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A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Plant cell technology for Production of Natural-based Drugs – Pubrica

Plant cell technology is an important strategy for the production of plant-based drugs. It has several advantages such as high accuracy, repeatability, and productivity; this technology can be used instead of whole herbs.<br><br>Learn More : https://pubrica.com/services/research-services/systematic-review/<br>Reference: https://bit.ly/3OgWtup<br>

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A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Plant cell technology for Production of Natural-based Drugs – Pubrica

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  2. TODAY'SDISCUSSION In brief Introduction Inclusioncriteria Meta-analysis Results Discussion Conclusion AboutPubrica

  3. Natural-baseddrugsareimportantbioactive substances that have been used for the prevention andtreatmentofdiseases. Natural products are prepared on a commercial scale from relevant medicinal plants. Hence, large plants are needed to extract and isolate naturally occurring compounds. Plant cell technology is the best strategy for plant- deriveddrugs,whichhavedifficultyprocessing large-scaleproduction. INBRIEF

  4. Thepurposeofthisblogwastocriticallyreviewthe systematicreviewandmeta-analysispublishedin ofPharmaceuticalandBiomedical byDavoodi,Khoshvishkaie and of the Journal Research Azadbakht (2019) from the Department PharmacognosyFacultyofPharmacy,Mazandaran UniversityofMedicalSciences,Sari,Iran. The paperattemptedtodetermine the kinds, frequencies,and technology-based efficaciesofplantcell manufacturingtechniquesfor natural-basedpharmaceuticalsasanalternativeto whole-herbpreparation.

  5. This Systematic Review and Meta-analysisfound that all production techniques had high efficacies andlarge-scaleproductionpercentagesranging from 90 to 100%, equivalent to traditional direct extractions.

  6. Natural-baseddrugsareimportantbioactive substances that have been used for the prevention andtreatmentofdiseases. Moreover, several conditions are needed to develop novel drugs with higher efficacies and common side effects. Natural sources play important roles in the productionofdrugs. Surprisingly, some natural-based drugs are the only choicesfor preventingand treatingrelevant diseases. INTRODUCTION

  7. In addition, natural-based compounds especially plant isolated substances, are the mainimportant patternsforeffectivedrugdesignindrugdiscoverystudies. Several phytochemical compounds, especially alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids and flavonoids,havebeenusedformedicinalpurposes. Thesecompounds have beenisolatedfromtheimportantplantfamilies.For instance, Atropa, Scopolia, Duboisia, Datura, Hyoscyamus and Mandragora plants from Solanaceae family have anticholinergic alkaloids, Catharanthus plant from Apocynaceae family and Taxus plant from Taxaceae family have the anticancer alkaloids,ArtemisiaplantfromAsteraceaefamilycontains antimalarial sesuiterpene lactones, and Papaver plants from Papaveraceae family contains antinociceptiveandantitussivealkaloids.

  8. Moreover,fungiandmarinesourcescontainsomesimilarcompounds.The important plant-based drugs, occurring plants, structural formula, medicinal uses andmechanismsofaction. Thesenatural-baseddrugsshouldbeproducedcommerciallyusingrelevant medicinal plants cultivated or in nature. Hence, large amounts of the plants are neededtoextractandisolatethementionedcompoundsthatthreatenthe environmentandlivingorganismsinmostcases. Extraction of paclitaxel from the bark of Taxus brevifolia is one of the examples which is damage to the plant. Then, alternative methods should produce natural- baseddrugs,especiallyplant-derivedcompounds.

  9. The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE/PubMED, Scopus and Embase were searched. The risk of bias was assessed using Cochrane tool.Allof the themes stated belowwerereviewedintheselected publicationsfromtheabove-mentioneddatabases: Secondary metabolite production with at least two- foldhigherthanprimaryconditions Secondarymetaboliteproductionwithoptimised conditions Thecollectionofthebestplantspeciesforthe production of pharmaceutical, natural compounds Theselectionofthebestplantcelllines INCLUSIONCRITERIA

  10. AlldataforhighscaleMeta-analysisExpert’sproductionof secondary metabolites and five selected drugs were extracted and collectedfrompeer-reviewedoriginalarticlesthathavebeen obtainedfrom scientific journals. Moreover,datahave beenfilteredand removed theduplicate casesandarrangedusingRevMan®software.Thefinaldata Writing A Meta-analysis were coded, including the percentages of methods and effective methods. In addition to a number of cases, allmethods and outcomes have been calculatedbased on the obtaineddata,andallpatientshavebeenanalysed. META-ANALYSIS

  11. METHODSFORPRODUCTION In the study, four main methods for producing five highimportantplant-baseddrugs,including atropine,paclitaxel,vincristine,camptothecin and colchicine,havebeenselectedandevaluated. Themaintechniquesandplantsourcesforthe production of mentioned drugs. According tothe results, thefrequencyofcellsuspension,callus, hairy root and immobilised plant cell methods for producingthedrugswas30.79%,respectively.

  12. DISCUSSION Based on theClinicalMeta-Analysis Experts results, the efficacy values of more important methods for producing the plant-based drugs wereapproximately90%to100%. Many challenges have been made to optimise theproductionofplant-baseddrugsby alternative practices, but no extensive studies havebeendonetocontrol theefficacy of thesemethods.

  13. CONCLUSION Plant cell technology is an important strategy fortheproductionofplant-baseddrugs. Ithasseveraladvantagessuchashigh accuracy, repeatability, and productivity; this technology canbeusedinsteadof whole herbs. Thesemethodsshouldbeoptimisedand commercialisedforeachnaturalcompound

  14. ABOUTPUBRICA Pubrica's team of researchers and authors develop Scientific and medical researchpapersthatcanbeindispensabletoolstothepractitioner/authors. Pubricamedicalwritershelpyouwriteandedittheintroductionby introducing the reader to the shortcomings or empty spaces in the identified researchfield. Our experts know the structure that follows the broad topic, the problem, andbackgroundandadvancetoanarrow topic tostatethehypothesis.

  15. CONTACTUS UNITEDKINGDOM +441618186353 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL sales@pubrica.com

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