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Big Data Training and Research Suggestions for Joint Degree Program

This document outlines tasks related to ESR projects, institutional tables, joint degree letters, and partnerships in Big Data technology and tools for a joint degree program. It includes suggested work packages, training events, and outreach plans. Feedback from evaluators and suggestions for improving the project are also presented.

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Big Data Training and Research Suggestions for Joint Degree Program

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  1. BigDAPHNE … take 2  C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  2. List of things to do • Work on draft according to next slide • revise your ESR projects • revise table of your institution • letter for joint degree • letters from partners • New draft ready by: December 5th C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  3. Work sharing • Section 1 and WP description Chiara, Stefania Section 2 Chara, Rosy Section 3 Nikos, Tim • Letters for Double Degree – Status • UNIPI, UCL – Done • UNILE – Phd schoold meeting done, expected next week • Saclay – letter requested need to wait • AUTH – should arrive this week C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  4. Asked letter and project C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  5. Partners – not giving secondments Request from Nik to add University of Parma C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  6. Training focus: BigData technology and tools • Event 1: Establishing the foundation (M. Morandin, F.Giacomini) • based on Bertinoro school – 2016 edition • https://agenda.infn.it/conferenceOtherViews.py?view=standard&confId=11680 • program mostly on Good programming practices in C++ / Architectures / Parallel Computing / GPU programming • will add more seminars on BigData analytic aspects • Event 2: Introduction to BigData techniques for science and society (?) • SAS (C.Gianfiori): introduction to SAS programming and statistics, DataMiner tool from SAS (7days) • Ophidia (D.Salomoni): a tool for BigData analytics • Introduction to BigData aspects in science • Event 3: Summer schools on Big Data techniques in Particle Physics and Cosmology (A.Di Meglio, …) • tools for Data Analytics in particle physics and cosmology • can we try to have a list of possible course subjects ? C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  7. Work packages Suggestion from Nikos/Tim/Chiara: Merge WP1/WP2  Research in fundamental physics - CEA Merge WP3/WP4  BigData tools in fundamental physics and private sectors – UCL Training – UNILE Outreach and dissemination - AUTH Management and coordination - UNIPI C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  8. Suggestions C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  9. NCP – D’Agostino • General positive feedback – he thinks that in the evaluation report there are not strong objections • Suggestions to improve the project: • add a table with the list of institutions and list of needed expertise and show who has which expertise • describe also in document 1 the thesis that we have supervised and mention if we have students that have won prizes or that have found very good jobs • documentary check if we have described in the correct way what we wanted to do, he thinks the idea is good • Improve the description of the impact on the career: have two sections short term impact on long term impact:. short term: profit of the Marie Curie fellow to learn … . . long term: they will be able to submit ERC … • He is available to read the new version of the document to give feedback  beginning of Monday 5th December the document should be ready for review. C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  10. G.Chiarelli – My colleague EU evaluator • - need to better evidentiate the connections and role of the different institutions and it is better to have more than a single role for the various institutions • - Dissemination should be done: • . be more precise on the actions for example if we mention we want to publish mention to which Journals • . companies: we could propose to build a boot of the project to send around to company meetings to disseminate results of the project • . "success story board" is not clear what it means, mention that for the movie we have a company that will do this and that we have a precise plan and mention successful experiences in similar actions • . it seems that one very fancy thing to propose in the dissemination are actions related to the citizen science (from wikipedia since I did not know what it meant): • Citizen science (CS) (also known as crowd science, crowd-sourced science, civic science, volunteer monitoring or networked science) is scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by amateur or nonprofessional scientists. • we could ask our CMCC colleagues to make a weather forecast contests for public :-) ... any other ideas ? • - in Pisa we could have "sabato in Virgo" and enroll the students (from any experiment) as guides C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  11. Tom Kitching – school content 1/2 In terms of Event 3 for Big Data aspects in PP and Cosmology, I think a good list of broad things to include from the cosmology side would be * Some basic stats and training in particular codes * Practical aspects in particular using public machine learning data sets from here https://www.kaggle.com/c/galaxy-zoo-the-galaxy-challenge , and also from the public supernovae and weak lensing cosmology data sets A list of topics could be: * Basic Stats: - What is probability? - The Laws of Probability and Bayes’ Theorem - Priors - Parameter inference - Marginalization - Confidence intervals, credibility intervals * Parameter Estimation: - Bayesian Computation: Parameter Estimation and Sampling - Grid-based methods - Markov Chain Monte Carlo - Metropolis-Hastings algorithm - Convergence tests – Rubin-Gelman - Hands on: MCMC code from scratch. Cosmology from the Supernova Hubble Diagram. C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  12. Tom Kitching – school content 2/2 * Machine learning - Unsupervised and supervised ML methods - Random forests - Neural networks - Feature extraction - Hands on: Applying TensorFlow to image recognition. Galaxy shapes from Galaxy Zoo. * Cosmology codes - Public and Widely used cosmology codes - CosmoMC tutorial - Cosmosis tutorial - MontePython tutorial C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

  13. Similar project – Stefania, Nik • Asterics-Obelix project: https://www.asterics2020.eu/obelics CTA, SKA, KM3NeT, EUCLID, LSST, EGO-Virgo, E-ELT C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa

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