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Nursing Evolution: Past Leaders, Present Challenges, Future Solutions

Explore the historical and contemporary nurse leaders, challenges faced by the nursing profession, and steps to ensure a brighter future for healthcare. Understand the importance of nurses in healthcare and the need for greater influence and recognition.

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Nursing Evolution: Past Leaders, Present Challenges, Future Solutions

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  1. MCONO 2012

  2. CONTENT Our Profession Historical Leaders Contemporary Leaders Our Challenge Our Future

  3. “Its all about the patient” “Retool educational requirements for nurses. It is out of kilter with that of other professions. Fix the workplace so that nursing is constant and consistent with the need for health care and enable nurses to practice at their full potential Have professionals and the lay public recognize what nurses contribute to the health field.”

  4. Historical Nurse Leaders

  5. Margaret Sanger RN 1879-1966

  6. Mary Eliza Mahoney RN – 1845-1926

  7. Virginia Henderson RN - 1897-1996

  8. Contemporary Nurse Leaders

  9. Tim Porter O’Grady

  10. Rumay Alexander

  11. Pamela Rudisill

  12. Nursing in NC- a tradition of advocating, leading, caring NCNA - 1902 First Nursing Practice Act in the U.S First state legalizing registration of nursing NCBON- 1903 Only state board where nurses elect majority of nurses (11/14 are elected by nurses holding NC licenses) vs governor appointed Prep Program Just Culture for evaluating nurse related issues

  13. Our Professional Reputation Challenge: People trust us but do they think that we can lead in healthcare?

  14. Survey Methodology . • 2009 survey • 1504 phone interviews • Opinion leaders in U.S • 6 Questions • University Faculty • Insurance Leaders • Corporate Leaders • Health Services Leaders • Government Leaders • Thought Leaders .

  15. 1.Trust and Confidence in Information Sources About Health and Healthcare Question Wording:How much trust and confidence would you have in information about health and healthcare that you could get from each of the following sources? Opposite Pattern

  16. 2. Who Will Influence Health Reform in the United States in the Next 5-10 Years Question Wording:Thinking about the next five to ten years, how much influence do you think each of the following professions or groups of people will have in health reform in the United States?

  17. 3. Nurses Influence in Planning, Policy and Management of Health Systems and Services Question Wording:Please think about the role of nursing in America today in planning, policy and management of health systems and services. Do you feel that nurses currently have a great deal of influence in each of the following ways? Medical Errors Quality Care Access to Care

  18. 4. Nurses Should Have More Influence in Planning, Developing Policy, and Management? Question Wording:Would you like nurses to have more influence, about the same influence, or less influence than they do now in planning, developing policy, and management of the following health systems and services? Increase Diversity Medical Errors Quality Care

  19. 5. Barriers to Nurses’ Ability to Contribute to Improvements in Planning Policy Development, and Management of Health Systems and Services Question Wording: Please tell me if you think each of the following is a major barrier, a minor barrier, or not a barrier to nurses’ ability to contribute to improvements in planning policy development, and management of health systems and services? Not Important Decision Makers Doctors as Revenue Generators

  20. 6. How to Ensure That Nurses Take on More Leadership in Improving Health Status and Delivering Healthcare Services Question Wording:What, if anything, do you think could be done to ensure that nurses take on more leadership in improving health status and delivering healthcare services in the United States today? (Open-end question; Percent shown)

  21. Key Takeaways • High degree of trust and confidence in nurses as an information source, behind Doctors. • Nurses have least amount of influence on future healthcare reform. • Nurses should have more influence on planning, policy, and management of health systems and services. • Nurses' primary influence is in reducing medical errors, quality care outcomes, and coordinating the patient journey. • Major barriers to nursing contribution is that nurses are not perceived as key decision makers. • Increasing the voice of nurses, expectations and accountability, improving perceptions of nursing among others, and improving the selection and training of nurses would remove barriers.

  22. The IOM 2010 :Future of Nursing, Leading Change , Advancing Health Similar Recommendations Remove barriers to nursing scope of practice Expand opportunity for nurses to lead collaborative improvement efforts Nurse Residency programs Increase proportion of BSN to 80% by 2020 Double # nurses with doctorates by 2020 Ensure nurses engage in lifelong learning Prepare and enable nurses to lead change and advance health Build infrastructure for collection and analysis of inter professional workforce data

  23. The Stakes Are High

  24. What can we do? • Improve our education • Collaborate with other disciplines • Lead from wherever we stand • example • Embrace technology • http://aka.ms/zjc4yo

  25. What can we do? • Take our light out from under the bushel Advocate! Lead! Care!

  26. Thank You

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