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Purnawan Adi W Program Studi Teknik Industri FT- Undip Email: purnawan@industri.ft.undip.ac.id. Perancangan dan Pengembangan Produk. Sebelum Kuliah dimulai. Matikan semua alat komunikasi Tenang sejenak dan Fokuskan niat Berdoa (mohon pada Tuhan untuk membuka hati dan pikiran kita)
Purnawan Adi W Program Studi Teknik Industri FT- Undip Email: purnawan@industri.ft.undip.ac.id Perancangan dan Pengembangan Produk
Sebelum Kuliah dimulai Matikan semua alat komunikasi Tenang sejenak dan Fokuskan niat Berdoa (mohon pada Tuhan untuk membuka hati dan pikiran kita) 15 Menit belum memasuki ruang kuliah, silahkan kuliah pada tahun depan
Referensi Ulrich, K. T. and Eppinger, S., 1995, Product Design and Development, McGraw-Hill, Inc. Urba , Hausser (1993). Design and Marketing of New Product,. Prentice-Hall Inc Urban, Glen L. and John R. Hauser (1993). Design and Marketing of New Products. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey. QFD (Quality Function Deployment)
KONTRAK Nilai Akhir: Tugas individu : 20 % Tugas grup : 20 % UTS/Quiz : 25 % UAS : 25 % Kehadiran : 10% Peserta kuliah dibagi dalam grup kecil terdiri dari 4 mhs dan salah satu sebagai Team Leader Setiap grup wajib memiliki nama tim (Team Spirit)
Daftar Isi Pendahuluan Proses pengembangan dan organisasi Proses pengembangan Konsep pengembangan Penerapan konsep Technology-Push Products Platform Products Process intensive Products Customized Products Organisasi pengembangan produk Identifikasi customer needs (+Ref.3/hal.16-31, Ref.2/hal.9-31) Menetapkan spesifikasi produk (PDS) Pembuatan konsep-konsep (+Ref.3/hal.32-48) Pemilihan konsep Arsitektur produk Desain industri Desain untuk manufaktur Pembuatan prototype Analisa ekonomi dalam proyek pengembangan produk Manajemen proyek pengembangan produk
Menumbukan Motivasi http://web.mit.edu/15.783j/www/gallery.html http://www.ulrich-eppinger.net/
Karir Waktu (Tahun) S3+ S3 S2 S1 Karir (Strata)
3 Elemen Kreativitas Skill Berpikir Kreatif Ekspertis Motivasi Kreativitas
DEFINISI PRODUCT In commerce, a product is a good economics and accounting good or service which can be bought and sold. In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In manufacturing, products are purchased as raw materials and sold as finished goods. Commodities are usually raw materials such as metals and agricultural products, but a commodity can also be anything widely available in the open market. In general usage, product may refer to a single item or unit, a group of equivalent products, a grouping of goods or services, or an industrial classification for the goods or services.
DESIGN usually considered in the context of the applied arts, engineering, architecture, and other such creative endeavors, is used both as a noun and a verb. As a verb, "to design" refers to the process of originating and developing a plan for a product, structure, or component. As a noun, "a design" is used for both the final (solution) plan (e.g. proposal, drawing, model, description) or the result of implementing that plan (e.g. object produced, result of the process). More recently, processes (in general) have also been treated as products of design, giving new meaning to the term "process design". Designing normally requires a designer considering aesthetic, functional, and many other aspects of an object or process, which usually requires considerable research, thought, modeling, interactive adjustment, and re-design.
DEVELOPMENT new product development (NPD) is the term used to describe the complete process of bringing a new product or service to market. There are two parallel paths involved in the NPD process : one involves the idea generation, product design, and detail engineering ; the other involves market research and marketing analysis. Companies typically see new product development as the first stage in generating and commercializing new products within the overall strategic process of product life cycle management used to maintain or grow their market share.
ENGINEERING Engineering is the applied science of acquiring and applying knowledge to design, analysis, and/or construction of works for practical purposes. The American Engineers' Council for Professional Development, also known as ECPD,[1] (later ABET [2]) defines Engineering as: "The creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property."[3][4][5] One who practices engineering is called an engineer, and those licensed to do so have formal designations such as Professional Engineer, Chartered Engineer or Incorporated Engineer. The broad discipline of engineering encompasses a range of specialized subdisciplines that focus on the issues associated with developing a specific kind of product, or using a specific type of technology.
