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Mastering Yeast Bread Making: Techniques, Tips & Facts

Learn the art of yeast bread making, from kneading steps to different types of yeast and ingredients. Discover tips for perfect fermentation, rising, and baking for delicious results every time.

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Mastering Yeast Bread Making: Techniques, Tips & Facts

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  1. Yeast BreadsFoods II Breads that use a fungus called yeast that release CO2 and alcohol through fermentation when provided food (sugar) in a warm environment. Yeast increases volume, improves flavor, and adds texture to dough.

  2. Yeast Bread Terms

  3. The Kneading Steps • Place the dough on a lightly floured surface. • Push the dough down to the table and away from the body with the heel of the hands. • Fold the dough in half, bringing the farthest edge up and on top of the nearest edge. • Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the dough is smooth.

  4. 4 Types of Yeast

  5. Yeast Bread Ingredients & Functions

  6. Yeast Dough Categories

  7. Yeast BreadsStraight Dough Method • Dissolve “active” yeast in warm water (110-116) and sugar. • Mix all ingredients until smooth. • Form into ball. • Rest 5-10 minutes. • Knead 8-10 minutes (dough is smooth and soft). • Put dough in “lightly” greased bowl for fermentation process (double in size). • Check dough by pushing 2 fingers into it (shouldn’t spring back). • Punch dough down to allow built up CO2 to escape & redistribute the yeast. • Let dough rise a second time.

  8. Did YOU know??? • Yeast breads can be made from white, rye, or whole wheat. • Sweet yeast breads require extra sugar, butter, and eggs. • If the water temperature is too cold the yeast remains dormant…if too hot the yeast dies. • To check bread’s doneness tap (hollow sound) or listen for crackling when squeezed.

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