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Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (0-25 years) took effect in schools in September 2014, offering statutory guidance for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The document emphasizes the role of every teacher as a teacher of SEND, involving parents and children in the process, early identification of needs, and a graduated response to support pupils. Targeted support and consultation with parents and pupils throughout the process are key aspects. Early interventions and a child-centered approach are crucial for closing learning gaps. The document outlines the Graduated Response cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review, focusing on meeting children's needs through high-quality teaching and interventions from external agencies if necessary. Parents and pupils should be engaged in the process, and support plans should be regularly reviewed. Various intervention levels, from class teaching to individualized plans, are implemented based on identified needs.

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Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice

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  1. Special Educational Needsand DisabilityCode of Practice 0 – 25 Years

  2. Came into effect in all schools in September 2014 Gives schools statutory guidance for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities

  3. 5 Main Themes The role of every teacher as a teacher of SEND Greater emphasis on the involvement of parents and children in the whole process Early identification of need and quick response to need to support children Graduated Response (to needs of pupils) Use of Targeted Support

  4. Every teacher is a teacher of SEND Class teachers are responsible for all the children in their classes. The best support for children in closing gaps in their learning is High Quality Class Teaching. This will include clearly planned, focussed lessons and high quality feedback to children about the work they have done. It will also include differentiation of activities to suit the needs of individual children.

  5. Greater involvement of Parents and Pupils Parents and Pupils must be consulted at every stage of the process – their views should be considered when planning provision for pupils. Parents know their children best. The views of parents and pupils should be sought and recorded at least 3 times per year as part of the Graduated Response. The process should be Child Centred and focus on strengths as well as difficulties.

  6. Early Identification of Need and Support Early identification of need in terms of the age of the pupils – the earlier the better. Also, in terms of getting started as soon as needs are identified, making sure intervention starts quickly. Early interventions are put in place to support needs and reduce barriers to learning and allow progress to be made and gaps to be closed. It may demonstrate the need for involvement of other professionals if progress has not been made.

  7. The Graduated Response A regular review cycle to make sure that barriers to learning for pupils are identified and strategies put in place to close gaps in children’s learning. Part of whole school tracking systems but focussed on pupils with SEND. The Graduated Response is: Assess Plan Do Review

  8. Also refers to the levels of intervention and type of response to need. • Most children’s needs will be met through high quality class teaching and differentiation • Some children will need extra interventions for shorter / longer periods, working in small groups • Some children will require input from external agencies to help them progress • Some children will require a higher level of support and will receive a GRIP (Graduated Response for Individual Pupil) or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)

  9. The Graduated Response Parents and pupils should be consulted throughout the Graduated Response Cycle but particularly at the Plan and Review stages. The time frame for the cycle is roughly termly – so three times per school year. The Do stage should use targeted interventions which address specific identified needs

  10. Targeted Support In order to close gaps in children’s learning, during the DO section of the Graduated Response, children should be involved in proven, evidence based interventions. We have chosen our interventions carefully. They all have a clear and successful evidence base. Staff have received training in the delivery of the interventions we use.

  11. Recording Children who receive SEND support are included on the school’s SEND Record. The majority of pupils on the SEND Record will have a SEND Support Plan (IEP) this will include: Pupil and parent views The objectives children are working on The interventions which will be used to achieve the objectives Expected outcomes Who will do what when Dates of intended reviews

  12. Where to find information Come into school and chat to class teacher Come into school and chat to SENCO: Mr. Jon Posnett or Mrs. Danielle Lomas Come into school and chat to Mrs. Ward Speak with Mrs. Michelle Birch who is the governor with responsibility for SEND

  13. Look on the school Website at the SEND information report http://www.burbage.derbyshire.sch.uk/for-parents/sen-information-report/ Look on the internet for the Derbyshire Local Offer www.derbyshiresendlocaloffer.org Derbyshire Parent Partnership can offer advice http://www.derbyshireparentpartnership.co.uk/ Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND http://www.iassnetwork.org.uk/find-your-iass/east-midlands/derbyshire/

  14. Most of all, if you are at all concerned about any area of your child’s development, please chat to someone!

  15. Thank you for attending

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