From Concept to Production Concept design Detail design Engineering Analysis Prototyping Tooling Production Conceptual Detail Virtual Prototyping Waktu yg dihemat=$ Engineering Analysis Prototyping Tooling Production Rentang Waktu
Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner and 777-300ER: Flying Farther and Increasing the Value of the 777 Family Longest range commercial airplane in the world The newest member of the 777 family, the 777-200LR Worldliner has the capability to connect virtually any two cities in the world nonstop. It will carry more passengers and more revenue cargo farther than any other jetliner. Provisions for up to three optional fuel tanks have been added in the aft cargo area of the 777-200LR to be able to fly a range of 9,450 nautical miles (17,500 kilometers) with full passenger payload (301 passengers). Even without the optional fuel tanks, the 777-200LR can fly as far as the competition, the A340-500. The 777-200LR adds value to the 777 family, and particularly complements the popular 777-200ER. On long-range routes served by the 777-200ER, the 777-200LR provides an additional 53,000 lbs. (24,040 kg) of revenue cargo capability. The 777-200LR also serves as the platform for the Boeing 777 Freighter, the world's largest, most capable twin-engine freighter. Boeing launched the 777 Freighter in May 2005. BOEING
CAD-FEAnalysis-Prototype CAD FEA Prototype
Contoh: Studi Kasus 1 Benchmarking Produk (Produksepeda motor merk Honda Tahun 1970, 1982,1996, 2000, 2004, 2010). Identifikasiperubahandesain: Fungsi (Function) Bentuk (Shape) Materials Prosesmanufaktur (Manufacturing Process) Presentasi (Minggu ke-2) Design Team: Group mahasiswa(4/Team) Presentasidisiapkandalam MS Power Point
Creating Breakthrough Product Kombinasi TECHNOLOGY dan STYLE (Include:Confort) High STYLE Low Low High TECHNOLOGY
Creating Breakthrough Product Kombinasi TECHNOLOGY, CONFORT dan STYLE High STYLE Low CONFORT Low High TECHNOLOGY
Siklus Teknologi Perlu Inovasi Pertumbuhan Matang Penuaan Tingkat Kematangan Waktu
Perancangan & Pengembangan Produk SMEs Technology Market • Product can be developed to follow • Market pull (Customers driven) or • Technology push (Technology driven)
Market Pull Based Product Mission Customer Needs (Innovative,Q, $, t) Spec Target Generate Concept Design Concept Selection Spec Refining Final Concept Design (AutoCAD, SolidWorks, CATIA, ProEng etc) Economic Analysis (Mfg Cost) NEXT Concept Development Time&Cost • Family Tree of Dsg • Function • Ergonomic • Aesthetic • New Tech&ICT Kreativitas penting!!!
Misi Diskripsi singkat produk Goal Target Market Asumsi Stakeholders
Pengolahan data Hasil Kuesioner (Kualitatif) • Indikator (Kuantitatif) Bobot=angka • Statistik
Customer Needs Social Trends S T Product Opportunity Gap (POG) Technology Advances Economic Forces E • Customer Needs=Product Opportunity Gap • SET factors: Social-Economic-Technology
Creating Breakthrough Product High STYLE Low Low High TECHNOLOGY • Combination of TECHNOLOGY and STYLE
Position of our product Our product Competitor Q $ t Need to be planned
Production Process Product Adoption New Tech+ICT in Product&Process OUTCOME INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Raw Material Market
Time CompressionFrom Concept to Production Concept design Detail design Engineering Analysis Prototyping Tooling Production New Tech&ICT play the role here 3D CAD&Modelling Conceptual Detail VP & FEA Virtual Prototyping Time saving=$ Engineering Analysis RP & Manufacturing Prototyping Tooling Production Lead Time
CAD-FEA-Prototype-Testing-Production CAD FEA Testing Production Casting Prototype
Economic Analysis: Cost-Benefit Profile Revenue Profit Cumulative $ Development Cost Time Start Project Market Launch BEP
Materials and Process SelectionPRIMAs=Manufacturing Process Information Maps MATERIALS Process: Highest Q, Lowest Cost and Lowest time PRODUCT QUANTITY
PRIMAs: Example Irons CarbSteel Magnesium & Alloys Aluminium & Alloys Thermo plastics 1-100 (Very small) Centr.Cast Invest Cast CerMoldCast Man Machin Centr.Cast CerMoldCast EDM ChemMachin Ultrasonic Invest Cast CerMoldCast Man Machin EDM ChemMachin Centr.Cast CerMoldCast EDM ChemMachin Vacum Formg Rotat Mould 100-1000 (Small) 1000-10000 (Small-Med) 10000-100000 (Med-High) 100000+ (High)
Successful Product • Product should have fitures and shape that meet with the customers needs (usefulness and desirable) • Marketable (profitable) • Product should be competitive -> High Q, Low C and Low t.
