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ROMS_TOOLS: A toolbox for ROMS pre- and post-processing. Pierrick Penven, IRD. http://www.brest.ird.fr/Roms_tools/index.html. Goal: to simplify the design and analysis of ROMS model configurations. In general, to run a ROMS simulation we must: - build a grid - find topography data
ROMS_TOOLS: A toolbox for ROMS pre- and post-processing Pierrick Penven, IRD http://www.brest.ird.fr/Roms_tools/index.html Goal: to simplify the design and analysis of ROMS model configurations
In general, to run a ROMS simulation we must: - build a grid - find topography data - find a way to do the interpolations - put everything in a correct format - generate a "forcing" file - find wind data, heat flux , ... - generate a "initial" file - find Temperature data, Salinity data, currents data - generate a "climatology" file - compile the netcdf library - compile roms - run roms - look at the results etc... ... Very time consuming task
ROMS_TOOLS: - integrated set of matlab tools to generate and visualize ROMS simulations - generate quickly a "standard" ROMS configuration - provides the necessary data sets - possibility of new developments (nesting, tides, etc..)
Contents : ./Roms_tools/Roms_Agrif/ ./Roms_tools/COADS05/ ./Roms_tools/Diagnostic_tools/ ./Roms_tools/Documentation/ ./Roms_tools/mask/ ./Roms_tools/Mercator_interp/ ./Roms_tools/m_map/ ./Roms_tools/Nesting_tools/ ./Roms_tools/netcdf_g77/ ./Roms_tools/netcdf_ifc/ ./Roms_tools/netcdf_matlab/ ./Roms_tools/Preprocessing_tools/ ./Roms_tools/Quickscat_wind/ ./Roms_tools/Run/ ./Roms_tools/SST_pathfinder/ ./Roms_tools/Tides/ ./Roms_tools/Topo/ ./Roms_tools/Visualization_tools/ ./Roms_tools/WOA2001/
STEP 1: the grid file (make_grid.m) ROMS_TOOLS choices: - rectangular grid - dx=dy (i.e. delta phi = cos(phi) . delta G ) - etopo2 - mask (h>0) - selective smoothing of the topography Informations to give: - Title='VENISE #1'; - grdname='roms_grd.nc'; - lonmin=9; - lonmax=21; - latmin=36; - latmax=46; - dl=1/5; - hmin=50; - rtarget=0.3; - topofile='../Topo/etopo2.nc'
STEP 2: the forcing file (make_forcing.m) ROMS_TOOLS choices: - Dasilva climatology - extrapolation : OA or 'nearest' - interpolation : 'cubic' Informations to give: - title=['Forcing (COADS)']; - grdname='roms_grd.nc'; - frcname='roms_frc.nc';
STEP 3: the climatology and initial files (make_clim.m) Informations to give: - title='Climatology'; - makeclim=1; - makeoa=1; - makeini=1; - grdname='roms_grd.nc'; - frcname='roms_frc.nc'; - clmname='roms_clm.nc'; - ininame='roms_ini.nc'; - oaname ='roms_oa.nc'; - theta_s=6.; - theta_b=0.; - hc=10.; - N=32; - obc=[1 1 0 1]; [S E N W] ROMS_TOOLS choices: - WOA 2001hydrographic data - extrapolations and interpolations along z levels - intermediates (z-coordinates) oa files - geostrophy - mass conservation enforcement - equator
Compile and run: edit cppdefs.h and param.h compile by jobcomp edit roms.in
Add tides (make_tides.m) ROMS_TOOLS choices: - TPX06 global model - tidal ellipse parameters in the ROMS forcing file Informations to give: - tidename='../Tides/TPXO6.nc'; - gname='roms_grd.nc'; - fname='roms_frc.nc'; - Ntides=5; - year=2000; - month=1; - day=15; - hr=0.; - minute=0.; - second=0.; % % Choose order from the rank in the TPXO file : % "M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Q1 Mf Mm" tidalrank=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
To summarize: ROMS_TOOLS might be useful as a first step before making more complex experiments and analysis