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Dive into South Korea's dynamic Micromobility market, exploring the latest trends driving an urban transport revolution. From e-scooters to bike-sharing, discover how micromobility is reshaping city commuting, reducing congestion, and fostering sustainable mobility solutions.
SouthKoreaMicromobility MarketSize,Share,Growth, Developmentand DemandForecastto2030 © Prescient &Strategic IntelligencePrivate Limited. All rights reserved1
Air pollution is one of the biggest problems which has encircled the whole world. Vehicles havea lotof contributionstoadd totheairquality,andSouthKoreais not an exceptiontothis. With theincreasinglevelof airpollutionandtosave on transportationcosts, thecountryhas started lookingforward tomicro-mobility. And,because of this, thedemandforelectricscooterswill rise at amammoth rate of around 52%, and reach avalueof around $11,179millionby the endof this decade. Swing,anelectricscooterandmicro-mobilitystart-upofSouthKorea, announcedthatit has raisedasumof$24 million tospurits evolutionand expansiontoJapan.WhiteStarCapitalled thefunding, which alsoparticipatedin Berlin-basedTierMobility,andincludedexistingbackerHashed,amongst others. Withthecapital, Swing raiseda totalofabout $33 millionsinceitsbeginningin 2019. To receive free sample pages of this report@ https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/south-korea- micromobility-market/report-sample CEO of thestartupannouncedthatthestartup willmakeuseoftheproceedsto surgeitsfleetofmicro-mobility andfurtherpenetratethemarketinJapan.In 2022, Swingwilldeploy100,000e-bikes, e-scooters,ande-mopeds that will have a changeablebattery thatissubstitutablewitheach other and mount 200 e-chargingstations forits own useandfor othersas alternatives.Swing presentlyoperates a convoy of 35,000 e-vehicles,likee-mopeds and e- scooters. Apart from its app, the shared micro-mobility startup newly introduced a novel app called Dayrider that permits delivery riders to rent e-scooters or e-mopeds for justa coupleofdays withouttheannoyance ofcharging. Inquire before purchase@ https://www.psmarketresearch.com/send- enquiry?enquiry-url=south-korea-micromobility-market Seoul announced in the month of September that it will have an addition of 62,000e-motorcycles,including e-mopeds, andinstall 200,000othere-charging stationsby 2025inan effort todecreaseGHGemissions. Seoulalsoannounced thatitwouldsubstitute100% of thetotal of 35,000 motorcyclesusedforlast- mile deliverywithelectric motors. SouthKorea’snew rulesone-scooterhaveupsete-scootercompanies.Under theamended act, effectivefrom May 2021, e-scooter ridersmustbe 16yearsor over, havea valid license, and wear a helmet. Ifthenew regulationsare not followedbythepeople, afinewillbeimposed.Thee-scooterusersmustuse bikepaths and parktheelectricscootersawayfrom cars and people.InJuly, ©Prescient&StrategicIntelligence PrivateLimited.Allrightsreserved
Seoulannouncedthattheillegallyparked e-scooterswill betowedanda penalty will becharged. • Inexcess of 20e-scooterrentalbusinessesarepresently operationalin South Korea, wherethereis noboundary onthe count of companiesorfleets thatcan operatethebusinessinthissector. Industrysources toldthatconsolidationwas initiatedinthe e-scooter business lastyear.A Berlin-based electric-scooter platform WindMobility,whicharrived inthecountry’smarket twoyearsago, wrappedits operations inthecapitalcity lastOctober. • Thedemandfore-two-wheelersinSouthKoreaincreasedwiththeneedto decrease thepollution levelandthe costof traveling. • ľheíeseaíchoffeísmaíketsizeoftheSouthKoíeamicíomobilitymaíketfoíthepeíiod2019– • 2030. • MaíketSegmentationbyľype • E-scooteís • E-bikes • E-mopeds • E-pods • Bikes • Scooteís • MaíketSegmentationbyModel • Fiíst-andLast-Mile • Multimodal • MaíketSegmentationbyShaíingSystem • Docked • Dockless ©Prescient&StrategicIntelligence PrivateLimited.Allrightsreserved
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