2011 Total: 230 000 [200 000–270 000] Source: The core Epidemiology, UNAIDS 2012

  10. Number of Children 0-14 Years Old Living with HIV Globally, 1990-2010 Source: Global HIV/AIDS Response: Epidemic update and health sector progress towards Universal Access, page 19, 20.

  11. Percentage of Pregnant HIV-Infected Women Receiving PMTCT % Source: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2012, page 44

  12. HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Asia

  13. HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Asia UNAIDS: Globally HIV/AIDS response-Progress report 2011

  14. HIV Epidemic in Children,in Asia UNAIDS: AIDS Epidemic Update, 2011

  15. Number of Children Living with HIVAsia, 1990-2010 Children 0-14 Years Old

  16. HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Vietnam

  17. HIV and AIDS in Vietnam (1) • First case of HIV in Vietnam was diagnosed in 1990 • HIV cases have been reported in 100% of provinces and 97% of districts (VAAC, 2011) • HIV is concentrated in certain high risk populations • IDU transmission in concentrated areas • Heterosexual transmission predominant in Mekong delta area

  18. Characteristics of HIV Epidemic in Vietnam (2) • Shift in the HIV epidemic toward: • Young people from <29 year olds • Female • Non-IDUs • General community (heterosexual transmission) • Men who have sex with men (MSM)

  19. HIV and AIDS in Vietnam (3) • Most HIV infections in children are vertical transmission • National Sentinel Surveillance Data: • HIV prevalence in Vietnam 0.5% • HIV-1 prevalence in antenatal women 0.4% (0-1.9%) • 1.5-2 million births per year • 6000-7000 babies exposed to HIV at birth

  20. Reported Cumulative Cases of HIV, AIDS and Deaths in Vietnam, by Year AIDS patients Death HIV Infection

  21. Reported Cumulative Cases of HIV, AIDS and Deaths to June 2012 Death

  22. Number of HIV Cases by Province (nguồn: Cục AIDS 6/2012)

  23. HIV Prevalence by Provinceper 100,000 Population (nguồn: Cục AIDS 6/2011)

  24. title?

  25. Distribution of HIV Infection, by Age First Six Months of 2011 and 2012 Source: VAAC report, 2012

  26. Distribution of HIV Cases by Risk Group (VAAC – MoH, 2010) Most cases are among IDUs (52% of total cases)

  27. Number of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women, 1990 -2012 High estimation Low estimaton Average estimation Numbers of PLHIV D HIV/AIDS estimates and forcast 2007 – 2012,. VAAC, 2009

  28. 3276 children are on ARV Slide courtesy of CHAI

  29. HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment in Viet Nam Adult Children

  30. Key Points • The number of people newly infected with HIV and deaths due to AIDS continues to decline globally • HIV in Vietnam is a “concentrated” epidemic, mostly in IDU and sex workers • Most HIV infections in children are vertical transmission

  31. Thank you! Questions?

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