Overview: • Benda dibuat langsung dari data CAD menggunakan salah satu metode Layer Manufacturing: SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) • SLS-mampu membuat produk dengan geometri sangat kompleks dan berongga) dari material berbentuk serbuk seperti Polymer, Metal, Ceramic, atau Cermet
Produk yang sukses • Sukses menurut sudut pandang investor • Sukses • Finansial • Brand image • Sukses • Produk harus memiliki fitur dan bentuk yang oleh customers dipandang berguna, berdaya guna dan sangat diinginkan. • Berdaya jual tinggi: memberikan profit
5 Parameter penguji kinerja pengembangan produk Kualitas produk Ongkos produk Waktu yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan Ongkos pengembangan Kapabilitas pengembangan
Metriks Kinerja Product Development Firm level: The R&D Effectiveness Index (McGrath)
Metriks Kinerja Product Development Programme level: EXTERNAL EFFECTIVENESS INTERNAL EFFICIENCY • BUSINESS METRICS • Profit • Return of investment/IRR • Break even time • Market share • Market position • Sales • Margin • Revenue • PROCESS METRICS • Product performance vs Spesification • Develompent time • Development cost • Quality • Team satisfaction • Speed to market Metrics • CUSTOMER METRICS • Customer acceptance • Customer satisfaction Time Start Project Market Launch
Kualitas Produk Seberapa bagus produk yang dihasilkan? Apakah telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan/memuaskan customers/users? Apakah produk tsb cukup robust dan reliabel? Kualitas produk terefleksi dalam marketshare (berapa % market yang dapat diperoleh?) Suatu harga yang akan dibayar oleh customers (maukah customer membeli dengan harga tsb?)
Ongkos Produk Berapa ongkos manufakturnya (termasuk kapital peralatan, tooling dan tambahan ongkos setiap kenaikan jumlah unit yang dibuat)? Ongkos produk menentukan berapa profit yang dapat diperoleh untuk suatu volume penjualan tertentu dan harga jual tertentu
Waktu Pengembangan Seberapa cepat tim pengembang menyelesaikan tugasnya Waktu pengembangan menentukan seberapa responsifnya perusahaan dalam mengantisipasi tekanan kompetisi dan perkembangan teknologi Seberapa cepat perusahaan memperoleh keuntungan/economic return dari kerja tim tsb?
Waktu pembuatan produk semakin singkat, pengenalan ke market lebih awal, sales volume lebih tinggi Kita Kompetitor Sale Volume Raw Material Process Produk Waktu Waktu
Biaya Pengembangan Berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan untuk mengembangan produk tsb? Biaya pengembangan biasanya bagian yang signifikan dari kebutuhan investasi untuk memperoleh profit
Kapabilitas Pengembangan Apakah tim dan perusahaan memiliki cukup kemampuan untuk mengembangkan produk baru? Kapabilitas pengembangan merupakan aset perusahaan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu produk baru di masa datang lebih efektif dan ekonomis.
Siapa Perancang&Pengembang Produk? Pengembangan produk adalah suatu kegiatan interdisipliner yang memerlukan kontribusi dari semua fungsi yang ada dalam perusahaan. Umumnya melibatkan 3 fungsi utama yang ada dalam perusahaan yaitu: Pemasaran (Marketing) Desain (Design) Manufaktur (Manufacturing) Produk dirancang dan dikembangkan oleh sebuah TEAM
Marketing Mediator komunikasi antara perusahaan dan customers Mengidentifikasi POG (Product Opportunity Gap) Mendefinisikan segmen market Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan customer (customer needs) Menetapkan harga jual (prices) Peluncuran dan promosi produk