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Comprehensive Business Information Guide, Business Tips, Investment Advice

Find a wealth of business information, tips, and investment advice in this comprehensive guide. Learn about various industries, strategies for success, and how to navigate the business world effectively. Whether you are a novice entrepreneur or seasoned business professional, this guide has valuable insights to help you thrive in the competitive business landscape.

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Comprehensive Business Information Guide, Business Tips, Investment Advice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. m<sfndaOkdYl f,an,h • 1980 wxl 33 orK m<sfndaOkdYl md,kh lsrSfus mk; hgf;a f,an,hl wvx.= jsh hq;= f;dr;=re kS;s .; lr we; • ksIamdolhd - ksIamdokh .ek f;dr;=re mdrsfNda.slhd fj; ixksfjsokh lrk udrA.hhs \f,an,h\

  2. m<sfndaOkdYl වෙළදසැලක විවිධ වූ ලේබල් දැකිය හැක.

  3. m<sfndaOkdYl f,an,hla wdY%S; f;dr;=re1 lDIsridhkh yoqkd .ekSu2 Ndjs;d lsrSug Wmfoia3 wdrlaIl Wmfoia

  4. lDIsridhkh yoqkd .ekSu 1& lDIsridhko%jHfhafj<| ku 2& ridhko%jHfhafmdoqku - fj<| kughgskafj<| kfusm%udKfha 75] l m%udKfhawl=re j,ska - ridhko%jHwf,jslrkafkafmdoqkuskaukuskej; fmdoqku ,sjSuwkjYHh

  5. 3& lDIsridhkjrA.h ( ff;f,dao- l+vq- wj,usnk 4& m<sfndaOkdYlfhan,h - il%%Sho%jHwvx.= m%udKh • m%;sY;hlaf,i(20% 50% 10%) fyda • ,Sgrhlwvx.= .%Eusm%udKhf,i(200.a$,S 500 .a$,S 100 .a$,S&

  6. 5& weiqreus wvx.= m%udKh - ml/l/kg/g 6) lDIsridhkldKavh - කෘමි kdYl -දිලීර kdYl- වල් kdYl 7& ,shdmosxps lr we;S සමාග‍ම පිලිබද විස්තර. 8& ksIamdos; oskh yd il%Sh ld,h ^il%Sh ld,h jir 2ls&

  7. 9& ldKav wxlh - jsuiSus iy meusKs,s i|yd 10& “ 1980 wxl 33 orK m<sfndaOkdYl md,kh lsrSfus mk; hgf;a ,shdmosxps lr we; fyda ,shdmosxps lr we; ” fyda “,shdmosxps lr we; ” hkqfjka f,an,fha hg i|yka l< hq;=h 11& n,m;% wxlh- 20054

  8. Ndjs;d lsrSug Wmfoia 1& - lDIslrAufomdrA;fuska;=fjsksrAfoaYhkamuKlai|yka l< hq;=h ) ksrAfoaYs; m%udKh$ usY%Kh yd fhdokwjia:dji|ykalrkak ) ksrAfoaYs; fnda.hgmuklafhdokak ) j,akdYl j, - fnda.hgfhoshhq;af;a l=ukjhfiaoSoehsi|ykalrkak

  9. 2& fmrwiajkqld,h ) wjikajrgfnfy;abiSu l, hq;af;awiajkqfk,SugosklShlgfmro@ 3& wdkhkhiSudlrwe;slDIsridhko%jH Wod ( wOsljsIiys; fu;usvf*daia,fudkfl%dgmiajekso%jH“iSudlr ;sfns”hkqfjkaf,an,fhayryg r;=mdgskai|yka l< h;=fjs

  10. wdrlaIl Wmfoia 1& m%:udOdr - jsIjSuloS l< hq;= foa - inka yd j;=r j,skafydoskafiaoSu - frda.shd isysfhkawe;akusjukhlrjkak - Wmfoiamrsos • ffjoH m%;sldr ,nd.kak 2& jsIkdYlh - ffjoHjrhdg m%:_ldrmyiqjSui|yd

  11. 3& jSINdjhwkqj - jrAKodrh 1& wOsljsI ) r;=mdgodrh 2& uOHia: jsI ) lymdgodrh 3& iqÛjsI ) ks,amdgodrh 4& wjujsI ) fld< mdg/ iqoqmdgodrh ) odrfhauqqÛWif,an,fhaWfika 1$10 lgjvd l=vdfkdjshhq;=h

  12. wOsljSIm,sfndaOkdYl j,) wk;=re iys;hs • uOHia: jsIm,sfndaOkdYl j, ) ydksodhlhs • iqqÛjsIm,sfndaOkdYl j,) wjodkusiys;hs f,i wk;=re yeËjSfusjpkh yd ,l=K jrAKodrfhai|ykalr ;snshhq;=h 4& wdrlaIdldrSjsOs - .nvdlrkwdldrhusY% lsrSfu yd fhoSfàwdrlaIdldrSjsOs

  13. 5& wk;=re yeËjSfusjelshi|ykalr ;snshhq;=h - • w.+,q ,d ;nkak • weiqreujsjD; lsrSugfmrwdrlaIlWmfoialshjkak 6& yosisjsIjSuloS ) 0112 686143 fyda0112 691111 os.=j 430 wu;kak 7& fj<| kuwi,skaiqoqmeye;smiqnsul r;= meyefhkaZjiZf,ii|yka l< hq;=h Wod ( fj<| ku ji

  14. fj<| ku සමාග‍ම පිලිබද විස්තර. ( නිදර්ශකයකි ) රෑප සංඤා

  15. රෑප සංඤා

  16. Thank You

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